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Gozney Roccbox - Gas Only Pizza Oven $639.20 Delivered (20% off Roccbox and Accessories) @ Gozney


Gozney Roccbox : Black Friday 20% off the standard model (not signature). 20% off accessories too.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    eyyy tonyyyyyy italian hands (mandatory italian men kissing on cheek as greeting) we gonna make-a pizza?
    would buy if i had the space for it!

  • +4

    This or 127 Domino's pizzas ….?

    • +4


    • +10

      This. Even if it was 500 Dominos pizzas.

    • +8

      After getting a pizza oven and make your own dough, I wouldn't even have Domino pizza for free.

  • +5

    Honestly if you like cooking pizzas, searing steaks, anything in a cast iron pan.. get this. Had mine for 3 years and love it. Extremely portable, amazing quality.

    • How's it go for steaks? Never thought to use one for that.

      • Check Gozney or Ooni website for plenty of recipes.

      • +2

        Perfect. Ive done tomahawks in it (sous vide and then seared with searing hot cast iron pan and flame rolling over the top!). Also done standard rib eye and cooks great. I do a lot of terriyaki salmon fillets in there as well

  • +18

    Bought one to use as a mailbox.

  • Do these take a long time to heat up and be ready to use?

    • +4

      Not at all. Mine heats up in ~20 minutes (to 400 degrees).
      The biggest issue I have is how quickly pizza's are cooked. I struggle keeping up topping the dough while churning the cooked ones out. Even my adult boys can't eat them as quick a I cook them :)

      It's a great oven.

      P.S. Gozney or Ooni, both are good. I chose Gozney and haven't regretted it.

      • Agree. Gozney has better built quality and more consistent results.

        • Where's the room for inconsistency on the oven's side here?

          As in, sometimes you start it, full throttle, and it's 300 degrees instead of 400 after 20 mins? Or does it sometimes distribute heat to the side/back/front? Asking so I know what to look at when buying.

          • @pizzaguy: Heat retention. When your making multiple pizzas back to back the results can vary if your oven doesn’t retain heat very well.

            • @Just buy it: So are you saying that some ovens retain heat differenty on different occassions? Or are you saying some ovens don't retain heat well in general? I'm confused at your consistency comment.

              • +2

                @pizzaguy: Name does not seem to check out !!

              • @pizzaguy: Some ovens don’t retain heat on the stone as well in general compared to the Gozney. I had an ooni wood pellet fired oven once and it struggled to keep the stone hot enough after 2 or 3 pizzas. I am not sure about the gas versions but from what I have read they don’t retain the heat as well as the Roccbox.

          • +1

            @pizzaguy: Can't say for the other ovens, but the gozney thermometer is pretty accurate when its 400 Deg, what some ppl do is also buy an infrared thermometer to check your stone temp if you're wanting more accuracy. Personally mine takes about 30min to hit 400 but i usually don't hit full throttle.

  • Has anyone tried this one from Kegland? It's only $299 and reaches the same temp and runs gas?


    • No, but that one looks more like Ooni with removable stone. Much cheaper oven, but I'd personally go for Ooni when on special if Gozney price was the issue.

      Gozney's stone is very thick and non-removable. It is probably the most differentiating feature compared to others. It keeps heat extremely well. Takes hours to cool down after cooking for cleaning - that's how good it is.

    • I havent tried it this one but i went the Arrosto from Barbeques Galore because i couldnt justify Ooni or Gozney prices as a beginner. Arrosto is great so far and similar price (349 instore or 325ish if you have ebay plus). Figured it would be easier to return if something didnt work.

  • +1

    looks like the link is expired.. back to the original price

  • Bought the Ooni Koda 16 last week. How does it compared to the Roccbox?

    • I had the Arrosto for 3 month and bought Koda 16 for couple of month now. The bigger size is much more convenient to use and you don't tend to burn the edges as the smaller one. It is super quick to preheat. Can place large cast iron pans to cook more stuff eg steak, chicken, etc.
      I never tried the RB tho.
      How do you find the Koda 16?

    • From the Facebook group, most users say that if you're making a few pizzas its ok, but if you've got a bigger crowd, then the consistent temp of the gozney makes all the difference - mainly if you're going to to Neapolitan cause you need that high temp. Build quality on these are very good, its a really good price and you'll hardly use the wood attachment anyway.

  • How do these compare with using pizza stone in hooded bbq?

