This was posted 2 years 4 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Rapid Antigen Test Kit Professional 20pcs/Box, Exp Jan 24 $5 ($0.25 Each) + $10 Delivery ($0 with $50 Order) @ Healthcare Xpress


Edit: I got the incorrect information, the tests actually Expire in Jan 2024.

Information about sensitivity:…

Medomics SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Kit (LFIA) for Professional Use

  • This test kit should be used by qualified personnel with professional experience or proper training.
  • This test kit is used for in vitro diagnosis only.
  • This test kit should be used within 1 hour after opening the package, and samples from transport media will reduce sensitivity. The test cassette should not be used if being wet or polluted.

If anyone still needs RAT tests, I believe these are the cheapest around now. $0.25 per test you can get all your family members, workers, etc tested daily if needed :)

We are selling at a massive loss to clear stock.

Exp. JAN 23

Packing size: 20 tests/box
Specimen type: Nasal swabs, Throat swabs, BALF
Instrumentation: not required
Detection time: 15-20 minutes
Storage: Room temperature (2-30°C)
Contents of the Kit

Test kit contains test cassettes, lysis buffer, sampling tubes, droppers, sterile swabs and instructions for use.
Test cassette: contains a test strip and a plastic cassette casing. The test strip contains: colloidal gold-labeled anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody, nitrocellulose membrane (C-line fixed with goat anti-rat IgG polyclonal antibody, and T-line fixed with anti- SARS-CoV-2 antibody).

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Healthcare Xpress
Healthcare Xpress

closed Comments

  • +40

    crazy how cheap they really are when demand isnt there anymore. And to think greedy business were selling them at $20 each.

    • +9

      Supply and demand, as true as newton's law of motion.

      • +1

        But you still need them, if you're sick, GP would say show me a test result first

        • Just grab a photo from one you took earlier

    • +4

      Do you really believe these can be made for 25c and sold even at break even price?

    • And supermarkets still sell them at five dollars a shot

      • Some medical centres charge $2 for a mask !

    • +1

      lol. when we talk about these test, people say crazy.

      imagine if we applied that same mindset to GPU cards.

      we would then have affordable GPU cards.

    • -2

      Also the huge realisation regarding just how bad rats are compared to pcrs.

    • Why would you worry about wasting 25 cents to do a test?

      • +1

        To be safe.

  • +4

    Compared to several months ago, this is ~99% off!

    • Is this the biggest % discount ever on OZB ??

  • +3

    do these have expiry dates?

    • -1

      I'm trying to get that info with the warehouse but they are not short-dated I almost certain.

    • Exp Jan 23

      • +13

        Yeah nah

      • I'm curious to see what your definition of big is. Care to size me up?

      • +2

        Wow. That's 65 days from now. Less by the time they arrive.

      • Ooohhhff, heading into summer too… I can see these being useful for absolutely nothing before they expire.

        • Not at All, Test as many Rats as you can find, They may not be happy about it but best to be safe.

    • Hi again, I got incorrect information last week, I got informed by the warehouse that all tests are Jan/24 exp.

  • Whats the expiry?

    • Jan 23

      • Approximately 8 weeks from receipt of them.

    • Covid already expired. So 2021.

    • Hi again, I got incorrect information last week, I got informed by the warehouse that all tests are Jan/24 exp.

  • +1

    whats the sensitivity though, could be dogshite tests

    • I'm not a specialist on RAT tests I'm sorry but there is more information here:… (Henry Schein is our parent company)

    • Plus rest assured these are good tests, we originally only sold them to Dental practitioners with Henry Schein's website, and only last week I got the green light to sell to the public with HealthcareXpress.

    • +5

      You mean RATshite

    • If you search for “medomics” on the TGA site there’s two tests listed as “very high sensitivity”.…

      Though Jan is really not very far off so not sure most people would use up that many tests in 2 months.

  • +2

    Unless you post the expiry date nobody can tell if this is a deal or not.

    • -8

      I'm trying to get that information but short dated stock is not the reason for this massive discount but overstock.

