Best Value and Effective Methods to Remove Pet Hair from Clothes?

I have a ragdoll and golden retriever which sheds a tornado storm worth of hair daily.

Whats the best value and effective method to remove the hairs from clothes? Is there a vacuum with head attachment i.e. Dyson that does it well? The lint rollers? The hair removal brush?


  • +1

    give the pet away (to me :). cheaper long term too

  • Im sure you can also use packing tape, apply and pull and repeat.

  • +2

    We use the sticky roller things from Costco or Woolies or wherever. Usually less than $10 for a 4 pack I think.

  • -1


  • +2

    Sticky roller from Ikea or anywhere else, they are all the same. Keep one in your car, in your desk at work, by your front door, by mirrors at home. So when you notice the hair on you you can get it off. I use it on my cat too and he loves it, but with a longhair you probably have to actually brush it.

  • Put clothes with hair on them in the dryer for a few minutes on low heat before you put them in the wash. A lot of the hair comes off and goes in the lint trap. And brush animals regularly like a few times a week, and put hair in the bin.

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