    • Way better

    • Bbq with a stone is bottom heat, these are top heat
      Cooking temperature and style is completely different

      Bbq with a stone is better than nothing, but not the same as a dedicated pizza oven like these

  • Thanks OP! Xmas gift for the wife, she's been wanting one for a while and I've been waiting for a sale. Got the dual fuel and a turning peel.

    • +1

      im not sure if its the same but in the box it shows:

      Professional grade pizza peel (worth $89)

      You might be able to cancel the peel?

      • +1

        He said bought turning peel not launching peel..

      • Yep the turning peel just makes turning the pizza a bit easier, to cook all sides. The peel it brings is used more for putting pizza in/taking pizza out.

  • Thanks OP - been eyeing this for a while.
    Edit- used the referral code, thanks Nathan!

    • what else did you buy to reach over $700?

      • +1

        I went turning peel, annoying the cover is OOS

      • The turning peel and the server.
        Also annoyed the cover isn’t available :(

  • This or the Ooni Koda?

    • KODA 12, they all do the same thing.

    • +1

      With this $639 price, definitely this. It also include quality perforated peel, 5 yr warranty. So hardly any difference bet Koda 12.

    • The RB also has a thermometer build in

      • Not a big deal tho, you need to check stone temp with IR regardless. The main difference is 19mm vs 10mm thick stone and much better insulation, and rolling flame directed up.

        • Ok, what do you want the stone temp to be at ideally? Any other tips on how to use it? I've just ordered mine.

          • +1

            @Hurz22: I have Koda 16 and member of both Ooni and Gozney group. Apparently the inbuilt thermo in the RB, measure the temp just under the stone. What you want to achieve is saturated heat through the entire stone as well as right temp for stone top. As a good starting point, heat the oven on high (some say for 25-30min) or till you reach stone top temp of ~420c in middle, then lower flame to lowest to achieve saturated heat through entire stone (for say 3 min). Then launch your home made pizza. After 20 sec or so, rotate the pizza every 15 sec. This should get you nice leopard effect cooked crust and crunchy not soggy bottom.

            Download pizzApp+ or Ooni app for recipe. Start with N x 250gm ball size, 60-65% hydration, 3% salt, >24hr cold fermentation and say 6hr room fermentation. The 6 hours would be 2hr before placing in fridge and 4 hrs after taking out of fridge. Ball just before placing in the fridge. When fermenting place in air tight containers. Put fine semolina under ball when stretching and on the peel. Build pizza quick, if slow it will stick on the peel. Do not overload pizza with lots of toppings of wet ingredients. Before launching make sure the pizza can slid on the peel. Enjoy..

            • @huntabargain: Thanks mate, that's really helpful - can't wait to try it!

  • +1

    What accessories do you guys recommend to hit the $700?

    • +1

      Turning peel is really good, cover is useful if you leave it outside but I just put mine back in the box. I don't have a dough scraper yet so I would recommend that too. A thermometer is useful to have, but I plan on getting one on Amazon for about half the price. And the pizza rocker if you don't have a pizza wheel at home.

  • I pressume it's 12" not a 16" ???

  • -2

    Ripppp offfffffffffffff. This one is less than a third of the price and cooks pizza just well. If you buy one of these you have more money than sense.

    (For the avoidance of all doubt - the above is purely facetious and based on typical OzBargain big-brain thinking for any product where there is a cheaper item available.)

    • +1

      Rubbish. One is pellet fired and the roccbox is gas fired. Sure both make pizza but I am sure the roccbox is much easier to manage and maintain heat. The experience using the roccbox is worth the extra you pay.

      • Did you read what I wrote in parenthesis at the time I posted the comment?

    • +2

      Its pellet only, not worth it unless you go camping. Involve lots of work to keep fire going while making pizza, cooking, turning, etc. Also less control over flame intensity and you don't get any flavour in the pizza anyway.

      • Yes.

    • -1

      Lots of amazon reviews suggesting it doesn't get hot enough. Only one review on bunnos is a big red flag.

      You should do some diligence before trying to call someone out.

      • You should do some diligence before trying to call someone out.

        You should learn to read and/or comprehend before angry typing, just saying.

  • I was about to pull the trigger and noticed these does anyone have any feedback thanks in advance


    • +1

      If money not an issue, invest in a RB.

      • Also there is a large online community that can give advice using a roccbox.