    • JAN 23 (updated the post)

    • Hi again, I got incorrect information last week, I got informed by the warehouse that all tests are Jan/24 exp.

  • +1

    i don't mind getting more, if they can detect the more recent variants.

    it's a test we have to do anyway because it's everywhere now.

    • +1

      Noone can guarantee about new variants.

  • just got 10pcs for free from train station this morning

  • Overstock

  • +1

    PCR is still free

    • And it's the only accurate test, many neg RAT tests then a positive PCR for me.

      • Why still do it unless really necessary.

        • That was speaking from experience and it was necessary then.
          If it is necessary now I suppose depends on a lot of things, I'd still do it as I'd hate to infect anyone vulnerable.

          • -6


            as I'd hate to infect anyone vulnerable.

            You didn't read the news? Pfizer themselves said they have never tested to prevent transmission, it is the same as flu.

            • @superforever: Astrazeneca 😁👍

            • -2
            • @superforever: Pfizer openly stated when the trial data was first published back in 2020 that in the original trial it was tested for efficacy in preventing +ve results and safety. The data came in showing good results and that was enough to get it approved. It was correctly assumed that if it was sufficiently effective to reduce viral load in individuals to the point that it would prevent a +ve test then it would reduce transmission too.

              Since then, over the last two years, numerous groups have done the work and studied whether the vaccines we have do reduce sars Covid 2 household transmission and the literature now confirms that they do (though not 100% - that would be an unreasonable demand of any vaccine).

              For some reason Pfizer confirming what it already stated back in 2020 is being spread around like some sort of smoking gun - as if they’ve been cornered and forced to admit some shameful secret, when anyone that was watching the primary sources at the time was well aware of it.

  • +3

    $10 delivery kills the deal

    • +1

      Free shipping on orders over $50. Buy 10 boxes lol

      • PCR is still free. Saving my monies from buying 10 boxes lol.

        • +1

          They have closed all my local PCR testing sites. Closest is now 60km drive away.

          • @TheCandyMan2020: There's actually one pretty close to my workplace, which is near where the major port. But, if I'm likely to have covid then I'm not going to work…

        • Free but still need to walk or drive. Then wait.

      • One test a day until they expire in January LFG

  • In NSW, we dont even need to isolate anymore. So do people even care if they got covid now? They all can roam around freely so whats the point of testing?

    • +1

      If you have your kid attending a school, they will send your kids home if they have the symptoms.

    • +11

      Visiting vunerable people

    • +12

      i test because if i am positive, i know what other steps to look after myself and family. which maybe include not exercising as hard, monitor closer for other symptoms, and get medical help early. also try not to spread it to the rest of the family or to any immune compromised people.

      that's the most i can do, as a human partaking in a civilised society.

      if people choose to not do all those, that's a reflection on them. my conscious is clear.

      the funny part is, end of the day, to government/leaders, you are just a number/statistic. be it you die of accident or covid you are just a number. they might come out in the news to say "so sad, we lost someone", then the next day you are forgotten.

      it's quite clear that governments are not looking after your well-being

      everyone dies. but if you are crippled by a disease, you'll find out pretty quickly how society treats the disabled.

        • -3


    • +2

      People in high risk work environments still need to test and isolate.

      Hospitals, aged care etc

      • -3

        It’s outrageous people keep denying
        I’m and I know a lot of people are the living proof
        No tests no masks no v nothing zilch
        And we are alive never sick
        Nearly 3 years now
        They can all give me negative for as much as they want but we are right

  • -5

    why are they even allowing this crap on here?

    • -3

      Agreed. Good post.

  • Funny a mate who works for Coles said they still expect staff to get tested and offer a staff discount for Covid tests.

    Get a 5-pack of Hough COVID-19 Home Tests for $30. That's a saving of $10 off RRP.

    Bloody thieves!

  • +5

    They expire in a few months and it's not really a deal factoring in delivery cost

    • +1

      worth getting for the post festivals gatherings that is definitely going to happen.

