This was posted 12 years 8 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

JB Hi-Fi 20% OFF DVD/Blu-Ray/Games


Beginning Wednesday 27/6 (tomorrow morning at time of posting) JB are again running their 20% off the marked prices of DVD and Bluray, extending this time to all Games software as well, including the 2 for $40 and Buy 2 Get 1 Free ranges. Does not include pre-orders.

Also thanks to user cal89 for adding the following:
"Also includes selected gaming accessories this time. AFAIK it's 20% of all PS3 and Vita accessories as well as 20% off all Turtle Beach and Razer gear."

Notable gaming bargains I noticed quickly looking on the website include (apologies if I stuffed up any pricing):

2 for $40 range - $32
A heap of decent games in this range - can be found here:

Diablo 3 - $63.20
Batman Arkham City - $23.20
Sims 3 PC - $27.60
Sims 3 Expansion Packs - $15.20
Saints Row the Third - $27.20

Batman Arkham City - $31.20
Forza Motorsport 4 - $31.20
Fifa 12 - $35.20
Saints Row the Third - $37.60
Ninja Gaiden 3 - $39.20
Sonic Generations - $23.20 (2 for $40)
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - $23.20

Among many others as it obviously applies to the entire range.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +1

    Does it include music Blu-ray discs?

    • Not entirely sure sorry. Usually they only include it when it is 20% off CDs but I did notice the guys today putting the flyers around the music sections which usually doesn't happen. So yeah may or may not, will find out in the morning.

      • Yeah I've noticed that in past music Blu-ray sometimes are not included, hopefully it will be is a few I want to get :)

  • +2

    This will go great with the 2 for $20 Bluray deal.
    Thank you for the heads up.…

  • +3

    Also includes selected gaming accessories this time. AFAIK it's 20% of all PS3 and Vita accessories as well as 20% off all Turtle Beach and Razer gear.

  • +1

    Is this in-store only or online as well? I'm about 300km from my nearest JB, but I'd love to spend my moneyz.

  • +3

    It's working online right now.

    • +1

      Yep just got some blu-rays

    • For DVD/Blu anyway.

      • Not on games yet.

        Are PSN cards available online?

      • +1

        Are all the blu rays updated? i hope not, studio ghibli blu rays are still over $30 ea :(

  • We're sure games are included? I hope those prices aren't the already discounted prices…

    • Nope, same prices as yesterday. It'll probably update later tonight.

  • Where is this deal posted? i cant seem to find it on the site

    • +3

      Won't be up till tomorrow morning when the sale officially starts, stores were putting up all the signage before close of business today. Or as someone else posted it has already started in some areas of the site.

      • Thanks, Hope for come great gaming deals :D
        do you know when this ends?

        • +1

          Last day is Sunday :)

        • thanks

  • Anyone know if PSN cards are available online at JB?

    • I think you can redeem gift cards for them using jbs gift card thing
      but not available to buy ?

  • Not working with the buy one, get one free promotion on Blu-rays. :(

    • +1

      tis for me…..

    • Yes it is.
      Add 2 from the 2 for $20 range , then check your cart, the additional 20% off is applied.

    • +1

      it works

  • +4

    I really wish the JB website would stop being so anal about showing detailed pricing info on the website and just show the original price and discounts applied. I also dunno why they're so worried about their prices being scraped - can't think of any other store on the whole of the internet that has put as much effort into obscuring pricing info as JB.

    • +4

      As they say, when you can't beat 'em, confuse 'em

    • And while they're at it, could they stop with the surcharge on Amex cards?

    • Anda having a look at the image url it wouldn't be hard to scrape it anyway

  • Does it include PS Vita games?

  • Meh still cheaper at amazon uk, and Zavvi!!

  • +2

    Two Disney Pixar Blu Rays for $24.00 delivered. $12.00 each for Toy Story, Monsters Inc, Cars, Wall-E etc - I doubt even Amazon, TheHut or Zavvi could beat that price:…

  • +3

    JB, you've done it again.
    Empty my wallet that is..

  • +1

    Nice prices, but going to sit this one out :P Seems like you could get all the toy stories for under $40

  • The prices for games have still not had a discount applied to them online. Are games maybe only on special in-store? It'd be great if someone could check out a store for us and let us know for sure on here.

