Picked up one tonight, they also had the Seagate 3TB for about $126.
I think I got one of the last WD 3TB but I'd assume other DSE closing stores would have this deal.
Also could try to get officeworks to price match.
Western Digital Essential 3TB USB 3.0 $153.30 @ DSE Epping

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I think 30% off so original price would have been $219.
The place was busy and I know from the past, items can scan at a different price so I just pointed and told them to scan it
Looks like discontinued stock as the DSE site says 'This product is no longer available.'
Dare I say, a better deal than the seagate 2tb for $99 deal? Western Digital make probably the most reliable external hard drives, and im pretty sure these hard drives dont use green drives also which is a plus!
Would there be much chance of OW price matching it?
They are all as bad as each other, it just comes down to luck of the draw with hard drives.
They do use green drives and once they have gone to sleep they take about 30sec or more to spin up and scan the contents before you can use them.
I have two and they're very good, despite the aforementioned downside.
I bought my first one about 1yr or more ago for $200 and then the prices went up with the floods. Finally picked up another one from a bargain here for about $200 a couple of months ago.This is a very good deal.
The EARS and ERX drives dont do this, you my friend sounds like you are having issues with your drive.
Ive got 4 EARS in my main server atm, while the older ones headpark after 8 seconds of inactivity, they only require 1-2 seconds to come back online.
The new ones headpark after 2minutes (the ERX) which is what you will find in these external drives.
Not sure what EARS and ERX are, but once the drives are inactive for about 30mins, they take about 30sec to spin up and be fully readable. Both drives, bought a year apart do this.
EARS and ERX is the product code for WD green HDDS, the ERX is the latest model, with an adjusted intellipark (2min head parking) the EARS (the previous model) is 8 seconds. Ive got 7 EARS and 4 ERX's here atm running in a server, never had an issue with them coming out of sleep, a second or two at most and the file list is read.
So the issue is your end, not the firmware.
They are green. Even their 2TBs are green unless that has changed very recently, which I doubt.
As for whether they are a better deal than the 2TB for $99, mathematically byte for byte, it's about the same in value.
I've always preferred ext HDDs that stand up rather than lie flat though. The Seagate flat ones are equivalent to WD Elements. The GoFlex which stand up are equivalent to the MyBooks which are more expensive.
Why's that? I sit both of mine flat.
Flat takes up more horizontal space on your desk. Wouldn't you rather things take up less space?
can i go to OW and hope that they can pricematch it???
no, OW and most likely any others wont price match non advertised prices.
yeah i thought so
Im hoping JB could pricematch, as I have a voucher for them :P - ive had them do it before
Wonder if I need 64bit OS to fully utilize drive more than 2TB. Any drive less than 2TB, we can use sector size of 512 Bytes, (2^32 * 512). Otherwise we have to use 4KB sector size, which will have more fragmentation (e.g. single byte file will take up 4k).
don't complicate things, just get it mate :)
32 bit OS is fine. the > 2tb barrier is incompatible with windows xp and older. A GPT partition table is what is needed for >2tb, which windows vista, 7 and mac os are fine with. I'm guessing linux too.
Are you sure? I am using 2x external 3TB with a Win XP workstation….
I'm pretty sure the default allocation size in ntfs is 4kb anyway so the change in sector size won't matter. Also when you have a 2tb hd that will likely be holding multi mb and multi gb files it's probably not worth worrying about losing a few kb here and there.
That's not actually fragmentation. Fragmentation is the breaking up of a large file over multiple non-connected areas of the hard drive. Each connected set of blocks is a "fragment".
A single byte file can never be fragmented. It can waste space in the sector, as you mentioned. But, let's put that into perspective. Say you have 10,000 single byte files (which would be very unusual). If you had 4k sectors, you're wasting approximately 40MB. That's 0.0013 % of the drive's 3TB capacity. I think you can cope with it.
