Need to use the phone to talk to 2 people at the same time sometimes.
I am wondering whether I can do it with Telstra prepaid….?
Also, does Telstra prepaid has have 5G internet?
Need to use the phone to talk to 2 people at the same time sometimes.
I am wondering whether I can do it with Telstra prepaid….?
Also, does Telstra prepaid has have 5G internet?
just use Facetime
Dealing with baby boomer sometimes.
Also, does telstra prepaid has 5G internet?
Please use proper grammar when forming sentences.
Dunno, I don't use taxis.
That makes sense. Cheers
Hey mate, English is not my first language.
What is the correct way to form this sentence?
does telstra prepaid has 5G internet
does telstra prepaid have 5G internet
Yes. I have Telstra Prepaid and have added a second person onto the current call I'm in a few times.
Usually you will have to put the first one on hold for when the second one calls. Then you can merge them. I haven't tried with more then 2 others though.
Use teams, wait you seriously can't use google and find out would have been faster ..
I am tired of google's fake answers and I considered OzBargain to be more credible
Yes you can conference call
What answers have you got so far from your quick Google search?
Edit : I just spent 4 minutes on google and have the answer to your questions.