    • Here's a good review on the pizza ovens and compariosns - https://www.techgearlab.com/reviews/kitchen/pizza-oven/gozne…
      It's all about how hot they get and the heat retention

    • I have the BBQ Galore oven and it has been great. The RB is a nicer oven but at twice the price (on sale) that is hard to justify when the pizza outcomes will be nearly identical. One thing is that there are no purpose built carrying cases for the Arrosto where as the Kodi or RB do have them. So if you want to move it around a lot then that is something to consider.

  • +1


  • +1

    In before the "my $15 Kmart rice cooker works the same" crowd. Oh wait! This is not a rice cooker!

  • Anyone used an Aldi / Jumbuck wood fire Pizza oven, and compared?

    Bought one for $149, but havent assembled yet, so dont know the shortcomings (but still have 30 days to return).

    Looks like the heat comes from below, but surely a flue internally that directs heat across the top. Central flue worried me (thinking it should be at the front).

    Friends have a proper concrete wood pizza oven (so know the concept..amazing pizza), but that was $3k..not my budget.

    • Aldi / Jumbuck oven will end up either on marketplace after one use or in landfill.

    • +2

      Mate of mine has Jumbuck and he uses it all the time. He cooks pizza's, bread, sausages, etc.
      It takes bit of work and time getting the oven fired up and ready, but pizza's I tasted were good. Bit of work also required to maintain the temperature (adjusting flue, adding/distributing fuel) and the door has to be closed.

      I watched him cook, and my Roccbox was much easier and quicker to use. I make Napolitan style pizza and that's what it's really good at. I'm am being subjective here, but my pizza's looked and tasted way better. I could not see any improvement in flavour/taste from his wood fired oven, so decided not to add the wood fire attachment for my Roccbox.

      If you only make pizza's occasionally and don't mind messing with fire, then Aldi/Jumbuck would do fine. If you do it regularly, I'd invest in Ooni or Roccbox (or similar). This is just personal opinion, not trying to convince anyone to burn their hard earned $$$. There are plenty of good reviews out there by people who have used different ovens, and the one in here always stands out.

  • damn I'm having buyers remorse of last weeks' ooni koda deal… this thing looks brilliant

    • +1

      I wouldn't worry too much about it. Ooni is great oven as well.
      You now better concentrate your energy in making great pizza dough. I normally do Gozney's overnight recipe, but for last minute decision, used 8 HR recipe, and results were pretty much identical.
      I've mainly been experimenting with the amount of dry yeast I use, and still have some room for improvement :)

      • +1

        Download either ooni app or pizzapp+, they are brilliant, just enter how many balls, ball weight, cold time/temp, room time/temp, hydration % and it spit out everything for you.
        Pizzapp+ has more options like wastage %, Biga, Poolish, etc.. but ooni one is simple enough.
        BTW which flour are you using and where do you source it?

        • Thanks for the tip regarding the apps. I think I'll try pizzapp+ as it's got clean UI and just the options I need. I like the fact that both apps can adjust room temp as I noticed my pizza's in colder winter period did not always rise as I wanted. With yeast calculator, I should be able to get more consistent results without using home oven to maintain the fermentation temp :)

          I've seen your previous comment, and I must say, I never tried proofing my dough in the fridge. I always leave mine at room temp (as per Gozney recipe). Great tip regarding working quickly - as I've made mistake with one of the batches which where sticking like crazy as I pre-made them all.

          I use basic all purpose flour (from Costco), but might try using Caputo 00 Flour Pizzeria next time to compare.

          • @WalterBiH: I hope that this will give you better result and taste. For longer fermentation and higher hydration you will need a strong flour with high protein and high W index. (I found 65% is the sweet spot). You might get away using general purpose flour with lower hydration and short fermentation recipe but it won't stretch as much. I could not source Caputo strong flour from local shops, so have used Lighthouse Bread And Pizza Plain Flour and Il Molino Pizza Flour from supermarket.
            I am not in Costco, but heard they have good pizza flour 5kg for I think $18.
            The best / strongest flour is Caputo Cuoco Tipo 00 Flour Red with High protein level (13%) and high W index. I might try this shop in the link to try the Caputo from Leichhardt, as its about 25min drive to them.

  • Sat on the fence too long 😥

  • It's back in stock for fence sitters :)

  • Ooni having 20% off for the entire range for BF sale, received an email. When you add to cart and go to check out, it applies the discount.

  • Just seen this on their website: We have sold out for the Holidays, but will bring this offer back Feb 1st

    • will see if it is same RRP price and same 20% discount or are they going to increase the retail price as they did with the Dome (additional $500)?

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