DeLonghi Dedica Manual Coffee Machine EC685BK $199.20 Pick up / + Delivery @The Good Guys
An OzB caffeine favourite, use CashRewards for a further 10% off until midnight 09/11!! FRENZY code until midnight 10/11
DeLonghi Dedica Manual Coffee Machine EC685BK $199.20 Pick up / + Delivery @The Good Guys
An OzB caffeine favourite, use CashRewards for a further 10% off until midnight 09/11!! FRENZY code until midnight 10/11
I’ll wait and see if people actually receive their items before feeling bad
My order went though then defaulted to error.
No funds garnished from my account , so looks like it was fail for me.
This looks good for second place
they use StarTrack I received the $9 profit Coffee Machine yesterday. And my quadruple stacked order shipped today with a total of 86% off.
Ordered with 40% and 10% discount from delonghi site. got it delivered today. Final price was around $150 for dedica metallics.
Really happy with my 785 Dedica but it's my first machine coming from an Aeropress. Got it in the package deal with toaster and kettle for ~$270. Depending on how you price those it's around $150 for the Dedica so not too upset I missed the 40% triple stack. But a little upset …
@Juice08: Did you manage to get the Milk frother working ? I followed this but finding it hard to get frothy milk which is not too watery.
Not sure if I placing the rubber band in correct place.
@Anonymous101: I do flat white on soy but seems to froth well when the wand is on the wrong setting. I think milk might be harder to get good froth.
I bought the dedica arte edition from their 40% sale ( not the last sale, the one a few days prior). The machine was delivered to me in a few days! I bought it for $198.
Got the Dedica Arte with triple-stack hack ($329 down to $106). Delivered yesterday, was pretty stoked the order wasn't cancelled. Respect to Delonghi for honouring.
I’m quite sure more than 87 percent of them are going to receive their items.
I still consider this a deal though.
Don't think I could buy one of these nowadays. It'd just remind me I didn't buy it whilst stacking multiple 40% off codes :/
How cheap did they get with stacked codes? I missed out, but happy with $179 after cash rewards, need a new machine regardless…
2 40% off code and 1 10% off code so totally 68% off RRP
Delonghi rewards you with a $9 bug bounty + free coffee machine and saved thousands on people abusing the code stacking on the high end machine :)
@OZcheepsk8: I don't even drink coffee, so I won't even want to spend hundreds for a heavily discounted high-end machine
Yep, will need to wait till the next time the codes stacked!!! Maybe eternal ??
they've fixed this loophole, no longer works
Delonghi is going to go down in ozbargain folklore
I have a love hate relationship with my Dedica. You need to get the gadgets like a non pressurised basket and dosing ring etc to get something decent from it. I can't get real espresso, I mean it's close enough but I'm tempted to get something better.
Does a great luongo. You cannot stream milk. It is terrible.
Yeah I spent $250 to buy a Breville smart grinder pro, $25 for a bottomless portafilter, $10 for a 1 cup basket, $16 for a WDT tool, $20 for a ODC distributor/tamper. Luckily I bought the Dedica for $123 from ALDI. I can get reasonably good milk foam from the steam wand though although I usually just use the milk frother came with my old Nespresso machine.
Edit: I don’t have a dosing ring as I just stir slowly and carefully with the WDT tool.
Yep.. My steam wand exploded (the wand explodes every time I steam) so probably should do the mod.
@Cheapsize I assume you've removed the fat panarello attachment and you're steaming with the rubber inner bit? Try putting an elastic band (or cable tie) around the top of the rubber thingo. Hasn't fallen off for me since doing that :)
@wtfnodeal are you my brother from another mother? I have the exact same grinder, machine (also from aldi) and mods and agree it works great to get decent coffee out. I recently bought a dosing funnel add on though and think it's a great as it means I can be a bit more liberal with the WDT. Would recommend!
What beans do you use? I am on Aldi Brazil and the inner burr grind setting is 2, on-screen grind setting is 5. 1 cup basket with 8 grams of coffee puck brewed for 13 seconds. Not getting the perfect 1:2 ratio (I think mine is 1:3.5?) but I like the taste of it so I will settle on it.
@wtfnodeal: I use the exact same beans!! Probably one of the most consistent, no fuss and decent tasting beans out there especially for less than 20 bucks a kilo!
I will need to double check but I think the inner burr setting is on a 3?
Single basket = 11g in with lcd (outer) grind setting 6. I have programmed my single shot button to stop once 25g of coffee comes out and this usually takes about 25 seconds.
For double basket, I have 18g with outer grind setting = 10. 36g out in usually about 35 seconds
I use ESE pods from Makes a decent enough latte, better than most of the takeaways in the 'burbs.
Not bad little machines. You can upgrade the portafilter to handle non pressurised baskets and also upgrade the steam wand to a rancilio model to enhance.
Otherwise just spend heaps more and get a dual boiler :)
Is this the one that was offering free toaster and kettle a few weeks back?
yes but that one came with a tamper in the box and this black one does not.
Quite sure most people wanted one would have already bought one directly from Delonghi with 40% off or more not long ago.