• expired

nbn 500/50 $109.90/Month ($20 off Per Month) for 6 Months, Then $129.90/Month Ongoing @ Tangerine Telecom


Following the recent launch of the UltraFast Tier on iPrimus it appears Vocus have now made the same speed accessible on wholesale. Configured as a 500/50 speed like Leaptel & Exetel. Price is for the first 6 months and then reverts to $129.90 afterwards, this undercuts iPrimus who are selling it for $145 a month.

Tangerine also confirmed that this is also coming to MORE Telecom directly, so if you have a CBA card I would suggest waiting until next week when they will launch it over there on their parent company.

Referral Links

Referral: random (118)

Both referrer and referee receive $25 for signing up to NBN offer.

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closed Comments

  • Does Tangerine have 30 days cancellation notice ?

    • 1-month minimum term. After your 14-day NBN trial, you can cancel
      your contract on at least 30 days’ written notice, meaning it will
      take effect at the end of the next billing period

      Although I havent seen that be enforced before personally. But if you intend to cancel, do so on the first day of your new billing period as that will cover you for the entire month

      • Yeah the 30 day termination is a bit crap. You should be able to give notice anytime within your billing period & be allow to port away at the end with no penalty.

        This means you need to line up your ducks 30 days out.

      • does this apply churning to a different provider? or only when you "Cancel" the service (ie. not churning)?

        • +1

          Both, however since you pay in advance I would theorise they won't charge you for the next month (30 days notice) if you elect to close your account in the current paid month as this is how they seem to do it over at MORE who own Tangerine and have the same policy

          • @DalekZ: thanks mate!
            BTW so if I need to churn from Exetel (also requires 1 month notice I believe) to Superloop, I need to give 30days notice to Exetel, then apply for superloop at the end of the 30 days??

      • It wasn't enforced when I left in the last couple of months.

  • +1

    Is tangerine any good? I'm sick of AB charging out the arse for service that isn't that good anymore

    • +2

      I can't speak for tangerine but Leaptel are every bit as good as ABB and considerably cheaper.

    • +1

      Been with them for too long, planned to churn but stayed because they’re actually pretty good. Would rather stay with someone that I’ve had very few issues with (and those that I have have been dealt with incredibly quickly) than churn through and get crap service/customer service.

    • My service with AB has been excellent every single time. On the 1000/50 plan right now and couldn't be happier

    • It's okay. Billing portal is terrible. Speeds are okay. Customer service is okay. Technical support is basic at level 1 and level 2 you have to wait for a call back.

      It can be quite cheap and I had some months with multiple referral credits and you can also get $10 off for leaving a public review which I did a couple of times.

    • I am with Tangerine. It's fine, as long as you don't want to speak with a local, unlike Aussie BB who have an all local team (hence the lower pricing).
      But then again, it should be rare that you need to contact customer service.

  • Can anyone comment on Tangerine ?
    I can upgrade to FTTP. Was waiting for a good deal

    • I'm on the same boat. My friend recommends [More] due to its cheap price for CBA customer.

    • I'm also exploring options for FTTP upgrade. Was hoping I could sign u for a month to get the fibre installed to home and then downgrade my plan but nbn and providers charge early termination fees

      • I switched from AB to Superloop to get the free FTTP upgrade @ 250/50. Then I switched to Internode @ 50/25 just 6 days after my upgrade. Though Superloop is making me pay for a full month despite no longer being with them. But it’s still cheaper than AB’s $200 fee for downgrading a plan within 12 months of an FTTP upgrade.
        Turns out half my stuff can’t get more than 96mbps (need to upgrade my cat-5 house cabling and my devices with older wifi).

      • Yes, you need to be on 12 months (normally). The agreement is between the Telco and NBN as they won't spend $$$ installing fibre if it's really not needed. That's the idea behind it :)

    • I just did this recently. Took advantage of free upgrade from FTTC to FTTP with Tangerine, and moved from Exetel. Still early days but rock solid so far

      • Was there much of a difference going between FTTC to FTTP?

  • +3

    I haven’t used tangerine so can’t comment on the bandwidth. I did a 6 month $30/off offer for 1000/50 with iiNet ($119/month), then when I went to cancel to go to their subsidiary (internode) for the same price, they offered me $109/month in perpetuity as a retention offer. It hasn’t faulted since so if anyone wants to give it a crack, worth trying the same thing

    • +1

      Wow, that's a great deal for ongoing. Well done.

  • Just curious, what is/are the difference(s) will 1000/50 really make? I used to be on 100/25 and now on 250/25 with Superloop I honestly don't feel any difference when it comes to streaming( the most bandwidth demanding activity in my household), even with 2 kids using iPads and wife watching Youtube/Netflix constinously.

    Also I heard if switching to 1000 you need to get a new modem?


    • +1

      Just curious, what is/are the difference(s) will 1000/50 really make?

      For you, not a bit. It's really only handy for large downloads/uploads (as in Gb). If you can't tell the difference between 100/20 & 250/25, then it's like getting a Ferrari to drive in peak hour. The speed you're doing will be the same as the Corolla in front of you.

      Also I heard if switching to 1000 you need to get a new modem?

      It depends on the speed of your router's WAN port speed. If it's 100/10, then yes you'll meed to upgrade to get faster then 100 down. But if it's 1000/100/10 which might be the case if you've got 250/25, then you'll be fine.

      If you do a speed test what are your numbers? If you're only getting sub-100 down, then yes your router is probably in need of an upgrade to use the speeds you're on.

    • +1

      1000 and even 250 are one of those things which you don't really need but its nice to have. The only real benefit is stuff comes down faster but regular activities work fine on 20-100

      • Speak for yourself. My PC alone this year has done 34.4TB ULs and 110.6TB DLs on a 100/20 plan.

        • +2

          I said regular activities, not being a data pig

  • +1

    I've been with tangerine for over 12 months with no issues. Recently upgraded to FTTP with free upgrade to the 250/20 plan and it is super fast running at almost the maximum 24/7

  • What's the actual peak speeds?

    I've dabbled in launtel's 400/50 which was lightning quick (~350/45) and it's $4.10/day or ~$125/mth.

    But still well above my needs, 100/40 is a very sweet spot indeed. But it was nice when moving 100gb of stuff from icloud to google drive.

  • I took this deal up and have just been activated. Referral code gave me $25 off also. Churned from Exetel

    • How did you get the referral code ma man?

      • Strange as it may sound, Edge found the code automatically

      • Just click the link above in this post where it says Random next to the referral link and type in the box requesting a code. You should receive a private message.

  • Just ordered the service. Lets see how I go

  • can anyone confirm is the speed capped at 500?

  • Just ordered, will update with the results.

  • Just letting you know, I've been with them twice now. The service works fine. If you have to cancel, that's where the trouble really begins.

    This latest time, I put in for a cancellation on 31st Oct (yesterday) in early Oct. Got an email yesterday that the service was cancelled. Great, right? The service still worked though (and still does on 1st Nov). Great, right? NOPE!!!! It's now showing a balance for November billing (the bill usually comes out the night of the 1st of each month). I had to call up and put a stop to this, and I've been assured it will be done. Do I 100% trust this will be the case? No. They have my direct debit details, so they can just keep taking money.

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