"Do you even lift bro?" Well, after you lift, you will need to store your barbell and weights so that you can bench press too.
Let's face it, we all need to work off the KFC, pizzas, and Macca's deals…Image is everything!
After buying a set of dumbbells recently, eBay's browsing suggestions led me to this deal with a $10 store code. Not even sure how dumbbells are leading me to weightlifting stuff.
This seller does have multiple listings at various prices for the same product, but seems this one's the cheapest with code at $79.30. In fact, this seller seems to specialise in this equipment/style/product.
For anyone seriously considering getting into weightlifting, these weights are garbage.
They're standard instead of Olympic size, and pretty light, so will become useless incredibly quickly.
Best off to stick to used stuff on Marketplace and Gumtree.