This was posted 2 years 4 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Call of Duty: MWII in-Game Skin & 1-Hour 2x XP - with Large Baconator Meal Purchase (from $15.35) @ Hungry Jack's (App Required)


Must purchase special Call of Duty meal in the HJ App (Call of Duty® Modern Warfare® ll Baconator Deluxe or Baconator Jack’s Fried Chicken Meal) and Pickup only during the next month starting today.

Redemption code is emailed to you after purchase.

Only for the COD die-hards!…

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Hungry Jack's
Hungry Jack's

closed Comments

  • +2

    How much is the meal?

    Edit: It's $15.75 for the Baconator Deluxe Meal (2720kJ) or $17.75 for the Baconator Jack's Fried Chicken Meal (3930kJ)

    • +7

      Thank you for including the kJ

      • +3

        That's 173 kJ/$ for Baconator Deluxe Meal or 221 kJ/$ for Baconator Jack's Fried Chicken Meal

        • That's actually just the kJ's for the burger. If you click add to cart it jumps to 5000 something including the coke and chips.

        • +3

          Do people actually take this into consideration when thinking about takeaway?

      • +1

        HJ's for kJ's

  • +25

    Well I do like this new Call of Duty… and I am a fat coont… I'm in!

  • +14

    Then I'll start getting called a fat c*** with merit

    • +1

      The true COD experience

      • +1

        I wouldn't play it otherwise!

  • +1

    I got my email for it and guess what invalid code and unsure where to contact about it not a massive deal but the meal was unenjoyable lmao

    • +4

      Well the game isn't actually released yet with levels and redeemable XP boosts, so wait until Friday and try again

    • +2

      I got the same invalid error. Then reading the email disclaimer says the skin and 2xp functionality is accessible from 28.10.22

  • +4

    At my local it's $15.35 for baconator deluxe meal or $17.35 for baconator with fried chicken.

    Personally I'd save the money and use it to buy the BP.

    • +2

      Shame you can’t unlock a Baconator deluxe meal by lvling the battle pass…

    • This is in direct response to McDonald's x Overwatch 2. Naturally, HJ/COD upped the stakes by including more.

      • +3

        I highly doubt they were even aware of that promotion when this one was cooked up. It's a fairly global promotion with Burger King.

        • This was one of the worst kept secrets and media around the world reported on it. It would've been earlier if OW2 wasn't delayed like three times.

          They were most likely aware and then capitalised on the idea which is smart, because the OW2 deal is just one old skin that's not exclusive or even legendary.

      • not really a response as they are all owned by Activision, more Activision just covering their bases marketing there games

    • How much is the standard BP? It's at least $30 isn't it?

      • 1000 Cod Points which is around $15

        If you complete the BP you'll get 1300 back. So as long as you play consistently each season you'll only ever need to buy it the one time, assuming you don't use the accumulated points to buy other things in the store.

        • How long to complete until the next BP/Season usually?

          • +1

            @Justin9mm: They are usually around 2 months or 60 days.

            I'd say around 30-40h of time depending on what game modes you are playing. Doing a 20 minute game of Plunder in Warzone would generally give me close to a single tier, but a 10 minute multiplayer game might give 1/3/-1/4 depending on how far you are through the pass.

            The first few tiers fly by but once you get to 50-60 it slows down a bit.

            You can always buy the pass after you've completed it, but if you purchase it during the season you'll get 10% bonus xp towards it.

  • +3

    Eat to win!

  • Thanks OP, now I can camera some blokes with bacon grease on my fingers.

  • +1

    this or maccas Overwatch tracer skin?

    • Tracer skin is an old epic skin from 2019 a lot of people already had if they played OW1. To showcase the skin you have to like playing that specific hero out of 35 or so.

      They're comparable in delivery only.

    • Why not both?

  • Let’s talk about the multiplayer maps..

    I REALLY hope they have high rise, favela & terminal

    It’ll potential be an epic release if they include those !

