Coles Website Removed Sort by Lowest Unit Price Option

So I noticed Coles has a new website they are using now and while it looks more "modern" they did pull a sneaky trick and left out something pretty important especially to bargain hunters and frugal buyers.

Do you know what it is?

Spoiler alert (because I don't know how to do spoiler tags):

They removed a lot of sort by options most noticeably the sort by unit cost option which shows items by $/kg or $/L etc which is honestly the best shopping hack I have found when trying to figure out which item is the best value or bang for buck in a category of items for example convenience meals this seems very intentional to fool the buyer more and take away some money saving tools some users loved to use on the old Coles website.. Interesting move since their largest competitor woolworths still has this sort by functionality.. Bold move cotton let's see how this plays out

So yeah what do you think about this sneaky omission by Coles new website?

EDIT (updated 29/10/2022 9:47PM): To confirm and make this post more clear I did not realise that the coles new website was rolled out across all devices and users and only some users and devices are seeing the new website.. it must be a random opt in trial they might be testing

personally I highly prefer the old website because it has the beloved unit cost price sort by function but I can definitely confirm that at time of writing the "new" coles website which kind of looks like some weird modern over the top artsy user interface does not have the unit cost price sort by function but on some devices I can switch back to old easily others it is a bit hard and going through pages of products and having to analyze each $/kg or $/L was very annoying so I hope the new website is not final and has some much needed fixes and changes to the sort by feature

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  • +2

    Sort by lowest unit price is still there, at least when looking at Coles on phone.

    • oh to be clear this is on the new coles website they must be trialing on certain users might be random but I can access the new website on my phone and the old one as well.

      on my desktop pc the old or common coles website we all know still loads and not the new one at all

      • I can only see the new version. Previously was able to return to the old one but no longer on 2 out of 3 servers. This could be what happens to all of us eventually.

        • Hopefully not. Try different devices might get some luck. I thought I was stuck on the new one because I was only using my phone but I got home and tried my desktop and it was on the old Coles website same with my other backup phone so try your luck.

          • @AlienC: Yes, I could do that before but no longer on 2 servers.

  • +1

    Sort by lowest unit price is still there, just checked on my iPad

  • When I look at it on my laptop there is no unit cost option. Previously I was able to go to the old site by going to look at my orders, which were only in the old version. But now they seemed to have moved them to the new one. Fortunately, I am still able to shop on the old website on one of my servers but not sure how long that will last. I agree that it's a huge loss not to see the unit prices rankings.

  • Shows on PC using Firefox.

    • For me, Firefox shows the old version for a few seconds and then changes to the new one. Previously it stayed on the old one even after the changeover.

      • +1

        Clear your FF cache and try it.

  • Cost per unit on convenience meals isn't particularly useful because you're generally paying for filler. I always use it for staples.

    Anyway, just went to the Coles website in Chrome and the option still exists. I haven't used it in a while but hopefully the redesign fixes how stupidly slow the checkout process is.

  • I think Coles website has the new layout for some "select" customers. I get a different layout depending on which browser I use. The new website has online shopping built in, try this link:

    I think OP is right, the new website has no unit price filter. Maybe shop on their old website in the meantime.

    • When I enter this
      it reverts to the new site in a few seconds.

      • +1

        Lol, I guess you are part of the select customers? Not sure how they decide who gets the new site and who doesn't. I suspect it has to do with your location. I also don't know how you get around the redirection. Maybe bring this up as a complaint on their website?

      • what happens when you click on the settings and select "show desktop site" option?

  • +3

    I might be wrong, but didn't the government make it law a few years back, that they have to show cost per unit, because Colesworth put up a big fight to stop it.

    • I don't believe the law applies to supermarket websites? That's why they are rolling out these changes to the Coles website.
      The best way to object to these changes to the website would be to shop at Woolworths, if they go ahead and remove the lowest unit cost sorting option.

