Done for out of Rego. Reminder Came When Overseas

Hey all,

My brothers a tradie and was overseas a few weeks. Had a bit going on and his rego expired when he was away. Reminder would have sat in a pile of mail. Went back to work and got pulled over and hit with a stupid sized fine.

Has anyone successfully had these downgraded because it is very easy to get done now. The situation just seems pretty rough when it's pretty obvious that the vehicle is roadworthy.



  • +2

    I know someone who had the fine withdrawn. I forget how long it was overdue or whatever but short story was that they had some serious medical issues at the time and were in and out of hospital and it simply got forgotten about as they had more important things to worry about.

    Anyway, they got pulled over and paid the rego on the spot and then appealed the fine and it was withdrawn.

    Everyone always says no chance, don't bother, but appealing for leniency with a fine is normally a free and painless process, so always worth a shot.

    • You're in VIC. "Appealing" these finds lands you a Court date. Something more to the story if it was withdrawn.

  • -1

    I got done the other day in a company car that was out of rego for 2 days, on a Sunday, taking my kids to the park in my own (admittedly long) street. Vehicle is one year old and I've worked there 5 months. Offered to park it up and ring someone to get it renewed. No go. F the police.

    • +4

      I'd be handing the fine to your boss saying "I believe you need to pay this because you guys didn't pay the rego". Not your responsibility if you don't get the reminders and its a business car.

      F the police.

      They are just doing their job. Just because it is a company car doesn't matter. As the driver, you are technically responsible to check and know the registration status of the vehicle.

      • Number of times I've seen someone check Service NSW rego status on a company car before getting in? Zero. He thought I was a director because it's a top of the range vehicle.

        • +2

          Number of times I've seen someone check Service NSW rego status on a company car before getting in?

          I agree. But the law says, as a driver you are responsible for knowing the registration status.

          He thought I was a director because it's a top of the range vehicle.

          Must be a nice company car!

  • +1

    I’ll make a rego reminder sticker for you for $100.

  • +2

    Friend of mine had a similar situation and wrote a letter and was let off. I think if it’s your first time and you’re lucky they may see kindly to your circumstances.

    Good Luck

  • tfb?

  • +2

    I got done for something similar. Wrote a letter to the VicFines branch. Mentioned my reasonable driving history and no offences. They withdrew the fine and gave me a warning. Recommend giving it a go.

  • +1

    I have been in the same situation before, and successfully got out of the $800+ fine by writing a letter to fines VIC. At the time it seemed like a lot of money and quite punitive for paying rego a few days late, although i can understand now why it is enforced so strongly in vic (compulsory insurance, TAC etc)

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