Are these cost effective… Or are you better off shopping around?
Supercheap filter service kits
Filter service kits for air con is cost effective.
Filter service kits for Lambo is NOT cost effective anywhere….for Lambo
well considering this is not whirlpool i think its relatively safe to assume OP dont got a lambo
My lambo runs fine on parts from SCA
i guess when you got 69 lambos you can start negotiating slightly better rates hey
Must have allot of gaffa tape to get the parts to fit or silicon sealant.
Sometimes it’s cheaper, but the business put the kits together to be more convenient and probably include a bit of extra margin in where. it’ll likely be cheaper to hunt down individual parts yourself.
Time is money, so it may be "cost effective" for OP.
Do you mean the Ryco kits that SCA sells?
The SCA/Ryco kit for my Pajero Sport (or Triton Ute) is $85 for air, oil & fuel filter.
I buy the Sakura filter kit which includes a cabin filter as well off ebay. It was $65 in July. $51 last November. Sakura make good filters.
SCA is a rip off for filters, get them on sale at sparesbox if you can.
Oil filter for a Corolla for example
Sparesbox Ebay with free shipping $15.96, they currently have an extra 5% of this item so its $15.16 filter is $28 at SCA…I feel if i where to buy full price oil and filters from a big retailer id probably be better of sending it out for an oil change.
What exact one are you looking at and for what vehicle? Hard to comment without the details