Free Postage Label promotion expires 30 November 2022.
Seems to only apply to those that don't have an eBay "store subscription"
a good way to get rid of / sell your unwanted possessions
Free Postage Label promotion expires 30 November 2022.
Seems to only apply to those that don't have an eBay "store subscription"
a good way to get rid of / sell your unwanted possessions
In the last 2 minutes I just hit "sell similar" on 200 items, and bulk edited the titles to "askjdbakdad" then listed, managed to get about 600 listings added.. will be fun editing them all lol
same. though not to this extent :p
oops how quickly your finger … I only did 10 …
Ebay website can do a lot more than ebay app
The real MVP
I'd link you my ebay but probably not a good idea.. Don't want ebay finding out somehow and voiding them on me..
Just when you think eBay might not be all that bad, they pull these shenanigans…
Got an email from eBay at 11:29AM today, saying that they had changed the terms of the $1 FVF promo in November to be ending at 12PM 17th November. So barely 30 minutes notification.
Did everyone get this email or was I just especially hated by eBay?
Same here, just took some photos earlier ready to list some more items tonight too!
Tonight? Too late for this offer
It's to do with the current 15% off Zip promotion, they want to prevent people from listing items for $1 FVF fee and then buying it with the Zip Pay promotion to make a profit.
I got that too, and rushed to list something I was planning to take my time with.
But then I found this link, which worked.
So a few free/cheap listings still available, just shipping not included
thank you for that.
but if i make a new listing with 10 in stock I'll only pay $0 for the first three, right?
Dear User,
Our records indicate that you have RSVP’d for the $1 Variable Fee promotion. Please be advised that, in accordance with the promotion terms & conditions, we have varied the terms, and the promotion will now be ending effective 12:00pm AEDT Thursday 17 November 2022. Listings created between the date of RSVP and 12pm AEDT Thursday 17 November 2022 will still receive the benefit of the discounted Variable Fee until the listing renews, whether by auto-renewal or because the listing is “Good ‘Till Cancelled”. After this, standard fees will apply.
No action is required on your part. We apologise for any inconvenience.
As always, thanks for selling at eBay.
The eBay Team
Sucks that they pulled the promo on such short notice.
Should have been at least until the end of the day.
Oh well. I got a few more listings in before the cut-off
Sounds like a higher up manager pulled the offer ASAP.
Typical stingy eBay. They want maximum profits over the Christmas selling period
The fact it was originally set to run for two months leading up to Christmas was pretty crazy
I can understand why they'd want to kill it off early. The short notice was the worst part imo
We got the memo the first time
I didn't scroll up far enough to see the email copy-pasted earlier.
That's ok. We can't all be smart. How boring would that be?
Rotten company. Was going to list something tonight
would changing price of active listings be ok?
I've done it before in other promos and it still applies
Lucky I listed something a few days ago. Can't believe they'd just pull it.
Already I nearly got caught out by the fact that I listed a piece of luggage, which isn't eligible for the free shipping.
Managed to list 5 items very quickly in the 10 minutes before it was pulled. Kicking myself for being so lazy thinking I'd list everything some time before 31 December.
It was too good to last
Argh that sucks
wonder if changing quanity would void?
Nope, I've done it all the time.
I just created a bunch of copy listings and set all qty to 0
FFS literally posting something right now, the one and only time I wanted to sell something on ebay
eBay you F uckers
Will have to change my strategy up to just putting up my high value items now - I was gonna get to them eventually but now I'm limited to the current 600 listings and 30 days. I'm just glad I was at my computer when we got the email.
Yeah same, except I only managed to add and extra 12 sell similars in between morning drop offs via the app.
Have to go for the highest value sales now. Given the rug pull there's a good chance we won't see this again for a while.
Yep. I think it might be related to the zip promotion though which went live today, maybe theres an issue with them both running together?
goddamit, was just preparing mega multiple listings for huge record collection … pricks !
We having 44 day left for listing things & was just given 33 minutes notice. So none my items now apart of this promotion, very angry!
Anything already listed is still part of the promo, up until the listing gets renewed. Then it becomes ineligle.
Yes I have not ended & made new listings as had so long to do so.
evilBay more like it.
What.. not 12 o'clock midnight?
Why do I always procrastinate? lost the opportunity :(
can we complain to regulatory body? this sounds ridiculous.
Complain about what? The T&C's literally says "eBay reserves the right to cancel or extend the promotion at any time"
But alamodey wants CoMpEnSaTiOn
Shower of bastards.
Classic eBay tbh.
Hopefully they continue to run some seller promos though, there was a drought for a while when they first introduced managed payments.
Wait what so they revoked the offer just like that even though it originally stated until the end of December?
That is messed up only just saw the email which was sent like half an hour before pulling the plug. That is a new low even for eBay.
Pretty scummy behavior from ebay, so more or less onbrand for them. They clearly had some threshold they needed to reach, and as soon as they got 1c above it they pulled the plug.
Next time it might be smart to list a bunch of fake listings early on, and just revise them as needed
they probably ended the promo early because they weren't making enough profit to pay their ATO tax bill………….
Or their staff lunch scheduled for midday today had been prebooked with Deliveroo
Does anyone know if I can revise my listing (change units available) and still keep the promo on any item sold on the listing?
Even if item goes out of stock (but still active listing)?
Yes. Well at least for me it still works
No action is required on your part. We apologise for any inconvenience.
No action required from us. Except the action of rushing our listings onto ebay because you bloody only gave us 30 mins notice, you bloody ebay bastards.
And they wonder why no one joins ebay plus when this is the crap they pull.
I am a bit worried that the record of this promotion has disappeared from my "previous promotions"
Might be 'fun' trying to explain this to eBay chat automatons without any record, if (when?) the promo fails to automatically apply
I do have the message stating that I had RSVP-ed for the promo but no actual record of it now.
Should still have the eBay message of the promo. Also can confirm that listings before the offer was pulled do work fine still.
So once listing auto renews, you will be charged standard fee even if it’s sold before 31st Dec expiry?
Promo is over once the original listing ends.
I manually relisted the item before 12PM on 17 Nov. The item was sold yesterday and I noticed the full final value fee was still being charged. Has anyone experienced such issue?
I think promo is only eligible for newly listed item not re-list.
My bad, just saw people mentioned about this issue previously. :(
You can select Sell Similar but eBay promos don't apply if you select relist. You can hop on eBay help chat and see if they can sort it out as a one-off but be prepared to fight tooth and nail for it unless you're lawyered up.
Does anyone know if I had a listed an item before 12pm on the cutoff date and changed the quantity of an item from 1 to 2 and then sold both items would I be charged a final value fee?
That's fine you can change the quantity I did that myself after they pulled the offer early.
No worries bud.
Anyone know if this promo will come back after cyber Monday?
Does anyone know if I can edit an item to a different category that was listed before the cut off time and still keep the promo?
Yes I can confirm it works.
Mine didn't work when I changed the listing, I got the regular rate charged, not sure what went wrong if anyone else can do it successfully : (
ebaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy you idiots