Simply fill in the form for a free sample of the new Purina Fancy Feast Royale Broth cat food.
Fancy Feast Royale Broth Cat Food Sample

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My pusscats say thank you
As do mine..meeeow:)
i think this is the first time ive ever seen free cat food.
Don't forget the free magazine haha
"Thank you for ordering your free sample. Your free copy of feline magazine and Fancy Feast Royale Broth sample is on its way to you and should arrive within 28 days."also you can still get the free cat or dog food and free toys and book.! Just ordered a few for a number of mates too ;)
I got that in the mail today! It came with a thin A5 sized magazine and 40 grams of that cat food mentioned. It also came with a feedback form with a reply paid envelope. One of the questions was 'what topics do you want covered in the next issue'? I answered 'I want to see a keyboard cat article'
I don't even have a cat but I want it because it's freeeee! OzBargain what have you done to me…
Thanks, my dog will love this.
do you know if it works on goldfish too?
Wow, cat broth. How fancy!