Proper crunchy; big bits, little bits and everything in-between. Freshly roasted and lovingly squashed at Pic's Peanut Butter World in sunny Nelson, NZ. 100% pure and natural plant-based protein source. it's just Hi Oleic peanuts and sea salt - no weird stuff.
½ Price Pic's Really Good Peanut Butter Varieties 380g $3.75 @ Coles

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Was at this place in Nelson about 2 years ago, walked out after seeing crazy pricing on everything - a jar of this for $16.50NZD (or thereabouts)
Glad I can get this in another country across the sea for a 77% discount!I reckon Pic's used to be better when they only used Kingaroy peanuts. But I've also gotten into Mayver's dark roast, and unfortunately Pic's doesn't have any dark roasted options
IMHO Pics still tastes better than Mayver's, but Pics is too dry and a PITA to spread when you get about half way through.
Does it include the chocolate range?
Remember when this was made from 100% Aussie peanuts and they proudly parroted all over the label? Now it's supplemented with peanuts from other countries. Sad. And they still charge the premium price.
Now it seems only Bega is putting out 100% Aussie peanut butter for supermarket brands.
Bega it is then right?
No longer my go to peanut butter. It gets really dry halfway. I think because they are no longer using Australian peanuts. Has anyone tried fixx and fogg peanut butter crunchy from woolies? A recently got their 700gm bottle. The peanuts are from Argentina I think but the taste is good and doesn't get too dry if you flip the bottle occasionally.
Why you'd buy this over an Australian made product like Mayvers and be assured of the quality and where the raw ingredients are sourced is beyond me.
The ingredients could be grown in land with led, who knows how's they're processed.
I'd understand if it was $1 a jar.
Interestingly, Woolworth will have another NZ made Peanut Butter "Fix & Fogg" on half price from Wednesday as well.
Anyone tried this one and compared to PIC's?No I haven't tried it but would like to know what it like (the Super Crunchy one)
I've made my way through most of a jar of F&F super crunchy over the past few weeks. I'm not really a peanut butter expert, but I'd say it compares favourably to Pic's.
One negative thing about F&F is that there's something weird about the thread on my jar , and the lid never really secures tightly. I'll think the jar is closed, and when I come back to it later I'll find the lid is just kind of sitting loosely on top (I tried a Pic's lid on the F&F jar, same result; F&F lid on a Pic's jar closes fine). I definitely wouldn't trust it enough to store upside-down.
Thanks for the info although a bit of a worry about the lid
Great OP have been waiting for the Pic's