• expired

Heineken 0.0 Bottle 330ml 24-Pack $13.50 ($50 Minimum Online Order) @ Coles


seems like a pricing error. 24 pack and 6 pack the same price.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Not available where I am (QLD)

    • Available at local Coles in Brisbane.

    • +4

      Brilliant spotting OP
      I love you!!!!

      This is the DEAL OF THE YEAR!

      Yes its definitely a pricing error and a beauty!

      I ordered 4 (cases of 24) online for $54 (Min order $50) for Click & Collect at local store tomorrow.
      Heinekin is one of the Best zero/ultra low alcohol beers around

      Lets see if I get to collect them or if order is cancelled first

      • Just an update
        I placed an online order for 4 x Cases of 24 @ $13.50 ea on Thursday night to Collect this Friday morning.
        When I checked in the morning the order had been cancelled.
        But this may have been due to a shortage of stock in the Collect Store as its only a small Coles store.
        So Friday morning at about 8am I placed the order again to collect this evening from a much larger store that would carry more stock.
        So far as at 1.30pm Friday the order is still current.
        I also checked price instore which says $13.50 per 6 pack on the price ticket so forget that option.
        This is just an online ordering pricing error
        The item is now showing as TEMPOARILY UNAVAILABLE
        So you wont be able to order any unfortunately as they have found a way to put stop orders being placed.

        • +1

          Still available to purchase for me online.

          • +1

            @Heybargain: Its not the case!

            When you place the order and go to checkout it says its UNAVAILABLE

            I know because I just tried to place another order just before 2pm Friday for C&C at one of the biggest stores in Sydney.

            I cant see anyone posting that has been successful yet.
            Ive still got my fingers crossed for order placed this morning for C&C this evening
            (Second attempt)

  • +28

    Who drink non alcohol beer?

    • +9

      It's actually nice on a warm day.

      • +49

        So is actual beer

        • +8

          If you consider it as a "brewed soft drink" its actually quite nice.
          No it doesnt taste like your usual Heinekin for those that want to know.
          Nothing like it so dont even bother comparing
          I know lots of reveiwers say it does but NO it doesnt.
          But like I say, for a non-alcoholic beer its quite good

    • +6


      • +1

        Beer at work?

    • +39

      Any people who have beliefs that restrict alcohol consumption, or who have health concerns, & people with problems digesting alcohol. That's a fair percentage of the world 🌎

      My Christian neighbour from Iran, enjoys Heineken 0.0 on hot days. A Muslim Ozbargainer I've met does the same.
      My East Asian friends at Uni had problems processing alcohol. Whereas I didn't have that problem🍺

      Everyones different😉

      • +5

        Howd you meet another ozbargainer?

        • +7

          There are OzBargain Birthday meets every year in major centres. (Often Free food & drinks, plus prizes!)

          In that case, we often commented about the same Deals. We realised we were shopping in the same Westfield… So PM to meet. Worked just around the corner from my place!

          • +1

            @INFIDEL: Wow you must be literally the first person to be groomed on ozb

        • +1

          at the checkouts.

          • +1

            @Jazza2400: Done that - & grabbing for last product on shelf.

      • +7

        well actually Heineken 0.0 still has some alcohol (0.03%).. so for Muslims it is not technically allowed..

        • +9

          Actually 0.01 to 0.03%
          That's why it's labelled Heineken 0.0 not 0.00. It's rounded down to 0.0.

          So too with traditional Ginger Beer. The sugar & yeast ferments producing some alcohol. Grew up on the stuff in a strictly no alcohol family!

          Some like to break the rules….

          Can learn a lot about groups from people's behaviour & beliefs. Often by playfully "breaking the rules", a whole different world opens up.

          Volunteering in Myanmar, a child gave me a flower. I playfully put in my hair. Later, locals reacted strongly to my innocent error. Found that turned me from a man into a woman for them, as "only women wear flowers in their hair".
          (Whiskey was us$2 for 700ml.)

          Used to have Yum Cha with a young Jewish woman - she loved breaking the strict rules, eating pork. That's what I loved about her.

          Drinking with a rice farmer friend in a small Japanese village, I was disturbed by his racist views. (Not much different to those held by some in Oz). Maybe he needed to drink this.

          • +1

            @INFIDEL: "Whiskey was us$2 for 700ml" wow

            • +3

              @Fobsessive: 10 years ago. Wasn't bad, just didn't ask how it was made!

              I shouted the bar tab for 40 people at a party there… us$50🎉

              • @INFIDEL: Did you come home with a wife?

                • +8

                  @Jessie Ryder: Why would you even think that??
                  Never on my to-do list when travelling & teaching locals - with respect!

