This was posted 2 years 4 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tidal Monthly: Hi-Fi Arg$99 (~A$0.76), Hi-Fi Plus Arg$145 (~A$1.11), Family Arg$225 (~A$1.80) @ Tidal Argentina (VPN Required)



Reposting/reminding that Tidal can also be subscribed via VPN for massive savings. $1.48/month for Hi-Fi Plus is crazy value, with up to 9216 kbps
Master Quality Authenticated (MQA), Dolby Atmos, Sony 360 Reality Audio, and HiFi.

NOTE: If you are having issues with payment method, on the C.C. confirmation page, disable VPN before confirm to pay

Sign up is very easy. Note this works for new accounts only, existing accounts with old AUS subscriptions won't work and will convert to AUD when signing up. Just make a new account with a different email if this is you

1. Turn on VPN to Argentina. (Nordvpn, Surfshark both worked for me. Others likely do too.)
2. Click on deal link to pricing page, or here:
3. Ensure pricing shows ARS currency. If not, try a different VPN.
4. Click through registration process on the plan you want. Note if it shows up with $145 in the later steps dont worry, the system clearly means ARS 145.
5. Australian credit mastercard worked fine for me. Trial period is 30 days, so you won't be charged till then anyway.
6. After sign up, you can turn off VPN, verify your email address (email comms will be in Spanish). Sign into your devices and play like usual, without a vpn required.

Please share your experiences with what VPN/cards you used to help others.

If you want to transfer your playlists over from other services, go to

Hi-Fi plus is usually $23.99/month AUD.

Advice if using family plan as per outofgamut comment: Quick word of warning: when you invite “family” members to the plan they MUST connect to Tidal via VPN to Argentina for their conformation following the invite or they will get rejected. Can then use without VPN following that.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Having used both, Tidal is very average in comparison to Spotify. The app UX and Alexa integration is way better with Spotify.

    The Hifi Plus might be worth it if you are an Audiophile and have the equipment to make the most of it.

    • +2

      Found the music library/selection better at Tidal.

      Edit: May be getting the selection of Amazon and Spotify mixed up. Quality at Tidal is definitely better than Spotify though.

    • +6

      Spotify's range of playlists/users are an advantage, but honestly just got the Tidal IOS app and its surprisingly clean.

      • +2

        Clean and devoid of features. In Spotify, I can select which device I want to listen on, be it Alexa devices, phones, computers, etc. Tidal I couldn’t. It seems you have to buy into their Tidal Connect partnered audio devices or use Bluetooth, which has its own drawbacks for my use case.

        Regarding the Alexa integration, Tidal had zero success in playing what I asked for. Spotify nails it almost every time.

        Anyway, just voicing an opinion, I’ll keep both subs for now.

        • Can you add Tidal to an AU Alexa account? I use Spotify on Amazon Echo but this is so much cheaper. Looks like it’s only supported in the US. Thanks

          • +1

            @Ford351: Not sure, I have set all my Alexa devices up on a US account so I can get all the features they seem to leave out internationally. I primarily wanted to be able to use the Guard mode.

        • +1

          I have a NAD C338 amp with built-in chromecast Audio. The Tidal app easily switches to it and lets the amp do the streaming, freeing up the phone - and at CD quality. It is a noticably better quality of sound than Spotify which is compressed.

    • +2

      yeah I don't know about that. Spotify seems to push out a fortnightly update to their app on Android with no changelog just for the sake of it.

      I find the Tidal UI just as good/bad as Spotify and the sound quality on Tidal is miles better than Spotify.

    • +17

      I prefer Tidal so I can actually use Tidal-GUI to download flac music :)

      • +1

        Just looked at this Tidal GUI thing. Wow thanks.

      • What is the average size of a FLAC file ripped this way?

        • +3

          Just downloaded a 3.5 minute track, around 50mb FLAC

      • Great tip!

      • Holy shit, that's like a pirates wet dream

        • +1

          Pirates don't pay for subscriptions

        • Anything free is an ozbargainer's wet dream, tightest bunch of cnts in the world.

          At least 300-400 FLAC albums are my own ripped CDs.

        • U would have wet ur pants when was working w/ flac and just ur free subscription

      • Any chance any OZB Bros can show me a safe link to download the App or PM me directly as I am really keen to try. Thanks in advance, much appreciated :))

        • +2

          Just google tidal-gui github.

          • +1

            @Jetkuma: You meant this one, is it safe without virus as I am NOOB in this; never downloaded anything from Github before

            • @shopaholic32: Yes, that is the one.

