Any alternative brands to RM Williams Boots which have similar quality but less cost?
Alternatives to RM Williams Boots - Similar Quality , Less Cost?

Similar quality but less cost
I guess you got at least one of those right.
Not sure what kind of similarity you are looking for but Florsheim is pretty good and much cheaper.
I've also bought a few (casual) pairs from and the quality is also great. Basically depends on what model you are looking for…mileage may vary with Florsheim, I have heard good things too, but my experience has not been great with them.
I had a pair about 10 years ago and the exterior quickly got marked up and worn. Even with a good polish they still look not great. Decided to give them another go about a year ago and had the same thing happen! Whereas I have had better luck with other shoes, even cheaper ones
yeah Florsheim is rubbish
Herring's in-house stuff (that's priced at $200) is the best bang for buck shoe you will ever own. Wait for the sales (July and December)
Most of their cheaper in-house shoes are made in Portugal or Spain; with their nicer shoes being made in the UK and often by the big UK manufacturers on their site
That is probably correct. Florsheim is extremely comfortable and the sole lasts long but the leather will be worn and scratch quicker, particularly darker colours.
I still find them quite durable and a good option overall, particularly if you find deals for around $100 a pair.
I have tried on a dozen pairs, never bought a pair, very uncomfortable, did not fit well and they were very loose in heel.
They are made with a very hard leather (cheap) that looks pretty when new.
theres quite a lot of well-made chelsea boots out there for less, but do keep in mind one of the reasons rms are so expensive is cos they're made here down under. so an important question is do you factor working conditions and the like into your purchase?
So much of what we consume is made overseas and we don't bat an eyelid so not sure why paying a huge price for this is worth it. I'd rather support local producers who are smaller than a big company like RM.
i do find it odd that people do seem to only specifically care abt this argument when it comes to boots, yes.
Still not cheap - $270 full price - but I'm on my 2nd pair of these Ariats after 12 years of 3 days a week wearing.
Thursday boots arent bad.
How did you find the sizing, true to your usual size? Keen go give them a go :)
Yes. But US sizing, so need to go one size bigger. I am 8 in RM williams and 9 in thursday…
I used this as a guide, and landed on
Bought from…Blundstone……