                  Was with NGO representatives campaigning for recognition of HIV by the Government / Military. They refused to even recognised it existed. Seeing the terrible sex trade meant I certainly wasn't interested.

                  Was there building up communities & local businesses - so people had support & local work.

                  • +1

                    @INFIDEL: I respect and your altruism, and envy your travel history.

                    I've been out of Australia only about 3 times, and all of it was in Vietnam. My partner's in his 30's and has not left Australian soil once in his life. So we're aspiring to save for a holiday (hopefully not too far in the future.) ^^

                    • @UseHerName: Hope you have a great time on your travels!

                      Exploring Australia can also be enriching. Travelled for more than a year over many trips to Tasmania. Most people grab a hire car & do Tas in 5 days!
                      Always surprised how many locals there hadn't left their island. Many didn't appreciate what they had. Travel can also teach people a lot about themselves & their own country.

                      Some over-plan their holidays - trying to see too much. It can be stressful. Relax.

                      My personal approach was fine tuned over more than a decade of travel. I just have arrival / departure dates, first few nights booked, & some broad ideas. Then just wing it… Learning what to do next time. So I always have a reason to return.

                      That way you can have amazing random experiences you will never want to forget. Locals appreciate that I have time & am interested in them. Unlike most tourists. So they share their lives, stories, food & culture. Some did not want me to leave!

                      But I travel very cheap, often for months & by myself. Definitely not suited to most.

                      Japan is my most frequented country. I have learnt a lot about the culture (outside Tokyo), but am hopeless with in any language other than English.
                      I've slept on beaches there, waking to see a sea turtle laying eggs, or old men happy I had chosen their beach to sleep on, inviting me for coffee. Wouldn't have those experiences in a fine hotel😉

                      Enjoy your experiences in whatever way suits you.

            • @Fobsessive: I was in Ukraine in 2006 and you could buy a bottle of vodka for £2, which was about AUD$5 at the time.

              Also a carton of cigarettes was £1 for local brands, £2 for international brands. A flipping carton… crazy

          • +4

            @INFIDEL: I do find that travelling often enrichens the individual, many of us ought to schedule getaways for such experiences while we can still afford to.

            • +1

              @Synticulous: Nice to see you get it😉
              That defines my life - experiencing.
              I travel like a wide eyed child - everything is new & fascinating… Even where I live. (No alcohol etc necessary.)

              I ran a consultancy & seminars here to help people see life differently, to be more creative. (The business was created on a holiday.)
              A State Manager of a multinational played on my office floor. In 5 min he developed a new product worth about $300M a year.

              It's great to see life from a different perspective👍

          • @INFIDEL: The why you wrote this makes it seem like you are on the $2 Whiskey

            • +1

              @Jessie Ryder: I rarely drink alcohol, now. So what are you on?

              The "why" grew out of the realisation that my friends such as Muslims could be breaking important strictures over drinking alcohol… (But I doubt it)

              It can be fascinating when people don't realise they're breaking rules they strongly believe in.
              Cognitive Dissonance can lead to deep personal understanding. Similar to my work with corporate clients, helping them become more successful.

              Should make for some interesting chats with Heineken 0.0 drinking friends😃

      • +1

        pretty sure these still have a tiny amount of alcohol in them

    • +12

      Have a friend who is an alcoholic. Non-alcoholic beers have helped him a lot.

      • I gave up drinking 5 years ago. NA beers are great. Beer wasn't my poison anyway, so makes no difference to me. Never got drunk from beer alone…

        • -1

          Bit pointless then, Plenty of other non-alcoholic drinks. They taste alright nothing really like beer thou.

          • +6

            @G-rig: people are alright with decaf coffee but when it comes to non-alcoholic beers, they react as though someone kicked their dog. lol.

            people buy what they like.

            • @slowmo: I'm not entirely sure I'm okay with decaf coffee… but for other people, of course.

            • +2

              @slowmo: I don't mind them, the great northerns were alright if $10-15 for a slab. Wouldn't pay more than that.

              The point people don't like is paying a lot for them when there is no alcohol tax applicable.

              Plenum of other stuff better to drink - water, coconut water, soda water, tea coffee juice…

              • @G-rig: well, those are alternatives right?

                but if you want something that tastes like beer, there are only a few that do make them.

                the market will adjust itself, so i'm not too fussed about how much non-alcohol beers should cost.

                on that same note, that 0.03% might very well be the reason for keeping it at 'alcoholic' prices.

              • +1

                @G-rig: Uberbrau Ultra Low Alcohol Beer is only $25 per case of 24 (NSW price) at First Choice Liquor and some Liquorlands (Not NSW)
                Thats just over $1 per bottle
                Dirt cheap if you ask me!