  • +2


    Everyone PLEASE submit a complaint to Coles and social media!

  • Oh this is total BS if it's true. Thanks for heads up op.

    I have checked mobile site using Chrome. Lowest unit price option has not changed & is still showing up for me.

  • +1

    I had the new site for a few days but now I only see the older site.

    The new site definitely does not have the lowest unit price. The lowest price option was non functional as well, just showing random pricing in no particular order. It also reverts to 'closest match' every time you type in a new search.

    In my opinion, the new site is just awful to use compared to the old one. The new one looks like it was designed for children. Among the many faults, it has stupidly large pictures that results in endless scrolling to find what you want.

    • +3

      Yeah it is very terrible and honestly a cheap shot by Coles to try pull the wool over their customers which is very sad.

      Some users won't notice the changes and get tricked into buying higher prices more expensive products just trusting the website without prior knowledge.

      Kind of scummy if I'm being honest on Coles behalf since someone from their company green lighted this.

      Some dev or head honcho thinks this revolutionary idea will get them more profits and maybe bigger bonus for sure that's the only reason they would do this or truly they are oblivious to the current platforms functionality.

      Current old Coles website works don't change it don't fix it. Hope it's not something else internal besides just greed causing this change because it is a backwards step for Coles imho.

      • I am hoping that it is just poorly thought out and implemented, and was released before it was fully sorted. One would think that they would have to have all the previous filters they had, and as Woolworths still do.

        I can't really see them taking that big a backwards step as it would lead to a loss of sales to Woolworths.

        And I absolutely agree the old site was pretty good already and didn't need changing much. The biggest improvements they could have made was to have high quality close ups of the products like Woollies has and a more complete country of origin and nutritional values spec's etc as they were behind Woollies in that area already.

        • and also, to be able to use flybuys and GC's to purchase.

        • Spot on.

          Yeah really all the old/current website needed were better close ups and better instructions on some products where the scanning of the text didn't come out well.

          My honest hunch was this new project was created by some new employees to give them something to do and this was the result kind of like a uni project it was not bad but not better than the current solution.

          I can empathise and feel that everyone is just trying their hardest at all times can't expect a home run knock out of the part every time.

      • what happens when you click on the settings and select "show desktop site" option?

        • They patched it fixed it now you can sort by lowest unit price and it works like before now so that is a none issue.

          Just still no way to lock in that sort by feature but I think only woolworths has that and doubt Coles will ever give us the option to lock in the sort by filter.

  • I have only experienced the new Coles website in the last few days and was getting really annoyed that this option was missing, as well as when you go to your 'bought before' list you can't sort by 'on special'.

    And then I thought, I wonder which website will have people complaining about this, and remembered OzBargain. Great that this site exists!

    I found out, following the link to the Coles Q&A, that…
    "There are 3 features we've not yet brought across to our site, but will be reinstated in January. These are:
    1. Sorting by unit price – for now, you can view Specials and product listings by price low–to–high and high–to–low but not by unit price
    2. Sorting, filtering and searching your Bought before
    3. Paying with Flypay
    We do apologise if these missing features cause any concerns for the next few weeks. Rest assured we're doing all we can to bring these back better than ever."

    (Is anyone concerned about Flypay? Lolz. Meanwhile, no sort by unit price is causing much concern. Much concern!)

    So I'll probably just use Woolworths until they fix it. And maybe Coles should not make everyone use a new website until it works properly?

    • I am already seeing lowest unit price. What bugs me is that you have to keep clicking it every time you log in. Woolies saves it once you select it if logged in.

      • I've got lowest unit price back. Phew! But yeah, annoying that it doesn't remember that I want everything sorted by unit price and you have to tell it every time you search for something. I'm not liking the new website much, yet…

  • Can't remove items from 'bought before' list on the new site :(

    • New site sucks.. Going to take some time before it goes back to old site level of standard I believe.. In the mean time gg Coles

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