Hey guys
So, my wife and I have had some talks and decided that we want to start looking into smartifying our house for the first time. I've had a bit of a look at some options though and while there's a huge market for just about everything elsewhere in the world, it seems like we're a little behind on some of the stuff you can get in other places, and I'd just like to get some advice from all the other smart home users out there.
The first thing is how to connect to everything. I have an android and my wife has an apple phone, so we'd need something to work with both. I like the idea of something local like HA if the internet goes down, but that's a lot more work and effort than just getting a google hub or amazon alexa etc. That said, I currently have a spare media PC that's on 24/7 that I could probably install HA on without having to get a pi (I think you can install HA on a windows computer through docker for windows, right?) - has anyone done this and had it work well? The only issue is we have some things already (a TV with google, for example), so we'd need a way to integrate everything into one handy thing if possible. Also should I go with wifi for everything or try to find zigbee/z-wave stuff instead if I can?
Next though are the big things - we would prefer everything we get to have a backup if we don't want to use our phones for everything; so having a way to manually turn lights on/off is a big thing, and feel like it'll probably be easier to keep our lights dumb and install smart switches. Does anyone have any good recommendations on smart switches that can still be used manually? I saw the Shelly relays around and they look like they might be good, but not sure what else is around that people have had success with?
Lastly is expandability - if we wanted more things down the line like a door lock, making the garage/air con smart, and all that stuff, how has everyone gone about that? I know HA can integrate to a lot of things, but what options have people gone with that we can get down under here to make things smart that aren't already?
Sorry if these are all basic questions, I'm very new to this stuff and just trying to make sure we do it right rather than just having a paperweight in 6 months that we don't use. Also, let me know what smart tech you guys have in your houses and how it's been going! I'm super excited to get into this and have some cool ideas for what I'd eventually want the place to do, it's just a matter of getting there that's the issue.
Thanks in advanced
Have played, tinkered and installed a lot of smarthome gear including HA, Hubitat, Control4 and a plethora of Tuya and ESP based devices. If you are just starting with home automation I'd suggest holding back a bit longer without making a serious investment and committing to an ecosystem right now. This has just started but very soon Matter support would be widespread and quite possibly become cheaper once the Chinese manufactures jump onboard.
Not saying Matter would be the be all and end all smart home solution as no one knows if it would end up being another smartthings but so far the signs are positive and all the big players in the industry seem to be supporting it.