When WoW Shadowlands launched, AMD had a promotion where they were giving out free Shadowlands keys with the purchase of select graphics cards. Does anyone have any intel about whether they're going to do this again with WoW Dragonflight?
Any Idea about AMD Giving out The New Wow Expansion Again?

DDman7 on 28/10/2022 - 10:29
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How many expansions has wow had ? How many of those were given away through AMD, just 1, why would you think this would happen again.
there's no reason to think it won't happen again
Just stick with WOTLK Classic. EZ.
i haven't tried classic actually, are the classic expansions free as long as you buy membership?
yessir, wrath came out a couple weeks ago
If there was anyone here with insider knowledge, they wouldn’t be allowed to share it publicly