              • @snoopster: Thought I'd test this out, works well. Good for certain albums incase they take down after a while (or for portable use).
                The defualt tags don't really organise the files properly for multi-cd sets (i used to rename 101, 201 etc)

                I used to use CDTag back in the day - not really working anymore since 2011. Was great for organising ID Tags (as well as creating an NFO, md5 & m3u file). Was a great setup, EAC for ripping, CD Tag and rename, apply replay gain in foobar).

                Any modern utilities anyone is using? End up just doing it via the properties in Foobar.

                Testing out mp3tag

      • That is seriously awesome. Especially when you can play those flacs thru Foobar! Cheers and thank you muchly.

        • +1

          I still use foobar for pc based listening of my own FLAC collection. The DarkOne_v4.0 theme is good. Album Bio doesnt work anymore.

          Shame they haven't developed it into an app - serious head fk trying to get uPnP stuff working.

          One of the reasons I use Volumio, Great for sending to my media streamer / speakers.

          • +2

            @G-rig: haha too funny. .that's exactly how mine is set up as well.. foobar + darkone theme.. have been using it for seemingly the last 10+ years..

            I use the equaliser and channel mixer plugins and mix it for quad.. connected via HDMI to a yamaha receiver in 5.1 PCM at 192khz/24 bit..

            It's absolutely redicilous the difference in quality between a 20+ yr old 320kbit MP3 vs those Hires FLACs.. it's like I've had a bottle brush cleaner applied to my ear drums..

            • @Vladdo: Nice! Yeah is still a great setup when i'm at the PC - fast and efficient.

              Did test out QoBuz a few times, those massive res files take too long to buffer and the general interface is pretty crap. I don't think most would hear much of a difference over 96kHz.

              Voluimo is pretty good, has youtube and soundcloud plugins, internet radio is good to throw on.
              Even some 160kbps youtube viddeos sound pretty good - saves trying to mirror cast to the CCA on my optical input on the DAC, but the main reason I got the RPi4 was for gapless playback (sounds better too though)

      • When you say download are you referring to
        the download for offline listening feature?
        You don't get to access or keep the raw FLAC files I thought (unless there is another hack).

        I do have a Fairly large collection of flax CD albums but streaming is more convenient when out and about and in general these days. But good having your own stuff to listen to as well.

        I've never been a Spotify user but the sound quality isn't as good but it's a shame I have no intention to do Spotify HiFi. CD quality isn't too much to ask for.

        PS. Still on Brazil under $3 a month for hi-fi family.

        • When you say download are you referring to
          the download for offline listening feature?

          I think they mean download music to flac format locally to play.

    • +1

      As a bit of a music nut, I love TIDAL's exhaustive metadata and search. Their database is so accurate and reliable, they often use it in Wikipedia citations.

    • Tidal is the only service that does Dolby Atmos audio through TV and soundbar for me (LG B8 + Samsung Q930).

      • +1

        I listen to a London electricity album they've got on Dolby atmos, was interesting. The different mixing and stuff, sound bar for music is very average compared to my active monitors though so is a bit of a gimmick.

        They do 360 audio too (if you got some Sony headphones). I didn't hear that much of a difference.

        • I find it highly depends on the source track. I've heard some Atmos audio where there was no difference and others where it was almost eerie. It would be great if there was a teardown from one of these Atmos tracks to see what channels and metadata they were using.

          Tidal are adding loads of Atmos tracks at the moment, and there's no way engineers are going back in the archives and remastering each track the way it should be presented for spatial audio.

          This article has a few recommendations on some tracks which sound good and others which don't:…. It is referring to Apple Music but I assume they are the same Dolby Atmos tracks across services.

          The Q930 has rears with front/upward firing speakers which helps, but I also need to enable SpaceFit Sound for it to come to life.

  • +1

    Do you get less music content with Tidal Argentina

    • +1

      Shouldn't do, no. I assume when you access without VPN it provides the AU library? Even still it looks fine to me so far

    • This is a valid question. I’m using the Turkish Adobe creative cloud deal, and the Adobe Stock selection is very, very limited compared to the Australian or US subscriptions. You’re better off just using Google image search with the Creative Commons filter.

    • As an Argentinean local using Tidal wink* wink*, you'll see local content come up and you'll also get notifications in Spanish but the suggestions and playlists will change to suit your listening habits

  • -3

    dont think you can do it on continuing subscription cos mine took me to AUD when I clicked to choose subscription.

