This was posted 12 years 8 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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The World at War: The Ultimate Restored Edition 2010 [9 BR Discs] - $42.31 Delivered - Amazon UK


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Sounds like a great series (9.6/10 IMDB), might have to watch it myself for once!


Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

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  • +2

    I bought this last year for my father for christmas and he loved it . Very much deserves the 9.6 IMDB rateing .

    • I have always preferred the original (remastered or otherwise) documentaries, they are so much more informative than ones made these days, in general ofcorse, there are still standouts.

  • +1

    Isn't this series from the 70s? If so then it would only be at 576i so BD would be pointless (except for less discs).

    • 70s, yes. 576i and pointless BD, I am unsure, sorry. I guess it depends what "Digitally restored and remastered" means.

    • +1

      Not necessarily. If the series was filmed on film (70's, probably) and the "remaster" used that film stock to re-capture the footage in HD then it's possible this is a true HD remaster.

      However, if they just ran the old VHS tapes through a VCR and recorded them on to a computer and post process upscaled them then yes, complete waste of time/money. Only way to be sure is to read reviews and tech details of the remaster.

      (I'm oversimplifying the process to illustrate a point, I hope some A/V nerd doesn't rip me a new one)

    • Short video about how they restored/remastered it

      • Thanks for that mate, really interesting.

  • +1

    Best ww2 doco ever

  • Brilliant series with some amazing interviews with historical figures.

  • Definitely best WW2 doco out there.

    It was on recently late at night on free to air as a series. I missed a few and now I can watch it all in order.

    Terrific doco, very accurate.

  • Note the reviews - they have fiddled the aspect ratio from 4:3 to 16:9.
    Deal breaker for me…

  • They have made a 4:3 fit ona 16:9 screen, chopping off top and bottom of frame….not for me!

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