• expired

35% off Alfalfa King Timothy Hay 4.5kg $77.99 + Delivery ($0 SYD C&C/ with $200 Order) @ Peek-a-Paw


EXP: 2024-05-01

All the expiry dates show on the product page. Peekapaw is the Australian 1st website which could show expiry date of every stocked item.

All Deals at competitive prices, just like

Sydney Metro: $5 (order value $50-$199.99), $0 (order value $200+), for everything
Canberra | Gosford | Newcastle | Wollongong: $8 (order value $50-$299.99), $0 (order value $300+), for everything
Everywhere in Australia: Free Delivery on Orders $200+ and MUST ONLY include free-shipping-range products(can be found on the product page), otherwise real-time rate by the third-party app.

FYI, if shipping is not friendly for your locations, you're welcome to take our prices to do price match with other big stores, like petbarn, petcircle.

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closed Comments

  • $20 shipping a bag of hay to Melbourne?

    • +2

      Yes, the cubic weight is about 10kg and our rate is about $9+0.9/kg. However, we offer free shipping on orders $200+ for this brand. To be honest, the most profit margin would pay for the shipping cost but we're trying to create a bigger customer base instead of making more money. Thanks for your understanding.

  • $77.99 for a bag of hay? Go to your local produce store and pick up a whole bale for 1/4 of this price. No deal!

    • +2

      Yes, we try to beat prices of the same product from the other stores, instead of comparing different products with similar category, which is meaningless. Just like a mobile phone, it could be $100 or $2000, but a latest IPhone at $1000 is definitely a deal even though it's much more expensive than most of the other brands.

    • +4

      There are many different types of hay and they have different nutritional value.

      Eg, baby guinea pigs are completely fine eating hay high in calcium (like alfalfa). But adult guinea pigs will die.

      Timothy and orchard grass hay are very low in calcium so are great for them.

    • +2

      Ignorant keyboard warrior is ignorant.

      Depending on where you live in Australia, most of the bulk hay sold in produce stores are vetch, oaten, clover, wheaten or lucern. Prices can be up to $250 per 600kg bale ($0.42/kg)

      Timothy hay is not grown in Australia and the closest grass-based hay you can get is teff hay - but it doesn't have the sweetness of Timothy hay. Timothy hay is usually around the $25-30/kg mark at retail.

      • Ignorant keyboard warrior is ignorant.

        Timothy hay is not grown in Australia and the closest grass-based hay you can get is teff hay - but it doesn't have the sweetness of Timothy hay. Timothy hay is usually around the $25-30/kg mark at retail.


        This appears to contradict pretty much everything that you wrote about Timothy hay..

    • Timothy hay is the most expensive hay and best quality. But the price is still too expensive. Example, https://www.peekapaw.com.au/products/burgess-excel-rabbit-nu… This one is $43.92 after 20% off, but I normally buy this $32.

      • The link is to rabbit food palette instead of timothy hay. Please share a link if you can find another store cheaper than Peekapaw. Thanks a lot.

        • I gave another example. I looked at your price for all products for rabbits (because I have 2 rabbits), I normally buy from PetCircle, the price there is cheaper. And PetCircle has more products for small animals.

          Plus PetCircle will have free delivery for $29+ order in my area. $49+ for other areas.

          • @Taron: Do you mean the 2kg or 4kg bag at $32? If it's 4kg, please share a link and we'll remove all the listings of this brand if confirmed. Thank you

            • @Allen Chen: Yes, I meant 4kg, I normally bought it at $32. Do you want to see the order details screenshots? I can prove that.

              But I thought you can adjust the price if confirmed. But you said you'll remove listing if confirmed. It wouldn't help anything for me ;)

              And this is just one example, I can't show all lower prices for you, you can probably compare yourself with petcircle website, it's not really my job to do that. But I'm happy to share my invoice/order details to prove that I said the truth.

              • @Taron: Yes please. We compare most of the popular online shops before listing to make sure all of our prices are competitive. For this brand, we can't see any detail on Petcircle. For anything someone else sells at a price even lower than our wholesale price, we have to remove it.

                  • @Taron: Thanks, but the screen shot doesn't show the size info and at the moment Petcircle doesn't sell any 4kg bag. We'll keep this brand with competitive prices on the market.

                    • @Allen Chen: I have been buying 4kg only.

                      You don't seem to trust me. But I have no reasons to lie. Your response is not really respecting me at all, you always think I tried to tell lie. I would stop replying from here as you don't seem to co-operate with me

                      • @Taron: I apologize if I offended you. However, I just wanted to find some evidence, with which we can try to get better prices from our suppliers to keep our prices competitive. Sorry again for any misunderstanding caused.

  • I’ll have a look on your website. Gotta stock up for our rabbit. Good effort though.

    • Thanks for your support.

  • Thanks for your support here, I'm currently looking after two (lop-eared?) rabbits and have the Petbarn brand "oaten hay" to give them, how does this compare?

    • Sorry I can't answer your question. To be honest, I don't know much about products as I'm just an IT guy who loves doing business. Whatever customers like, I analysis all the information from suppliers and competitors to see the possibility to sell them, if yes I list them on the website at competitive prices, otherwise just quit. Thanks for your understanding.

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