This was posted 2 years 3 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Glitz 5L Dishwashing Liquid for $11.90 @ Bunnings


Appears to be nation wide. Been using this for years, usually sells for $18.90. Just bought myself 15L worth of the stuff.

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Bunnings Warehouse
Bunnings Warehouse

closed Comments

  • Awesome OP. Got 2.

  • +1

    Sunlight 5l also $12 at bigw, in this week's catalogue

    • +1

      I've used Sunlight for years but am wondering what's the comparison like to Glitz.

  • Just bought 10L morning fresh from Amazon deal posted here. Good deal though.

  • +7

    Just in time for mother's day

    • … next year.

    • That's what you think of your mother , dishwashing liquid !

      • At least he's not thinking of lingerie

  • +9

    $2/L isn't what I'd consider a good deal given that you can get dish soap cheaper than that any day of the week at the supermarket…. In fact I can't think of a single chemical at Bunnings that isn't wildly overpriced. Some gems are their "cleaning" vinegar and iso-alcohol in tiny little bottles 4x the price of the same item in a different aisle…

    • Checked it out and you're correct $1.2/L at coles for cheapest dish soap and can buy 1L at a time

      • I used colesworth dish soap for $1/L for years. Performing very well.

        • +4

          No they doesnt perform well. The aldi one is heaps better.
          Why do always people comment 'i use the much cheaper one and is just as good' no it aint. Some products are just better

          • +2


            No they doesnt perform well. The aldi one is heaps better.

            Yep, valid comment. ++

          • @nikoris: I'm sure you've done a valid, non-biased, facts-supported comparison.

          • +1

            @nikoris: Aldi powersoak one shits on most of them tbh

        • +1

          If your single the coles one is perfect..

          If you have kids aldi one… last longer…


          I prefer………..

          Rinse…….. what doesnt kill you make you stronger

        • Coles $2 delivery nuff said.

        • +2

          Earth Choice Dishwash Liquid 1 Litre - usually $2/L or cheaper at ChemistWarehouse.

          Used to be standard $2/L at Coles and Woolies, but they both jacked it up to $2.35 to try and milk more money out of us :(

    • +6

      You know, some products cost more than others because they’re better, right?

    • $2.38 actually. Haven't checked in a while but I think Aldi is about $1.99/L.

  • +5

    I don't fully understand these bulk bottles of non-concentrated dishwashing liquid. Isn't it more logical to buy 5x 1L Coles, Woolworths or Aldi brand bottles of non-concentrated dishwashing liquid @ $1.20 each = $6 then pay $11.90 for essentially the same quality and amount of dishwashing liquid?

    Regarding the environmental impact, it's about the same amount of plastic…. Sure the 5L bottles can be re-purposed more so then the 1L squirty bottles but not everyone will do that so….

      • +1

        That's all well and good; but I'm not referring to needing a pump, I'm referring to the cost per litre comparison. Why pay $2.38 p/litre when you can pay $1.20 p/litre?
        I can however understand buying 1x 5L Bottle + pump (As per your suggestion) and then buying 1L bottles to top it up when required, as you're essentially paying for the 5L bottle + liquid

    • +1

      Actually there is a considerable difference in the quantity of plastic required to make 5 * 1l bottles compared with 1 * 5l container. Based on estimated average dimensions for a cylindrical bottle, the total surface area for the bottles is approximately. 0.278 square metres. Assuming a cubic container for the 5l, this would require only 0.06 square metres. A considerable saving.

      This is in addition to considerable savings in shipping weights and material quantity required for shipping containers. Cubic bottles pack much more efficiently.

      So for environmental benefit, larger packs overwhelmingly win out.

  • +7

    Havent tried this personally. But nothing compares to Tandil Ultra from aldi.

    That stuff just works cutting grease.

    Anyone tried both and can comment?

    • +2

      Wanted to ask the same question. I do find tandoori to be the best but I haven’t tried this one.

      • +5

        find tandoori to be the best

        Really ? Which tandoori. Who made it

        • +11

          How tf did my iphone autocorrect Tandil to tandoori lol

      • Dawn 4x concentrate, Morning fresh, and this Gltz are all pretty good.
        Earth is OK but not so great.
        Tandil regular ($1 per bottle) was almost useless to get rid of grease. Have never used Tandil Ultra unfortuantely.

    • +1

      i only use it on greasy stuff. then i use the ultra cheap stuff from woolies for normal dishes. it also takes it easier on your hands.

    • Never seen that at Aldi!? The ones in my cupboard say Unimat.

  • +1

    Earth 1L is normally $1.98 au Chemist Warehouse and cheaper when in sale. How does Earth compare to this one?

  • +2

    Bought 2 for the wife

    • 2 wife?

      • +7

        No, she has 2 hands

        • Sounds like she can handle more than just the one of you

  • Morning Fresh vs this - any comments? I generally go for Earth concentrate or Morning Fresh.

    • +2

      Morning fresh then everything else then Earth.

      • +1

        Morning Fresh irritates my hands and I don't like wearing gloves. Coles/Palmolive/other brands are OK, I change it up.

    • +1

      Tandil from aldi is the best imo, the soap lasts longer on the sponge

  • Palmolive when its 1/2 price is the way to go. Costs a little more, works a lot better.

  • bought a whole heap of glitz products, glass cleaner, spray wipe, shower spray etc when moving into our new apartment the other week. Thoroughly impressed by their stuff I have to say.

  • +1

    otherwise take your dishes in basket and chain it and throw in the surf at the beach over night. Let the sea do the magic. We all live by the sea at Australia. Let the nature take care of us all.. Why these chemicals… sea waves, sand, some organic water formations… let the mother nature help us all!

    • +4

      I dare someone to do this at Bondi,

      • Do it at Gunnamatta and lets talk.

  • -1

    I decided to grab a 5lt bottle while i was there grabbing a few other things yesterday and have to say, it is leaps ahead of the clean & green Morning Fresh shit that Greta Thumbdrive (god that judgemental zygote annoys me) types probably love, i bought that last time and have had to use so much of it i reckon these dolphin must be very clean by now…ridiculous stuff

    It gets through grease like butter (not my best analogy)

    Also for those "i can get the homebrand stuff form Coles for $1", yes you can, but you'll use 5x the amount which makes your theory the worst cost/benefit case on this page

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