    • Yeh noticed that too. Some prices don't show any discount - Batman Arkham City, 2 for $40 (which should come down to $32) etc.

    • they werent showing up for me either - hit refresh and it should come good

      • Seems better yes. Some still seem a little odd? Forza4 for example was $39 yesterday…now it's $37.51 ? Price jacking ?

      • Ah yep, they're up now!

  • Spiderman trilogy is $15.98.

  • +1

    Diablo 3 is awesome.

  • what about psn store cards? does 20% applies to them too?

    • unfortuantely not. :(

      "excludes: skylander toys, import games, gaming cards and consoles"

      • …import games

        Aw shit, thats probably the game I was looking at getting.

      • +1

        "skylanders toys"

        The most evil form of DLC…

  • +1

    doesn't seem to be updating in my cart.

    Edit: Did all the online prices just revert back?

    • +1

      Yes… yes they did.

      • Damn. They nearly had my money too.

        • +1

          2 for $40 are updating correctly in the cart now. Others still to be fixed it seems.

        • Alright, I think they're back? lol

  • All the 18.56 games are showing up as 16 individually if you add them to your cart.

  • finally can find cheaper diablo 3 although big w had it for $58 last time. then realised i have $15 jb hifi gift card so this is gonna be the good deal for me

  • +3

    little trick i found put 2 for 40 in your cart then take out the one you dont want and bam 1 for $16

    • Don't need to take one out, I just put Bullet Storm LE in and it went from $23 to $16.

    • sneaky… i like it

      • +2

        That trick doesn't work for me.

  • Went to physical store and got a two for $40 bundle for $32…. had some titles in store that weren't on the web, but then again they had signs saying the 2 for $40 only applied if the sticker was on the box….. anyhoo…. the web site is definitely having some issues. I wanted a copy of Forza 4, and before the sale it was $39, and this morning it hadn't changed… but now it's dropped… to $37.51…. which is not quite 20% by my rough calculations. Maybe I'll just wait for Horizon to come out. I swear that they've bumped up the cost of the xbox wheel as well, and no discount is being applied to that when I add it to a cart….. ah… same thing when adding in a rechargeable battery…. maybe it's the "selected accessories" fine print…. dang….

  • For some reason and have not changed price. They were that price yesterday.

  • i can confirm the games price are not changed/hiked up. i just came back from their physical store with a your fitness evolved 2012. the Forza 4 is still $39 and you can get 20% off. it is the game i want, but changed my mind at last second (already own g27+GT5…)

    • Thanks. Went into a different JB HiFi and they had it in stock - so got it for $31.20…. granted when Horizon comes out it will probably go lower, but what the hey.

      • It's not about money, I just don't have time. I sold the forza3 with my old Xbox.

    • How much was fitness evolved 2012 if you don't mind me asking? Thanks!

      • $23.2, I immediately cancelled my order from zavvi as soon as I got back to the office

  • +2

    gravity rush under $40 seems like a good buy for ps vita player.

  • -1

    JBHIFI has the worst website…
    Batman Begins for $10 (or 2 for $20)

    • Agreed, they do have a horrible website, but at least they have the games I wanted in stock and free delivery unlike my local store…

  • +1

    Hey fellas,
    Interested in the Spiderman Box Set. There are two of them… for $15.98… for $19.19

    The more expensive one has a SPECIAL FEATURES section, but the $15.98 one comes with a comic book.
    Or is there any other differences in the actual material thats on the disks ?

    Which one would you recommend ?

    • The more expensive one comes in individual cases, the other has all discs in one case

      • Ok, thanks. Easy choice.
        Save money, save space

      • The newer version loses out on some extra features, but GAINS uncompressed audio for the first and second movies.

  • +1

    Wow, thanks OPS.
    Red Dead Redemption and Mass Effect 2 for $32.

    • +1

      Thanks too. Got PS3 Red Dead Redemption and Assassin Creed 2 GOTY for $32.

      • Also thanking OP. I got RDR and AC2 as well. Wanted GTAIV but every store near me was sold out.

  • After adding to cart, some titles have the 20% applied in the shopping cart… some don't.

  • +1

    Games are a bit ordinary (3ds games still seem bloody expensive)
    Blurays are a steal though, beats Zavvi / Amazon handily

    • I guess they use their RRP then put the 20% on it. All I want is 3ds games but they're all so pricey, it's better just using thehut for 3ds at the moment.