In any case, I'm not sure that this drive has 4k sectors, and you cannot change a hard drive's sector size. You can change the NTFS cluster size, though. You'll need to do that if you want to use the whole drive as one partition. You'll also need a GPT partition table, as mentioned by another poster. While a hard drive may have 4k physical sectors, as far as I know, they still talk in 512b logical sectors. Thus, you'd hit the MBR limit, and be restricted to 2TB per partition.
i just got back from a dick smith and got a 3tb Seagate Expansion usb3.0 for $125.30 and then went to the Officeworks and got another priced matched with 5% off, turned out to be $119, gonna crack these open to put inside my pc. fruitful day.
Was the DickSmith a closing down store ? Can you post the Office Works and DickSmith receipt for all of us plz :)
officeworks receipt uploaded.. can also do dicksmiths one too if u still want it
where did you upload the officeworks receipt?
edit: got it! nvm =p
Hi deptraisteve, care to upload your $119 tax invoice for sharing, please?:)
Thank you:)
here ya go, damn it looks so feint, i will try to darken and rescan
ok here is a better copy.
Was the DickSmith a closing down store and how did you get OW to price match?
Please tell us which branch of DS you went. Just came back from OW for the fourth time being rejected as they don't believe in receipts and wanted to ring the DS store. When they went online, they found out that the price is $199.
Went to two closing DSEs in the south east and no luck on the 3TB Seagates USB3.0
Picked up the last one at DS Plenty Valley (South Morang) for same price so don't bother going there on spec :)
Many thanks to OP for drawing the sale to our attention!
What happens to warranty with closing down stores?
AFAIK you go to another DSE and they will handle the warranty.
Yes, it's orginal price 30% off. I also got one of 3TB WD USB 3.0 external hard drive just now at a shouting down DSE in Toowoomba.
Good stuff! Thanks OP!
Picked up one from DSE PlumptonI picked up the last one in DSE Chatswood Westfield; thanks OP!
there was still a 2tb one on the shelf when i bought it, not sure if its sold now though.for those that want to have a go at price matching, i took pics of the price tags at dse and showed them to ow. it is not the $126 price though, but after the 5% off it was only $136.
i will also add that ow are a good bunch to deal with. they actually upheld their price matching policy (in my case anyways) and they gave me no hassles - unlike other retailers i dealt with recently (eg. eb games, jb hi-fi)
Which branch of DS were these photos taken from? Just came back from OW and they said that pictures are not enough evidence. They needed to call up the branch of DS that had the sale. Online checking only showed up the drives to be $199.
pics were taken from endeavour hill dse
Thanks for the reply. Just called them and they were all gone.
Try the WD 3Tb. They still had those for $153
Rang them today, said no more 3TBs of any brand - WD or Seagate. The highest capacity they have in store currently is 2TB. Thanks for the help and the pictures anyway.
when i walked into officeworks i thought there was no pricematch coz there was a whole bunch of seagate expansions for $127 and i thought thats a shame until i looked closer and it was the 2tb version, i then went and looked at the 3tb versions and they were still $179. So for them to pricematch down and it resulting in $119 was very pleasing.
Spent the night trying to figure how to allocate the whole drive as 2.72tb on my pc, finally got it fully working..
Do these have that bundled WD crapware that you can't remove or will a reformat do it?
So what are the latest prices of these 3tbs drives we can price match to at ow as I went to dse on Friday and prices were pretty high in northland.
$159 is the price ive seen at most DSE's, i think thats with the 30% sale they have off on hard drives.
So how did you get the 119 price?
i got the pricematched price from OW because i bought one from the DSE @ Bonnyrigg for $125, but they only had one left and i wanted 2, i went to Liverpool OW and asked them to pricematch the receipt of the hard drive i bought 15mins earlier.
the guy walked off and phoned the store and came back to say ok and it was $119.
Which branch? Just plain pictures of recipts are not honored by OW. They need hard evidence like calling the DS branch and verifying that the price is as on the receipt
When they go online to check, the price is a whopping $199!
Called a few DS, either they don't have any left on the Seagate 3TB USB 3.0 Expansion or they have it for $199.
thought this thread was about Western Digital….seems to have changed to a Seagate thread!
Anyone else have luck with buying WD 3tb for $153.30?
I tried seagate, bought 4 from Amazon…..2 failed within 2 months. I'm sticking with WD
How is your negative Seagate experience relevant to this Western Digital thread?
Just sayin.
So how much % actually discounted?