    • Got a feeling High Rise, Favela and Terminal will be part of next year's DLC map pack. It is already clear ATVI is looking to monetise something in between game cycles.

      • I was thinking the same thing tbh

        That’s a huge L if they do that

        They’ve tried similar in the past & people just lose interest

        If it doesn’t come with atleast a few of the OG maps that were good, I’m going to wait until the price drops significantly

      • Aren't all the maps going to be free, like MW2019, Cold War, and I assume Vanguard though I didn't play it?

        • There have been speculations (apparently from inside sources) that there are plans to sell campaign and multiplayer map DLC.

          This is will be the first time in the last few years that is different.

          • @KaTst3R: From the info i've read today, seems like some campaign maps will be coming as paid DLC. But sounds like multiplayer will still be free.

            BUT - there may be yearly DLC packs instead of them making a whole new game next year! Like Rainbow six siege etc. So instead of a new game, we'll get a 'Year 2' pack.

            And I'm honestly ok with that. Doesn't split the fanbase as much across DLC packs. Also doesn't split people across different COD games each year or at least extends the life of this particular COD longer than a year as the 'core' experience.

    • terminal will be coming if not at launch eventually (no spoilers but finish the campaign)

      • Nice man ! I’ve heard mixed reports but generally most people are liking it.

        What’s your opinion on gameplay so far?

        • mate i enjoyed it for the most part. there were a couple of missions that were kinda bad but i was really into the Mexico missions mainly. you can probably watch the cutscenes on youtube if you want to just get the gist of the story overall though. Got a solid 8/10 from me

          • +1

            @perfectlydark: Sick man I’m so pumped ! I’m one of the weird guys who have never played a campaign 😂 strictly multiplayer

            Send me your psn if you wanna get some games in at some point

            • +1

              @Yafuturefavorite: no worries mate lookin forward to it! its worth the playthrough, took me about 8-10 hours or so, but i tend to slow play campaigns. im on pc think my username is same as here actually (actually its perfectdark) not sure if we can add cross platform peeps but if you figure it out go for it. cheers

  • Wow I had a meal for $16 today and got nothing. Wish I knew it earlier.

    • +1

      Press Start Australia was not provided with a review unit for this article, the author purchased the product at their own expense.

      • +1

        There is the presser article on the site as well….

        "Each gamer can redeem up to 40 hours of double XP (technically 40 Baconator Meal purchases)."

    • rubbish

  • Am i able to sell these and for how much

  • +2

    Anyway to get this game for cheaper than $109 on pc? Haha

    • I looked and there is no way lol

      Rough when you can get a next gen disc version for $78 :\

      • +1

        yeah not paying $109 for it…haha

        • Same here.

          $109 is egregious.

          Hopefully a deal pops up soon after release.

  • -3

    Anyone willing to share a code. I don't eat bacon :)

    • -3

      No idea why you were downvoted. Id like a code also but I don't eat fake food

  • People gift you skins? How do they do it?

    I see people sell skins, and weapon blueprints really cheap.

    There must be a hack or something

  • I will become an elite supersoldier by eating baconators

  • +3

    I love this! We need to return to the days where we got Age of Empire disc in a box of Cornflakes or The Sims in a Pizza Hut deal

  • Anyone that’s got extra codes and wants to sell them to me just dm me.

    Paying $3 for each code

    (Tryna get for all my mates)


  • Remember when all you had to do for 2xp was take a photo of the ribbon on doritos packets in coles

  • Needs to be pick up too

    The code is then emailed to you… not given to you like I thought. The poor manager had no clue the promo was even a thing when I asked him where my code was lol

  • I bought hungry jack after work today, and I received a code which has already been redeemed! When enter the website, it shows that the code has already been redeemed!
    I checked the terms and conditions, it said hungry jack is not responsible for this..I will call hungry jack tomorrow to see what they say.

    • Codes only work from 28th October

      • +1

        that's not true. I have 4 codes, the other three works well, just one code said, it has already been redeemed.