  • Blu-ray/DVD prices seem to have reverted - I bought Chronicle blu-ray for ~$28 and Community S1 & S2 for $16 each, now they're back at full price. This is despite the e-mail I just got from JB today saying the 20% off lasts until Sunday…

  • Hmmm… It must include pre-orders.

    Just pre-ordered (granted the release is tomorrow) the PC version of the Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and it showed up at a nifty $55.20 instead of the usual $69.


  • +1

    I just went in store and the Jurassic Park Blurays are stickered up 2 for $20,
    they arnt meant to be, but they are in store.

    • +1

      yeah saw same at my local

      • Same at my local - came home to order them online as I have PayPal credit I wanted to use and they are not available on the same offer online. So back to the store I go!

  • Cannot order the Spiderman Box Set with discount

    Tried adding 2 form the 2 for $20 range, discoutn applied.

    Tried SPiderman along with them, no discount on Spiderman.

    Dodgy JBHiFi

    • +2

      website buggy, tried different browser (firefox) add discount shows

      • Tried IE, FF, Chrome…

        add discount shows

        Is there a button to 'add discount' ?
        Shouldn't it be calculated automatically ?

      • How very interesting. o_O
        Just as you said, the discounts are applied on firefox but not on Chrome.

        I almost raged for a moment there, thinking the prices went back.

        But last night when I bought the 'Avatar extended version' blu ray, the cashier ringed 19.99, without the 20% discount.
        I'm heading over there later to get my money back.

        • +1

          Went to the local Civic store, they have the same problem, if you buy something from the 2 for $20/$30 range then further discounts do not get applied.

          Went back in store after having another look at the receipt, the cashier was really rude in returning the money.

          BTW seems like in store they have a bigger selection on the 2 for $20 range

        • They managed to screw up my final price at the checkout too. I corrected the clerk before I paid LOL.

  • +2

    Wanted to score a cheap/used copy of Burnout Paradise for PS3 so was looking around.

    Noticed that Big W have certain titles at 2 for $38, starting in store today.

    So Batman: Arkham Asylum for PS3 would be $19. Much better price than the 20% off at JB

  • +1

    Yeah, I think people buying games should check with Target/Big W/Kmart's big toy sale first before buying. Prices might be cheaper.

    Lost my copy of littlebigplanet 2 and Target is selling it at $25 compared to JB's already discounted $31.

  • Not anything to do with the 20% off, but I did view the trade in offer on Digital SLR's from clicking on this and bought a $7.48 disposable camera to get the Nikon D3100 at $493 ($100 off). Nobody can get near that price for AU stock and 2 year Warranty. That is closer to the grey import price. Great deal but ends today if you are looking at something similar.

  • I managed to get 3 music DVDs for $16 which I think is a good price. I used the "buy 2 get 1 free" stickered promo(selected stock), less 20% of $20 equals $16 equals WIN!

  • They screwed up the prices on me. But only by 80c.

    Purchased 4 items. Total less 20% $44.78
    Online price. $43.98

    I think because one of the items was stickered $20.99 less 20% $16.79 where as the online price was $15.99 making the 80c difference. I just assumed the instore prices were the same as the online prices.

    • Seems to be the case Instore prices for the most part the same as online prices but not always. Purchased music blu-ray today. 20% off. Online $17.59 In Store $13.59.

  • got myself dragon age ultimate edition and splatterhouse for $32. thanks! didn't know that dragon age ultimate edition is included in 2 for $40 deal

  • +3

    Am i the only one who after adding two 2 for $40 games into their basket get told the total is $46.40 ($29 each less 20% disc = $23.20 x 2)? Website doesn't seem to apply 2 for $40 deal only 20% off RRP of $29.

  • 3 music dvds for $12.78 delivered!

  • +1

    The two games for $40 doesn't work anymore online, nor does the 20% discount. It looks like it ended on Saturday, even-though it said Sunday?

    • still works in store

    • Their website is pretty much going haywire. B1G1F on Blu Ray is advertised, but not working. Prices on search screens are completely different to the prices on individual product pages and the prices showing in the basket ie $10 items come up as $12 in cart. I was going to buy a few items online tonight before the sale ends because titles were out of stock in store, but looks like that won't happen now…..

  • When does the 20% offer end, what time?

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