Whats the avg per session fees/rates of PT (personal trainer) at gyms like Anytime Fitness, Plus Fitness etc?

Whats the avg per session fees/rates of PT (personal trainer) at gyms like Anytime Fitness, Plus Fitness etc?


  • define a session. 30, 45 or 60 minutes?

    • Now your making a small question feel so technical

      • +2

        So many variables to the equation and therefore the answer.

    • Session means 60 mins. no lunch break!

  • In the CBD , suburbs or country areas?

  • Depends on the trainer. I had a PT in anytime and he charged 50 per hour, he was quite new. Then when he got more experience he's now at 70 per hour I think or 75.

    Just ring a few gyms and see their going rate.

  • $80 for my PT at FF. He used to be $60 something 3 years ago but obviously increased prices as he got more experience.

  • $50-100 per hour depending on suburb and how close it is to the city

  • Get a job walking pets and people will pay you!

  • Depends on what you are using the PT for ?

    Some PT have better specialty compared to others , some are just better then others.

    Plus fitness also varies , i know they charge different so between 60 to 90.

  • +3

    Go to youtubeuniversity.com and watch scott herman fitness. Congrats you're pt too.

  • +1

    $0 if you dont have one.

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