Help - How to set up network?

Hoping someone can help with some advice…

I have purchased a Netgear Modem router DGND3700 and a 2TB USB 3 Segate Expansion External Drive. I have the modem/router running connected to my Imac through ethernet cable and wireless to the rest of my devices. I have connected the external hard drive USB cable into the modem/router.

Problem: I want to access the External Hard Drive wirelessly from my devices (IMac, PS3, and PC). How do I do this?


  • I don't mean to be rude but have you read the manual? I had a quick look but that's what you will need to do. Most likely you will need to log into the router and possibly format the drive in there and turn on the DLNA server.

    • Yeah, Netgear doco is fairly good. AFAICT from a glance at the manual it's a Samba (Windows share) server so computers should have no problems using it as a network drive.

  • thanks for your comments - all sweet!

  • Ok - I am haveing a really annoying problem. I have set it up. It works sometimes and than it doesn't. I can watch my videos, listen to my music, look at photos through my PS3 as a wireless device, however, sometimes folders do show up and than they don't show up on the PS3. Annoying when I go to use it and it doesnt show the folder the media is stored in. Anyone had similiar problems?

    • The files are not in a format that the ps3 can read ie mkv.

      Its annoying the ps3 doesnt play or recognise the main format of video files, mostly die to copyright i beleive.

  • I don't think that is the problem. It does read the file types such as Avi, jpeg, mp3… the problem is that sometimes they disappear and I can't even see them let alone open the file. thanks for your comments though. Any further thoughts???

  • I think a dedicated NAS might be better suited to sharing files over your home network. Routers connected to USB hdd's are notoriously bad at doing this and I'm yet to see one that can do a passable job of it.

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