Buy Now or Buy Later or Wait for Black Friday/Click Frenzy/Boxing Day, etc?

Probably an age old question, please delete if already discussed.
I want to buy a few things, new computer, new desk, new chair, new lounge; even considering replacing my car

I can't decide if I should spend my money now or wait for a sale or don't buy what I don't absolutely need; admittedly the lounge has been in need of replacement for a while now. I don't really want to wait till my computer dies, makes recovery harder; important data is on the cloud, but reinstalling a bunch of software will take days.

Prices of everything are going up; choices going down. Quite a conundrum.

What are you doing brains trust?

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  • 14
    buy during black friday sales
  • 1
    buy during boxing day sales
  • 1
    buy during click frenzy/online sales
  • 1
    buy now, things will only get more expensive
  • 9
    procrastinate and wait as long as you can


  • +3

    If you think there would be discounts on new cars during Black Friday, think again

  • Wait for the car
    Rest on sales days

  • Depends what youre after. Car, well, that might be in the doesnt matter pile given the market

    Everything else - sales. Do your research, create lists then set up alerts.

    • Genuine question, how do you set up alerts?

      • +1

        In OzB, profile, then subscription, then you can nominate stores or keywords and have them pop up or emailed.

        I also recommend setting alerts in Amazon (when you go into the item, the option is there) as well as on Camelcamelcamel. But be aware 3C has been playing up lately 🤔

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