Hi all, has anyone successfully claimed the tourist refund scheme with an eBay purchase? If so, what documentation did you show and were there any issues?
I've purchased a NIntendo Switch OLED (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/732589). Although the eBay generated receipt and order confirmation does not show the GST component.
Australian Border Force (https://www.abf.gov.au/entering-and-leaving-australia/touris…) state:
"get a valid paper tax invoice in English with:
- your name (and only your name) as it appears in your passport if the invoice is $1,000 or more
- a description of the goods that allows us to match the goods to the invoice
- the retailer's name, address and ABN (ACNs and ARNs not accepted)
- the amount of GST or WET paid (or total price including GST)
- the date of purchase"
It would be great to be able to claim the GST component when I travel in a few weeks time.
Ask the seller for a tax receipt…