• expired

Get a Large Cabana for $50 Delivered (Yellow Gingham Only, Worth $249) When You Buy 6 Bottles of Yellow Tail Wines @ CoolCabanas


I just got a great deal for Summer:

  1. Buy 6 x bottles of Yellow Tail wine (any 750ml varieties) in one transaction from a participating venue1 and keep the receipt.
  2. Scan the deal on the bottle (small attached label) to take you to yellowtailcabana.com.au and submit your details and proof of purchase.
  3. The promo company will send you a code once they confirm your purchase details (took 2 days) and a link to the CoolCabana site.
  4. Submit the code at checkout and get your cabana for $50 delivered (instead of $249!)

Great reviews so I ordered 2 for Christmas (2 x separate purchases). Cheers!
14/11/22-Just a heads up that my 2 x Cabana's were delivered by Australia Post today. I am one very happy person!

  1. Terms & Conditions

    How to Claim:

    To claim a gift, the claimant must complete the following steps during the Promotional Period:

    1. purchase 6 bottles of 750ml Yellowtail wine in one (1) transaction from any store in Australia displaying advertising for this Promotion (including their online store) ("Participating Venues"); and
    2. visit yellowtailcabana.com.au, follow the prompts to the Promotion claim form page; and fully complete and submit the online claim form with their personal details (first name, last name, date of birth, email address, mobile number, full address and state/territory of residence) and upload a scanned copy/photo of their receipt for the qualifying transactions.

    Claims permitted: Limit one (1) claim permitted per household.

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[yellow tail]
[yellow tail]

closed Comments

  • +4

    CLOSED - Promotion has ended.

    There are a large number of Yellow Tail drinkers enjoying their Summer in the sun under a CoolCabana! Given the overwhelming response to this promotion, the promotion has now ended. Fear not if you have already entered your code will be issued and honoured.

    • +2

      wow impressive work
      "ends 28/2/23"

    • +3

      don't know why companies do promotions like this, to create buzz and more sales, and more brand exposure, then pull it and disappoint people and end up worse off - sack the marketing people I say :)

      • +9

        This is unacceptable. It does not say "limited stock" or "until sold out". Conversely, it states the number of this gift is "unlimited". After reading through the T&C it does not state ANYWHERE there were 'stock limitations'. I will be making a complaint tomorrow to the ACCC for false and misleading advertising.

  • +8

    This is unacceptable. It does not say "limited stock" or "until sold out". Conversely, it states the number of this gift is "unlimited". After reading through the T&C it does not state ANYWHERE there were 'stock limitations'. I will be making a complaint tomorrow to the ACCC for false and misleading advertising.

    • +1

      I've asked if they'll still honour my claim since I got the wine hours after the promotion ended. If not, might go down this road too.

      • Who did you speak to? I sent an email to both yellowtail and coolcabanas. Cool cabanas replied and basically said the promotion was still going (They had no idea about the promotion ending). When I mentioned the above, they did not reply.

        I then called yellowtail and I am awaiting a response. The lady on the phone said it is defiantly still going until next year and she had no idea it said promotion ended.

        I will wait for a call back and keep you posted. Reading the T&C's it clearly states the number of the gift is "unlimited" and it does not state anywhere there are only a certain amount of them available. There are NO limitations stated on stock other than 1 per household.

        I am very familiar with the law so I will keep you posted of the outcome. They really need to fix this asap.

    • +1

      Please let us know the outcome

      • -1

        Who did you speak to? I sent an email to both yellowtail and coolcabanas. Cool cabanas replied and basically said the promotion was still going (They had no idea about the promotion ending). When I mentioned the above, they did not reply.

        I then called yellowtail and I am awaiting a response. The lady on the phone said it is defiantly still going until next year and she had no idea it said promotion ended.

        I will wait for a call back and keep you posted. Reading the T&C's it clearly states the number of the gift is "unlimited" and it does not state anywhere there are only a certain amount of them available. There are NO limitations stated on stock other than 1 per household.

        I am very familiar with the law so I will keep you posted of the outcome. They really need to fix this asap.

      • +1

        I finally got a response from yellowtail stating "I can assure you that the promotion was terminated legally as per the terms and condition of the promotion." Although I asked several questions they were still unable to answer them. It is also unfair that it was previously "free shipping over $50". On the day the introduced the 2 new colours, what a surprise that Cool Cabana changed the shipping costs to free shipping over $80, yet again disadvantaging the consumer. I have lodged a complaint to ACCC and they take around 15 days to reply. I would really encourage you to lodge a complaint with the ACCC so yellowtail and Cool Cabana are held accountable. I will keep you informed of any outcomes but I know the more complaints the ACCC have then the more likely they are to do something about it as they generally need lots of complaints.

