Went to Epping Plaza in Melbourne & found Best & Less had twin packs (2 pairs) of Explorer socks for only $6. They only had Blue with the Australian flag on them and had the sizes 6-10 & 11-14 but there was plenty still there. I'm not sure if it's at this store only because there is nothing on their website.
Holeproof Explorer socks twin pack (2 pairs) only $6 at Best and Less Epping Melbourne

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These, plus a can of Scotchguard, and you have all-seasons footwear.
Do they come in black? I can wear them to work.
Twin pack..so that's like 2 socks right?
Meaning 4 individual socks, 2 pairs for $6. I think…
but look at the photo, i can't see 4 socks in one packet!
It says 2-pack in the small light blue circle, unless that's Tupac. Maybe rap socks?
It's 2 pairs of socks so it works out to only $3 a pair.
Put it this way: Two people could both have warm feet at the same time if they bought this deal. Unless they're amputees, and even then, I'd imagine they'd put they other sock on their prosthetic for aesthetics.
These are the best socks I have ever owned.
I last bought a few fairs about 12 years ago. Still good, so I won't need this deal. Hope the quality hasn't gone to shite as is the trend these days.
how do you get rid of those small wooly thing that sticks to your sock?
I assume you are talking about "pilling" http://www.wisegeek.com/what-causes-fabric-pilling.htm. There are combs and even electric shavers that can be bought quite cheaply from Spotlight/Lincraft etc or even in supermarkets. See Eezy Comb and Lint Remover Battery Operated here. In a pinch you can even use a light sandpaper to rub them off.
Are these socks too 'fat' for wearing in formal work shoes? I don't want to get sweaty in these
Unless ur shoes are a bit loose I'd advise against wearing em in ur work shoes or formal.. They'd be great for steel caps
there is no air flow so you'll sweat at 1st sign of heat. use them only at home.
Can anyone confirm sydney stores?
I wear these with my steel cap boots, but i wouldn't wear these in formal work shoes unless they're 2 sizes too big for you.
I have about 20 pairs of these (standard work issue socks). Best feeling when they're brand new, good but not great after a few washes :(
Have you tried washing them in wool wash?
only melbourne? what about sydney!?
Hopefully these aren't rejects like the ones I got at the Reject Shop last year http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/48453. They had "GO AUSSIE GO" knitted into the side, but both socks had the logo on the left side only, so when you wore them both were facing one side and blank to the other.
Correction to my post above, the old logos were both on the right side, and so are these Aussie Flag versions. They look a bit silly if you are wearing shorts, but they are great quality socks otherwise and will keep you warm. It looks like Holeproof did a batch of Aussie promo socks and they screwed up. The Reject shop deal was almost 1 year ago to the day, I suspect they are getting rid of them in batches, I look forward to next year's flawed design :)
Got my explorers on right now.
These socks are the best for keeping out cold, mountaineering etc.
Very thick - dual layer.
Have ben using them for 10 years, don't have problems with washing them - use a front loader with warm water and don't combine with a fleece or anything that would snag.
I pay about 4 times that price and still think they're good value.Woolies has them 2 pairs for $11 a couple of times a year. They're all hubby will wear, so that's when we stock up
if only no oz flag. makes me think of people w the southern cross tatts
these are confirmed awesome socks. very thick. probably almost too thick to wear with shoes, but they are great for keeping yr feet warm in the winter. I have VB ones.
Are these the ones that you wear instead of shoes?