Free World Peace before 2021 Bumper Sticker - $0.00

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So, these 2 kids have a goal of world peace before 2021.

They are giving away free bumper stickers, if you don't want to put it on your car, there are many other uses for it:

  • Stick it to the outside of a used toilet roll and give it to your kids to play with.
  • Put it on your forehead to look like a real hippy
  • Stick it to your 'hoon' mate's car, to impress the cops

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  • +2

    Oh, I was expecting a sticker of Ron Artest :(

    • +1

      with him elbowing an unsuspecting person in the side of the head!

  • +1

    Typo in title. Should be 2021.

    • Thanks, updated.

  • is it for outside the US?

    another use, stick over Axil mouth to prevent earaches

    • It seems like it, the country field is open.

  • So, these 2 kids have a goal of world peace before 2021 or some crap…

    not cool to post if your not into this kind of ideology

    • What? I am not against any kind of peace, but I just couldn't be bothered digging deeper into it, so I just posted it.

      Edited it out of OP.

      Lol what is up with the German Simpsons? I remember that episode!

      • I am, I demand the right of my Afghan brothers to participate in their annual cultural event known as Fighting Season.…

      • i couldnt find a english version haha

        • Lol, how did you manage to find the German one then?

        • for some reason, when I think of world peace, i think of that scene lol

  • +1

    Unfortunately some studies have suggested that this sort of (in)action only makes people feel like they have done something and inhibits real change.

    • Unfortunately, some studies are run by morons. Worth a crack isn't it? Good on them I say!

      • It sounds like a reasonable claim imo.

        You get this sticker, you put it somewhere, and you feel good about yourself. It has no effect on world peace (despite the idea being almost impossible)

        Just reminds me of Kony, overnight popularity - zero outcome

        • +1

          This is exactly the idea. People feel like they have done something and don't actually do something.

  • +1

    So do they also sell unicorns and dolphins and rainbows and candy buttercup flowers?

  • World peace cannot be achieved until I rule the world.

  • All they are saying is… give peace a chance.

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