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Eachine EC30 RTR 1/14 2.4g 4WD Brushed RC Car 1 Battery US$55.33 Delivered (~A$85.82) @ Banggood

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You may have seen the deal for the Eachine EC30B here which is basically a buggy version of the rightfully popular Flyhal FC600/HBX 16889a Pro 4WD brushless truck. Well this is the budget brushed version. It is slower and doesn't have some of the metal components or oil shocks of the EC30B but regardless it is still a well built and very durable little car, great for getting started particularly at this price.

I've written a review of it here: https://www.quadifyrc.com/rccarreviews/eachine-ec30-review-a…

And my review of the brushless EC30B version from the other thread (Presently US$85ish): https://www.quadifyrc.com/rccarreviews/eachine-ec30b-brushle…

Or you can compare with all of the other cars I have reviewed including the WL Toys 144001, 124019 etc here In short it is slower but much more durable and about double the battery life.

Apologies in advance if I've missed something, I've tried to copy the format of other posts. I'll try monitor this thread if anyone has any questions.

Edit 1: At the small premium they are asking for the extra batteries I'd go for it. They aren't the best in the world but you would not find anything more cost effective anywhere near this price

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Welcome to the forum, nice to see to here. your reviews are very popular. I have learnt a lot from these

    • +2

      Cheers, glad they are of some help

  • For a casual beginner would you recommend this over the EC30B ?

    • +4

      For a casual beginner to see if you like the hobby then yeah, the EC30. Hard for me to comment as I am biased towards the extra goodies on the EC30B

      • Hi QuadifyRC,

        We got the Flyhall FC600 and the front wheel axle got damaged from hitting a rock.

        Went to our local RC store and they have no parts to match. Do you know where can I source them?

        • +2

          The part number, as per the manual, is m16015. If you search that you'll find a few options including ebay, amazon, aliexpress and others.

  • Should i get the 3 battery or buy some separate?

    • +4

      I forgot to mention the batteries. At the premium they are asking (which is bugger all) I'd get the extras. They are not awesome batteries but are good enough and there is nothing that would come close to the price.

  • Do U get a remote etc, ie no further costs and can zoom zoom once in hand ?

    • +1

      Yes, all included. You just need the AA batteries for the remote.

  • +1

    Hey Quad welcome to the forum! Have you got the WLToys 184016 on your list to review?

    • +2

      Yes I have. Juts waiting on a replacement shock (which is supposedly in the country) because one on the rear of my car was a front shock.

  • +1

    Is it a good to buy it for a toddler who probably cannot operate it but follow it around lol

    I played all my childhood with remote controlled toys. More like a toy for me tbh

    • +8

      Hey mate, I have a 3.5 year old who blasts this around but as you can appreciate he's grown up around RC cars. He hasn't broken it yet!

      100% I use this reasoning with my wife.

    • How fast can your toddler run??

  • Looking for a RC car for my young son.. I have a 6s arrma but want something not too crazy fast for him. Can you limit the speed on the remote with these? Thanks

    • +2

      Well it's definitely not a 6s Arrma! Yes it has throttle dual rate so you can limit top speed. Check out my review if you haven't already, it's all in there: https://www.quadifyrc.com/rccarreviews/eachine-ec30-review-a…

      • Oops I did read your review but must have skimmed too fast over that bit! Thanks

  • Would be good if your website had your top recommendations .. eg what's the current best option for under $100, $200 and say $500.

    • +1

      That would be very, very subjective since everyone's criteria for the "best" car is different. For example, the EC30B is probably the best value brushless car available at the moment, but it's certainly not "fast" compared to some more expensive options.

      You're better off deciding what type of car you want (what type of driving you're going to do - road, dirt etc) and narrowing down your options that way. Quadify has a deals/coupons section on his site which is good to keep an eye on, but you need to have an idea of the type of car you want.

  • What a weird looking drone!!!

  • This was coming out to $96 or something like that for me. Just had a play around and ended up getting the EC30b with 2 batteries delivered inc insurance and gst for $126.35 which I think is a better deal

    • How'd you get it down to $126?

  • oh well, fail then

  • Hey
    I bought the eachine ec30b from last post and bought the motor I'm new to this all and can't find a video on how to take it all apart and put it in any ideas?

    • +1

      Ask on Quadify's HBX facebook forum. Someone there will be able to give you some tips. But it generally isn't hard.

      You could also search for HBX 16889a Pro or Flyhal FC600 videos since they should be very similar.

  • Is it possible to modify this to use something like a usb power bank for large capacity extended battery life?

