I've got around $1k for a setup and looking at getting into homebrew. I want semi decent beer and generally drink Pilsner, so that's what I mainly want to concentrate on brewing. I've had a look at some of the homebrew sites but, so much info on there. Is it worth going straight to grain brewing or starting with tins? Thanks PS I've never brewed before.
Best Homebrew Set up for $1000 and under

I was planning on something with better quality. I was looking at using a stainless steel fermenter and kegging but then I starting looking at the grain setups. Not sure if it's worth buying the grain setups or just sticking with the tins.
Quality step ups are;
Good yeast and temp control > All Grain > Fermenterie SS fermenter should be bottom of your priority list.
If you have the space, a second (and ideally secondhand) fridge with an Inkbird controller is a game changer in terms of quality IMHO (especially when combined with quality yeast).
If not, then just using a temperature tolerant yeast strain like Kviek is the next best thing.Try with an extract brew first, and see what you think of the results. The good part is these are cheap upgrades.
Kegging is more of a convenience than a quality thing, no need to wash bottles and can drink within a few days of fermentation completion.
Yeah I have the space and I was thinking of temp controlling. So is it worth out laying on a decent fermenter? I was looking at the Brewzilla 3.11 I think it was. I'm pretty committed to getting a keg setup if it makes my life easier and speeds up the process.
@Olin: I've had the Brewzilla for a few years. Really happy with it and still using my original $25 plastic fermenter but with a temp controller. Also have a kegerator with a three tap font. Was a bit over $1,000 for the setup. Each brew (22 litres) costs about $25-$30 depending on hops really.
@tonz1972: Sounds like you have a nice setup. Is it a lot of effort to brew from scratch? I like the idea of brewing it all myself, just if it's going to consume a whole day of work it's a little too much.
I brewed with the tin kits for many years but I just do the fresh wort kits these days. Super easy and the taste is pretty good imo. Yeah it cost more but still cheaper than buying beer.
So if you are just starting out maybe give that a try.I'll look into the fresh ones, thanks :)
generally drink Pilsner
Then temp controlled fermentation should be #1
Buy an old fridge off gumtree, plus a temperature controller for it.
Find one that fits whatever fermenter you want to use.
- a 30L blue water drum from bunnings will work fine, or
- go all out and buy a stainless one. Either a dedicated home brew one, or even something like an olive oil container works (eg https://theolivecentre.com/product/30l-olive-oil-storage-tan…)Then work out if you want to keg or bottle.
Then work out how much time and effort you want to put into brewing.
- Fresh wort kits are incredibly easy and 0 time effort. Think of it like buying the cake from the cheescake shop already
- All grain is like making it from scratch. A lot more time, effort and ingredients, but its cheaper, you have full contol over recipe etc, but requires you to buy all the ingredients and also buy the hardware required
- Tins, personally, I wouldnt bother. A fresh wort kit might cost a bit more but its also going to taste better.Thanks for the info. Maybe I'll start with a fresh wort and give it a crack with a simple plastic drum see how I go. I'll look into finding a free suitable fridge or something of low cost and temp control it.
Just avoid the Coopers tins, if you want decent beer. Pay extra for decent yeast. Most HB shops that carry Fresh wort kits keep them in temperature controlled environments.
Cheers mate, more info the better 👌
A lot of people get into homebrew, buy the the full setup, then realise it’s slippery slope having kegs at the house.
Most of this stuff ends up on eBay FB marketplace gumtree etc. I’d start with second hand items before you commit to the 1k brewery.As a HBer myself - @SBOB and @ESEMCE both gave terrific advice. You an have all the gear in the world but bad fundamentals will see your results undrinkable.
Cleanliness & temp control are critical - especially to the style you wish to primarily brew.
Sign up as a member at https://aussiehomebrewer.com/ - you regularly get entire setups sold off - they must be the most depreciated asset ever - so you can make huge savings on them - focus on learning, do a few basic brews first (as you'll learn best via those) - and DON'T feel compelled to 'keep up with the Jones' - brew what you like, how you like - triple IPAs and RISs should only be done if you like them. :-)
Kit or All Grain?
Kit you can get away with a saucepan and a plastic drum fermenter for less than $100.