Reference Palit gtx 670 getting close to $400 what do people think?
Palit Geforce GTX670 (915Mhz), 2048MB DDR5 (6008Mhz), PCIE3.0, Dual DVI, DisplayPort, HDMI.
Reference Palit gtx 670 getting close to $400 what do people think?
Palit Geforce GTX670 (915Mhz), 2048MB DDR5 (6008Mhz), PCIE3.0, Dual DVI, DisplayPort, HDMI.
It depends what you want to do really, if you wanted to SLI later on then it might be better to get a reference card. I'd be inclined to avoid these specific ones though, the reference 670 coolers kinda suck (Check out this fail of a heatsink compared to the one on say a Gigabyte 670 OC).
I'd recommend the Gigabyte, it's what I've got. Without any adjustments it's essentially as good as a reference 680, and overclocking puts it in the lead. It runs very quiet, hovering at I think about 50% fan speed while under a constant full load and the temperature at a steady 70C. If you actually had some well separated PCIe slots then it could even be possible to stick a second one in later to SLI with. Don't quote me on this though… I'm not really an expert on how the cooling works. That said I only paid a little more than this deal's price for my card; it may not be worth the ~$100 more that it is currently.
Where did you buy yours?
i really miss priceengine… if they were around theyd find a way to get it to 399
yeah I was looking at this too, wondering if this is worth it or is am I better off going for a more reputable brand (e.g. Asus)?
Go with Asus or Gigabyte if you have money for it. they have been known for ages for quality chips
Mate, Asus and Gigabyte don't make chips. What makes them non reference is they use diffent fans or overclock them etc. A reference card like this one is unchanged from what Palit buy from Nvidia.
True but you should make sure that they offer a decent warranty, off-brand computer parts will typically give you a 12 month warranty but quality brands like Gigabyte and Asus will give you 2 or 3.
I thought ASUS and GIGABYTE would be invovled in the process of making the actual silicon PCB plus other components (e.g MOSFETS and capacitors). If so there is a variable to take into account, which is the quality of the overall card.
Ive got the asus, n i got it because its quiet. Id think performance wise and reliability wise of the non oc ones are going to be very similar!
I don't know about others, but the Gigabyte OC is more similar to a stock GTX680 than a stock GTX670 performance wise.
This monster can run off 500w PSU. Interesting.
Yep apparently uses less power than my current card (GTX470).
Hadn't realised that when I included one in my new PC. Oh well, I specced a 750w PSU, that'll be heaps.
And this is a fine price.
Looked at this but $29 shipping to Western Australia was over the top.
I'm getting an EVGA GeForce GTX 680 SC Signature 2 Dual Fan OC (02G-P4-2687-KR) shipped from the US for $12.
Total cost of AU$544 delivered.
GTX 680 shipped from the US for $12.
Careful friend, your wording there raised more than my eye brows.
Sorry was trying to point out the over top postage costs. Something coming from US with signed delivery is $12 shipping, as opposed to $29 within the same country … but point taken :)
Where did you purchase it from?
What size is that hellrazorone?
I'm guessing you meant site?
Amazon … it appears that this is one of the few cards they ship to Australia.
You could get the Zotac for a bit cheaper … $20 I think (but that was stock, this is OC and has international warranty).
I think it might be out of stock ATM (look for "02G-P4-2687-KR" on
Yes site , why pay so much more for a 680 when you only get 4-7 more fps
Not sure what you've read but as far as I'm aware clocked 670 = stock 680. Only really good chips would even come close to this @ 1097 MHz GPU, 1163MHz Boost Clock (with a slight increase in memory bandwidth) of this version of the 680. You pay about the same in Australia for a EVGA 670 FTW and a heck of a lot more for an Asus 670 DirectCU II TOP. I prefer the (hopefully) better cooling, plus I've probably got much more room to OC. The deal above works out to $470 delivered for me. I'd rather pay a little extra for a better card.
Where are you actually finding the international postage is there a sort by or order by to find out which cards they ship to aus?
Run through the check out process to the very last screen before placing the order
For every single item is there no aus shipping filter?
Yep wish Amazon would give their act together and add a filter for this. Stupid at the moment you have to go through to checkout only to be told that it can't be shipped to Australia. As I mentioned if you want something a little cheaper go for the Zotac 680. This is a really good deal locally, I prob would have jumped on it with free shipping (or the standard $10, but $29 is ridiculous) and unfortunately cheapest I can pickup a 670 generic brand in WA is $479, or $509-519 for Gigabyte OC 670.
Good price. But could just be a sign of supply catching up to demand now
Niiiice!! These cards rock guys! Max anything out at 1080p.
Nice find! Best buy there is the EVGA 670 FTW for US$420 (plus post) that's a bargain.
As someone said might be a sign that more are becoming available … but it'll take a while before in Australia prices get near or fall below RRP.
whats the link for this?
It's probably going to be out of stock fast if it's posted here.
That's the idea to let aus bargainers get it before everyone else !
I know. But at a computer shop you would expect maybe a dozen of these at most. They get ordered as needed.
Not bad but I'm sticking with my 9800GT for now.
less than 20 frames on bf3 sorry but you need to upgrade MrZ
BF3 doesn't support XP so I can't run it anyway. Moot point.
Not OC but least I might have room to Sli these in the future, Is it worth a buy or are the gigabyte windforce / zotac Amp versions better?