    • +1

      Apologies I got given the wrong expiry date, it's Jan 24.

    • +1

      Oh honey.

    • -1

      Doesn't take much to trigger people at the very mention / inference / hint of negativity about anything to do with C19 or the response thereto.

    • -1

      Can you block trigger posts?

    • +2

      That you Novak? Name checks out.

      • -6

        Haha response confirms the mass bullying the media helped enable, the majority of vaxed gang up on those who chose not too.

        People should always have been allowed to make their own non coerced decision regards their health. Athletes, police and anyone else that lost their jobs.

        Will you be getting your quarterly boosters gladbear? Government will be thankful to use the 150m+ (whats our population 30m?) for a expiring doses they spent millions of dollars on. Do it for the community. Thanks champ

        • Dont just neg me. Tell me why I'm wrong that people shouldnt be able to make their own decision?

        • +4

          I will be getting another booster soon, yes. As soon as the omicron specific ones are in general circulation.

          I don't think I'm going to die from covid, but it can make me sick, and there's a small but measurable chance that I can develop long term health problems from having it (and last I looked the chances of being affected didn't diminish with exposure, so that 1% chance of getting a heart problem is a 1% chance every time you get it, so you get it three times a year and that's now a 3.03% chance), all for the cost of going to a pharmacist and getting a quick needle (while I'm also picking up other items). The cost benefit certainly seems to favour getting vaccinated.

          • @macrocephalic: Hahaa
            Ok then so you never accounted for the side effects damage stats
            I can assure you it’s much much higher then one percent
            My friend had a stent put in after the third
            Good luck

          • +2

            @macrocephalic: The whole family and I had covid, one didn’t have symptoms, 1 had a sniffle and 2 of us spiked a fever for a couple days. We've had colds worse.

            When you say measurable, how and by who?

            My friend took 1 shot, within a couple of days he had heart pain, went to the hospital and they told him its nothing. A week from the jab he couldnt breath, pains in chest, his heart was racing. He's a trained barista that can't drink coffee or even a can of coke because his heart rate spikes now, he was told to have someone with him for the next 12 months in case he has a heart attack.

            What's stupid is Doctor's wouldn't provide exemption from the second dose, he basically told his employer they can GGF if they expect him to get it.

            It's not my place to tell you not to get the jab, likewise its no one's business to coerce others into taking it.
            Everyone is entitled to their choice. Cheers

    • +4

      Who asked?

    • You should hope you don't contract covid and get v long covid afterwards then…

      • I would be a lion then being a scared cat
        No Covid many of the un vxd many
        For nearly three years
        No joke
        I live freely with no fear
        But I know many who taken it and they are dead now

      • -1

        What's the statistic of vaccinated people not getting covid, e.g. whats the vaccine success rate? and of those that are vaccinated how many avoid long covid?

        What if "long covid" is actually a symptom of the vaccine? You need people like me to be a control group for scientists to understand results. Well.. at least scientists that aren't in it just for the money.

        I hear and read a lot of "may" language used to not be promise. The vaccine "may" reduce risk of long covid. The vaccine "may" keep you out of hospital.

        Not vaxed, neither is my family. No long covid here. No hospitalisation. In fact we got better quicker than our vaxed friends.

    • You can’t get trough these people mate
      Their mind is set or programmed I should say
      Why do we even try
      They are already toxined too late

  • +3

    RATs are like Sh!tcoins. You lose 99.99999% when you buy and hold it.

    • lol!!! what a good laugh. maybe we should invent a coin called that. Might sell more then you think XD

  • +2

    My, how the mighty have fallen…

  • +2

    clearing out short expiry stocks, do you really need to test 20 times in 60 days lol

  • Look How They Massacred My Boy.

  • -1

    I need those tests for our pet (we certainly don't want the shit)but our pet needs it.

  • Why bother…

  • +2

    Covid still a thing?

  • +4

    people still falling for this scam?

    • Do you mean RAT tests or Covid in general?

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