    • +1

      Nope. These cars need the high amp output that lipos provide. A powerbank wouldn't be able to output high amps safely. You'll find that you'll get good run time out of a decent size 2S lipo. You honestly won't want to drive constantly for long periods anyway, and swapping to another lipo takes 30 seconds.

  • Thanks for the deal, Quadify. Can you tell me if the 144001 brushless upgrade motors like the Surpass 2440 4600KV or Racerstar 2445 3600KV motors would drop straight into the EC30B? I've got a couple of those lying around at home and wondering if they could be utilised there without needing to change anything else.


    • +1

      Yep either of those should drop in. Just so long as the stock motor coming out has m2.5 motor screws and a 2.3mm diameter motor shaft which I think it does?

      • legend mate. Thanks

  • Newbie question but how compatible are the parts on this with the 144001? I've just bought a second 144001 as the first went full speed into a curb head on. Most things are bent but I thought it could make a donor car. This deal does seem like better bang for buck. Also thanks for your reviews, it's a very helpful site.

    • +1

      Quadify will be able to answer better than me, but I'd guess that not much will be compatible. Obviously you'd be able to use the wheels and you could probably swap out the motors but I would guess most of the suspension elements would be slightly different. I could be wrong, however.

    • +2

      Unfortunately nothing other than the wheels, battery and possibly the shocks.

  • Hey OP, could you recommend a monster truck version of this, please? My son is all about those. I think it may be time to get him into the RC world! Thanks.

    • +1

      Depends how much you want to spend. The HBX 16889a Pro would be the go but costs more than this.

      • Thanks mate, I'll check it out. Don't have a budget in mind, never had a rc car in my life. I guess I'll try to keep it under $200 if possible.

        • +1

          No worries. It will be under that. They're usually about $180, but there could be a black friday sale or something soon.

        • +1

          Under or around $200 truck I would recommend


          Hbx 16889a pro
          Flyhal fc600
          MJX hyper go brushless


          Flyhal x03 (the new Banggood version)

      • I saw the HBX16889a on eBay from an Australian seller a fair bit cheaper and with faster shipping compared to banggood - are there any risks buying from eBay vs banggood?

  • anyone got experience with any of the cheap rock crawler stlye RC trucks?

  • @QuadifyRC with the extra batteries - do these fit simultaneously for extra runtime, or do you swap them out manually when 1 runs out?

    • +1

      You swap them.

  • Any recommendations for a good 1/10 short course truck for racing?

  • How does it compare to the 12427:


    I find this thing decently fast but not durable at all.

    • Should be more durable

  • Any recommendation for a reasonably priced SCT with good upgrade options? Looking for a best bang for buck truck and slowly upgrade it in future.

  • What is a suitable truck for the beach? Soft and damp sand. Doesn't need to be fast.

    • Beaches kill RC cars. Salt is no good.

    • Buy paddle tires, put on truck = beach sand truck

  • argh - I have US $55 exactly on a foreign currency mastercard, and I can't add more to it :(
    And I'd most likely go for the 2 battery option in any case

    • update - I found some extra funding and pulled the trigger today !!
      Can't wait !!
      (I never had a remote controlled car when younger, I only could salivate while watching those privileged kids racing them on Saturday morning's The Early Bird Show)

      PS - RIP (I presume) Marty Monster !!

  • thank you, QuadifyRC. Went through your review, nice post.

    I placed order for the one with 2 batteries, found $17 discount so final price is $80.

    • Hi, where did you find the discount?

    • Nice one! Appreciate the feedback too. 2 battery is probably the sweet spot on this one.

  • Thank you OP! Got one with 3 batteries. After an extra allowance discount from BG and cashback totalled down to $84.50. How good!

    • +1

      Whats the extra allowance discount?
      Which Cashback did you use?

    • A pleasure mate

  • Hi OP thanks for posting - I ended up going for the HBX16889a Pro based on your review of how durable it is.

    Can you please recommend a charger for the LiPo
    Batteries? I note in your reviews you are not a fan of the usb ones supplied with these cars. Cheers!

  • picked up a 2 battery deal for $75 (thanks to some extra allowance discount) delivered! thanks for the write up and review :) Son will love this for Christmas!

    • Noice

      • HI

        Could you help me with some guidance on purchasing a Brushless RC,
        Way too many to pick from , It gets hard to pick the right one after reading all the specs
        im after something like 1/10 size either 4wd or 2wd Brusless. I like the HBX16889a Pro but is there a next model or brand up from this
        IS HSP a good brand, Any reconemdations would be much appricated also if you know of any good sales on to point me in the right direction


  • my car arrived today - can't wait to see how it goes !!

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