        • How did the complaint go?

  • +1

    What happens if you submitted your receipt before this closed and are just waiting for the code?

    • +1

      Fear not if you have already entered your code will be issued and honoured.

      • See to me that's hard to interpret. I've sent in my receipt. No code entering event has occured.

        • +1

          code takes a few days to receive, and they are quite helpful on the phone.

          I think as long as you've submitted your receipt you're fine.

          • @impoze: Have been phoning all morning and there's no one answering. Just goes to some machine…

            • @turna: "CLOSED - Promotion has ended." …maybe they closed the phone line too

              • +1

                @Arch9896: Finally got through. I think there's too many people calling. Said they would send out the code shortly.

                • @turna: where did you call? TIA

                  • +1

                    @CatFran: Just the number mentioned in the comments 0293576477.

                    • @turna: thanks

                      • @CatFran: did u get the code at the end? they removed the page to upload the invoice.
                        They still have this on the contact us page

                        Due to high levels of redemption, the team at CoolCabanas are working on getting more inventory uploaded to the site - your code will remain valid until the end of the promotion (28/03). We recommend that you check back in 4-5 days.

  • Have the code, but no stock!

    • +1

      someone mentioned more stock by 25th

  • +2

    I ordered 6 bottles at BSW click and collect, i think i should cancel the order now

    • Yep

    • Can you cancel BWS orders?

  • I ordered on bws yesterday morning, immediately submitted, and got my code this morning

  • Still no stock!

    • +3

      It has been a time consuming day with little return for a black friday. 80% of my time has been dedicated to:

      MyCars 50% off tyres
      The restock of yellow cool cabanas…

      • +2

        Since they have the % off other stuff for black friday if you buy a Cabana my bet is they will be in stock as soon as sale is over.

  • Just a heads up if you have yet to purchase. I received my CC bill this morning and the damn thing was charged in $HK incurring a $1.70 transaction fee. Needless to say I would have used 28 degrees had I known that. I cant see anything on the site that says it would be charged as an OS transaction.

    • I can't confirm this. Purchased on 14 Nov and was charged 50 AUD, could not see any international transaction fee.

      • My purchase was 18 November and I was charged as above

  • SO disappointed I missed out on this, as I'd get great use out of the Cabana, and I am an avid drinker of the Yellow Tails. I bought a case on Black Friday!!

    (If anyone in Perth has a change of heart about their cabana purchase, feel free to contact me.)

    • u should call them 0293576477

  • +5

    Restock has been delayed. We are currently expecting to restock Large Yellow Gingham by 2/12.

  • +1

    I bought 6 bottles on Friday night from BWS, still unopened… Might take them back and swap for beer.

  • +1

    Restock changed from 2/12 to email when in stock. FFS I hope they honour the codes and get stock in. I have a feeling that no stock will be available for some time.

    • Still says 2/12 for me. You sure you're not clicking the second link?

  • Just got this response from the facebook chat: "We hope to restock these items in the next week. We are waiting for Yellow Tail to confirm all eligible customers and codes so as soon as that is ready the stock will be released. They were behind due to higher demand and we appreciate your patience with them. All customers are being treated equally and we think this will be available shortly. Thanks."

    • +1

      add on - no they are not going to email you when stock is available:

      "That's up to you. We have advised you the latest update is a restock in the next week or less. Feel free to check back in a few days and no we don't contact customers nor do we have their details as we are not running the promotion. As soon as the codes are verified we will release the stock. Thank you."

  • New update on the YellowTail page:

    We are currently out of stock in Yellow Gingham and are working with Yellow Tail to find a suitable solution with an expanded colour range. For any inquiries regarding this promotion please reach out to: [email protected]

    • All I care about is am I gonna get this for my Xmas trip away. Wasn't expecting this level of delays with two "estimated restock days" being over the last 2 weeks and still nothing.

    • expanded colour range could be interesting!

  • New update on the CoolCabanas YellowTail page, you can submit your email address: "Sign up here to be notified when your code will be available for use."

  • +1

    There is stock of two new colours, but I have not been able to get my code to apply, stating it wont work with sale items.

  • Code applied but charging $17.5 for postage.. $67.5 total..is that right?

    • I spoke with Chris and he advised if you send your invoice, they will refund the shipping

      [email protected]

      • Thanks, I've requested refund too.