                I find its not a bad drop.
                Quite easy drinking and quenches the thirst.
                Many say it tastes like beer but being realistic, it tastes like a brewed soft drink.



                • +1

                  @Dr Phil: Cheers will have a look.
                  Good having both at home

    • +8

      The people that want to DRINK AND DRIVE?

    • +4

      Apart from it actually tasting pretty good having a few (non) beers at a bbq ior other social get togethers is great when you need to drive.

      Not everyone drinks to get wasted.

    • Just put a shot of spirt in it and enjoy the glow.

    • +4

      I gave up drinking a couple of years ago. I hate the thought of being drunk, but like the taste of beer. I personally like ales though.

    • +3

      I do if I know I'm going to need drive straight after the party or early the next morning. I get the flavor of beer, it looks the same as everyone else and I don't need to sit and remember how many drinks I've had in an hour before I go to guess if I am okay to drive legally.

      My only hate is how highly priced all the non-alcoholic stuff is, even fake spirits cost as much as the real deal.

    • +3

      I enjoy it in place of a soft drink. Occasionally I’ve had one at lunch when WFH. I also used to drink when pregnant and breastfeeding. Sometimes I just feel like something other than water that isn’t sweet.

      • +1

        ^ this. So many reasons to drink non alcoholic beers.

    • -3


    • +3

      Rehabilitated alcoholics. It's a means of enjoying the flavour of one's debilitating addiction without further destruction of the liver, brain, stomach, oesophagus and nerve system, to name some of the damage caused by alcohol. And then there's the social factors…..
      Anybody wishing to reduce alcohol intake is helping themselves and society in general to a healthier life.
      End of rant

    • It's good when you feel like a beer but have some reason not to drink alcohol in that moment.

      One example is if you are training later in the day or even the next day.

      You won't get peak performance after even only a single beer, it's amazing the difference it makes.

  • +4

    6 x 330mL


  • +1

    Minimum order for click and collect is $50

  • +2

    Only $12.50 for a case in Victoria

    • Shame I need to spend $50 for click and collect

      • Being your going to drive there anyway just go and get one

        • +1

          It's a price error online.

  • +2

    I’d rather just drink water tbh..

  • +3

    Anyone know if this is a good alternative for the garden snail traps?

    • +1

      What do you think kills the snails…

      • The drowning. Whether or not they're attracted to this like they are normal beer is still unanswered though.

        • Ok.
          Perhaps you are not familiar, alcohol is a toxic analogue of glucose. Without alcohol the snails will just get fat. Snails don't normally drown in small puddles of water.

          • @greatlamp: i think you can increase effectiveness by adding more salt to compensate , since the alcohol would be less effective over time iirc.

  • +1

    Temporarily unavailable

  • +3

    It’s beer flavoured cordial it should be this price always.

  • I just placed the order Thanks OP!

  • is it like a soft drink?

    • still have a low amt of alcohol in these ones…

  • +16

    Bought 4 thanks!

    The 0 IQ people asking "who drinks non alcholic beer?"

    The people that want to DRINK AND DRIVE!

    • Beware Alcohol Volume Percentage: 0.1%

      • It's less than 0.05% actually.

        And amazingly no matter how much you drink of < 0.05% alcohol it is not possible to exceed the drink driving limits.

        Even you your replaced your blood completely with the beer you would still pass :D

    • +4

      There are nicer options for them such as water

    • +1

      Also the people who want to increase their beer intake without more alcohol :D

  • +16

    I believe this is a price error OP. It should definitely be cheaper.

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Hopefully my mate won't notice the switch.

    • +2

      He will, unless he's already had 10 real beers before hand.

  • +1

    Not actually a 0% or non-alcohol as Alcohol Volume Percentage: 0.1%

    • Next to nothing champ, would have to skull 10 and would still be fine to drive.

      • You can skull literally any amount and be fine to drive.

        The concentration of alcohol in the beer is actually less than the concentration needed in your blood to fail the test.

        • Correct

    • Alcohol Volume Percentage: 0.1%

      Alcohol is gone by liver through digestion.
      Never reaches the brain.

      Same as lemon lime bitters etc.

      • Tell me more 🧐

        Why lemon like bitters

        • Very low alcohol content.

    • Heineken Zero is less than 0.05% - that's why they can write 0.0% on the packaging.

  • +3

    Raikonnen 0.0

  • +1

    You mean manufacturing error?

  • +1

    4 boxes ordered. Thank you so much for this deal. Hopefully they’d honour this haha

    • +2

      Ordered as well, but have a feeling they will cancel and refund

  • +5

    Coles will cancel, as they nearly always do 😂

    • Or hand over 4x 6 bottles instead of 4 cartons!

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