  • Did this today and got the code emailed but the code doesn't work…

    I get this error: "Please make sure you're entering your 10 or 13 character code as it's displayed on your receipt or insert or in the email in which the code was provided.
    If you still need help, please go to" when I try to redeem on the website.

  • +3

    Code wasn't working but redeemed at instead and it worked.

    • +1

      Legend that worked, cheers!

    • +2

      Thanks. This allowed me to redeem the code. Unfortunately, the unlocked character skin didn't improve my abilities any, managing a paltry 0.2 KDR in my initial two games.

  • +5

    Did anyone not receive their redemption code? i ordered through the app and picked up for lunch yesterday and only received a tax invoice via email, I checked junk mail and haven't received a redemption code

    • +1

      Same here. Maybe I have promotional stuff turned off from Hungry Jacks somewhere.

      EDIT: Just checked and all email preferences are definitely on, not sure what the problem would be.

      • Same on my end, tried calling their 1300 number and left a message but i suspect I won't receive a response

    • That's really odd. Mine came through immediately once I placed the order on the app. I did drive thru pick up though not sure if that would even matter though.

  • I ordered again today and didn't get the code coming to my email, yesterday it only took about 5 minutes to get the code.

  • +1

    Has anyone else bought the meal via the app and not received the code? I bought it last night and still haven’t got anything

    • Same thing, bought via app and picked up, no code on email, junk or otherwise.

      The only reason I had HJs last night too.

      • It says takes up to 72 hours but everyone seems to get it instantly I might try again today but like who would we contact about it?

        • I dropped them a message on Instagram but haven’t heard back yet, probably because of the weekend.

    • Did you get your code? I ordered one of these on Saturday and still don't have my code. More than 72 hours.

      • I ended up emailing [email protected]

        Haven’t heard back yet, but could see by the comments on their FB page that this was the addressing they were telling people to email with proof of purchase.

  • Anyone that’s got extra codes and wants to sell them to me just dm me.

    Paying $7 for each code

    (Tryna get for all my mates)

    :) someone sell to me pls

    • They're going for like $30-$40 on eBay.

    • +1

      You were paying $3 ten comments ago
      Seems Sus lol

  • For the steam platform cod19 player, I wonder if everyone received the in-game skin after redeemed the code, I redeemed the code and it said successfully un locked, and I reboot my console, waited for a whole day, but there is no Corner with hungry jack skin.
    Appreciate if someone can help me.

  • Anyone willing to share a code who does play cod, I don’t really eat meat, thanks

    • +2

      The code isn't like half way through the burger.
      You get it for ordering, don't have to eat it.

  • I ordered one of these on Saturday and still don't have my code, anyone else have this problem? not even sure how to chase it up.

    • Check ure junk, mine was there
      Title - Your Modern Warfare® II Skin & 2XP Code

      • Not there unfortunately. I have sent them a message through the app hopefully I will get a response

    • Same here ordered last Friday (28th Oct), I’ve read through twitter and sent an email to the email they provided. Hopefully I actually get it because I just wanted the skin and the burger was pretty bad lol

  • Added the code to my account through battle net but can't find it in game. How long did it take everyone for it to appear in their game?

  • +1

    After reading their comments/replies on missing codes etc

    1) make sure your app is opted into email marketing
    2) wait 72 hours
    3) check junk mail
    4) all else fails email [email protected]
    5) it's one code per transaction (even if you order 2 meals still the one code)
    6) redeem code here

  • Does this code work for the PC platform?

  • I don't have a HJ's near me, would anyone like a free Baconator Deluxe Meal?

    Assuming it's easy to pick up an order without having to show ID or whatever, that is.

    I just want a code without having to resort to buying from a third party.

    PM me if you're interested :)

    • I’m heading there soon to get my meal code. If you PM me between now and then I’ll be happy to eat 2 meals 😂

      • I'm too late I'm guessing?

  • havent gotten my code, and no marketing emails at all after enabling

    • +1

      Just a heads up, you can get a free code quite easily, just google Mexico cod burger king

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