  • +7

    Ok kind of annoying. After patiently waiting for stock to come back (which it has now, with 2 horrible colours instead of the fun yellow), they have now suddenly changed their whole website shipping policy from "free shipping for orders $50 or more" to "free shipping for orders $80 or more". This means you cannot get this cabana shipped for free without paying an additional $17.50 in shipping (whereas previously, these were being shipped for free). They literally changed that shipping policy today on the website because at one point, the website had both $50 and $80 free shipping.

    The terms and conditions on the promo site merely says customer must handle any shipping costs. Did that change as well? Was anyone able to get a screenshot of the full terms and conditions when the original yellow cabanas were still in stock?

    • I downloaded the T&C on 11/11.

      it does say "The claimant must pay for all shipping and delivery costs."

      • +4


        So before, the shipping cost was $0.

        Then when demand was higher than they expected, and they (Yellow Tail, Cool Cabanas, and the promo company managing this) underestimated how much demand there was, and original yellow stock ran out, they are now pulling a bait and switch with the shipping costs.

        CoolCabanas has been free shipping for $50 for the longest time. They only updated the website today. So frustrating. And not a good look for them.

      • +1

        It also says, "Get a large coolcobana for only $50". How is this statement true, if they are now charging for shipping?

        I've got a wayback machine snapshot showing it had free shipping in November: https://web.archive.org/web/20221105131151/https://coolcaban…

        • emailed Chris and he advised if you send your invoice, they will refund the shipping
          [email protected]

    • +1

      I finally got a response from yellowtail stating "I can assure you that the promotion was terminated legally as per the terms and condition of the promotion." Although I asked several questions they were still unable to answer them. It is also unfair that it was previously "free shipping over $50". On the day the introduced the 2 new colours, what a surprise that Cool Cabana changed the shipping costs to free shipping over $80, yet again disadvantaging the consumer. I have lodged a complaint to ACCC and they take around 15 days to reply. I would really encourage you to lodge a complaint with the ACCC so yellowtail and Cool Cabana are held accountable. I will keep you informed of any outcomes but I know the more complaints the ACCC have then the more likely they are to do something about it as they generally need lots of complaints.

  • So now we are stuck with 2 horrible colours because they ran out of stock.

    • +1

      I actually think blue is better than yellow :)
      Ask if someone here wants to swap with you

  • I would add the grass kit to get free post but they are out of stock

    • +1

      Grass kit is $25 so still under $80

      They've calculated it exactly

      • +1

        I really do wonder what they were thinking with this promotion. Seems terribly thought out.

      • emailed Chris and he advised if you send your invoice, they will refund the shipping
        [email protected]

        • Sent an email as advised a week ago. No response.

    • I ended up getting the beach mat. Hate paying postage, but ended up spending more than I planned! The mat does look useful though

  • I clicked on the link given in voucher email - now it displays a different cabana (not in yellow color) - does it mean we can use the code to claim it for $50? I also see the shipping is free for $80 value or above. So not sure what are they doing now

    • emailed Chris and he advised if you send your invoice, they will refund the shipping
      [email protected]

  • Yellowtail has turned into bluetail …

    • Does it mean we can get it?

      • +1

        Yes, but only the new colour options, and pay shipping

        • Correct. Turns out to be $67.5 instead of $50.

  • I’ve ordered a blue with strips one with shipping. Let me know if anyone would like to swap with me as I prefer the yellow one ☺️☺️

    • Are you in Sydney?

  • is there anyone being charged the international transaction fee?

  • +7

    So after taking a leisurely 14 days to provide the voucher code, and in the meantime running out of stock of the yellow (preferred), and having to endure another 14 day or so wait for restocking, they've jacked the free shipping threshold and I'm now having to pay another $17.50 for a non-preferred colour.

    Wow. What a scam!

    Really feels like someone has stuck a cabana up my yellow tail.

    • +2

      emailed Chris and he advised if you send your invoice, they will refund the shipping
      [email protected]

    • Did you/anyone else email Chris from the comment below about refunding the shipping costs?

  • Got the blue with stripes.
    If anyone with the yellow would like to swap let me know.
    Melbourne eastern suburbs

  • +2

    Same, got the blue and paid the freight. Gave up. Not worth the arguments. Before the next lot sell out…

  • +1

    I also ordered a blue with stripes cabana (one of the two alternative colors), however, the Australia Post tracking number is showing "pending" 4th day straight. Has anyone actuality received the alternative colors cabana? This whole promotion appears to be so pourly managed…

    • I'm in same boat, tracking still pending. Horrific promotion management.

      • I reached out to CoolCabanas support and this is what I've got:

        We are reaching out to keep you in the loop. We've had a record number of orders over the last week, this combined with wider delays in the AusPost system means that there's a delay in having orders received in by AusPost.

        Rest assured, your order has been packed and is with AusPost, however there will be a slight delay as it moves through their system. Our current expectation is that tracking will begin to update on your order this week or early next week at the latest. From there, delivery should be soon or mid to late next week at the latest for most non-rural locations, excluding Perth. Some orders will deliver this week.

        Delays in updating tracking details by AusPost at this time of year is not uncommon, in the lead up to previous Christmas’s around 20-30% of our orders are often not scanned until the actual day of delivery and then again once delivered. To improve the delivery process at this time of year we’ve found that it's best to pack orders directly into AusPost cages by State at our warehouse so they can be easily and directly transferred onto AusPost trucks heading to those States. This saves the need to unpack each cage locally so items can be sorted by State only to then be repacked back into a cage going to the appropriate State, accordingly the first 2-3 scans is skipped and the first scan should show arrived at your local hub, then out for delivery which is often the same day.


        Thank you for your patience in this incredibly busy period! We are working around the clock to have your order in your hands ASAP.


  • +4

    I ordered one (with shipping), but have sent them several emails querying that there was no possible way to 'get a cabana for $50', which is misleading, and a breach of ACL.
    If they double down, I'll submit an ACCC report (and have stated clearly that's what will occur).
    It's annoying to have to do, but companies shouldn't try this on with customers and be able to get away with it.

    • I finally got a response from yellowtail stating "I can assure you that the promotion was terminated legally as per the terms and condition of the promotion." Although I asked several questions they were still unable to answer them. It is also unfair that it was previously "free shipping over $50". On the day the introduced the 2 new colours, what a surprise that Cool Cabana changed the shipping costs to free shipping over $80, yet again disadvantaging the consumer. I have lodged a complaint to ACCC and they take around 15 days to reply. I would really encourage you to lodge a complaint with the ACCC so yellowtail and Cool Cabana are held accountable. I will keep you informed of any outcomes but I know the more complaints the ACCC have then the more likely they are to do something about it as they generally need lots of complaints.

  • If anyone purchased one and no longer wants theirs, happy to buy it off them. I'm in Melbourne 🙂

  • +1

    has anyone tried to DIY their own grass kit yet?

    I measured the sand spike and it's 20x20mm.

    thinking something like this would work? https://www.bunnings.com.au/metal-mate-19-x-19-x-1-2mm-1m-al…

    can't seem to find what the X profile is called

    • Thanks for this. I haven’t started this project but intend to. Will update once I get started.

      It’s more like a star picket than the tube but narrower than a typical star picket.

      • Yeah, it's just what i've found so far.

        Picket looks close, will have to see if bunnings has smaller ones

        • Ive got the cabana and the genuine grass kit. Want me to check/measure anything?

          • @AaronR: That would be great actually. Maybe the length?

          • @AaronR: @AaronR yes please

            • +2

              @impoze: Measured with digital calipers. The stake itself is a 20.3mm square.. but the plastic "head" where it connects into the cabana is a roughly 21.6mm x 21.6mm square.

              Stake is 285mm in length total. Staking/pointy bit is 30mm in length.

              For reference, the pegs are 4.7mm diameter, 200mm length and have a nice little spike on the end.

              Also comes in a lovely bag.

              • @AaronR: awesome, thanks

                • +2

                  @impoze: Maybe this could work if you grind off the connector - https://www.tentworld.com.au/buy-sale/supa-peg-hurricane-ang…

                  Also available at Snowys, but they say they're 25mm for some reason - https://www.snowys.com.au/angle-iron-tent-pegs

                  • @AaronR: My only thoughts are that the official ones are currently only $25. You're up like $2.50 or something plus grinding off the connector, going to Bunnings etc.


                    • +1

                      @turna: 100% agree - that’s why I bought the official one :-D

                      Just trying to help out those that didn’t.

                      Also, official is out of stock so if you want it for Christmas you need an alternative.

                      • @AaronR: The grass kit, does it come with a menu? I want to find out how to fix it and what can be used as an alternative.

                        • @Arch9896: No manual. The stake just slides in the middle pole like the normal sand stake does.

                    • +1

                      @turna: why would you be up $2.50,

                      you only need one of these supa-pegs which AaronR linked, the rest are just tent pegs.

                      • @impoze: Oh right I thought you needed four for each corner? I'm yet to even set mine up yet! Contemplating getting the "shipping" refunded.

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