    • +2

      That's correct, as says in deal post it only works for new sign ups through the pricing page. Can use to transfer playlists across to a new account

      • +2

        ah sorry mate, missed that line of text…

  • tried to use this instead of spotify. its pretty janky i didnt last long

    • At this pricing, it's just handy to listen to certain albums in the Master quality. Depending on your setup, you can notice a difference in sound.

  • +1

    Hmmmm… some artists I listen to pulled their music from Spotify after that Joe Rogan drama. I don't really want to get rid of Spotify, I might give this deal a whirl to get my missing artists back. Thanks OP.

  • +1

    my visa/mastercard not accepted

    • What bank, credit/debit?

      • citibank visa and 28 degrees

    • +1

      Credit Union card worked for me

    • +1

      same, cards rejected. tried anz visa, up, and 28 degrees. any other payment options?

    • +10

      Try switching the VPN off when you get to the payment page and it will go through. This worked for me the other day.

      • +2

        thanks that worked for me too

      • +4

        This needs to be added to the deal description!

      • +1

        thank you so much that worked

    • You can open a revolut account to create a virtual credit card to use on Tidal.

      • tried with wise virtual card no luck

    • +1

      Same here - ANZ Visa CC/CBA MC Debit/Macq MC Debit/Wise Visa CC/Revolut Visa CC/NAB Visa Debit all not working.

      • i just had same issue - but right on that page where you enter CC info and click 'sign up', I disabled VPN, then clicked sign up and it worked… account signed up to ARS pricing

        • +1

          Didn't work either. Shame /shrug

          • @fabulatuaest: same here, didnt work, btw the button was "continue"not sign up

            • @bonbon: did the same to me when I tried again, grrrr

        • So, didn't work for me with my Bankwest mastercard. I tried turning off the VPN and tried again and verification failed. I then tried with my second Bankwest mastercard which is effectively the same card on the same account just with a different number and that worked. Maybe once you try a card it is possibly flagged? Anyhow, basically after turning off the vpn then try a card you haven't tried before - if you have one left!

          • @PlasticSpaceman: FWIW The process for me was 1.) Use Nordvpn to connect to Argentina 2.) Create a new user 3.) Get to the page where you choose what service you want (hifi, family, etc) 4.) Disconnect VPN and click on the button 5.) Check that the amount hasn't changed to AUD, add in new credit card details and pay

            After creating a new user the first time I found my vpn dropped and from then on that account was seen to be Australian so I had to create another.

      • Tried Amex and Westpac cards - both rejected. Also failed using disabling VPN on payment page method.

      • I used PIA VPN. I wonder if there is a block based on certain VPN's Argentina egress IP?

        • I failed with Hola VPN.

      • Went through he steps using IPVanish and ING Direct for payment. Worked for me at this stage. Showing account active under trial then to $145 next month. Let's see, all seems to be good at this stage. Thanks OP

    • Been using CBA Debit card for months now without any issue. Last charge was at $2.34 for the Hi-Fi Family.

  • +4

    MQA format is a bit of a 'black box',
    ie. opaque in its "unfolding", and it's not lossless.

    This video is worth watching…

    I published music on Tidal to test MQA - MQA Review

    • +4

      That was eye opening. I remember when I first watched that. Yep mqa is snake oil and drm.

    • True, but hi-fi (cd quality0 is the real deal and far better audio than sportify. Only apple music is equal in lossless streaming.

      • …then, we will return back to the digital (eg. CD) vs analog (eg. vinyl) debate :-P

      • And Amazon. And Deezer

      • the cd quality from tidal is still sorced from the mqa file. even for cd quality its lossy. i recoment something like qobuz, deezer, amazon or apple music.

        • plenty of debate on this, not sure if that's correct. I depends if there is a Master version and a Hi-Fi version of the album, or not.

          Can you actually hear the difference? I know it's a old-man-grumbly thing with audiophile purists.
          Makes you wonder if they actually enjoy listening to music or just picking apart everything and more focused on equipment in general.
          I'm a bit more like Johnny Darko - 60% actual music enjoyment / 40% tech and gear.

          • @G-rig: if it doesnt have a mqa version its real lossless but if it does its from the mqa file.
            also its not about if you can hear the difference imo, i just dont like supporting mqa.

            • @HaydosK: That sounds right.
              For $1 a month don't Think you're really support them, haha

              It's still high res thou, they display as 88.1kHz. I consider it lossless with some additional mastering layers.

              • @G-rig: Mastering layers? its not lossless.

                • @HaydosK: Whatever, the bitrate and sound quality is still far better than MP3s.

    • Hi-Res audio is not just about bit-rate lossless, how they produce the music is more important.

    • +1

      Only “Master” tracks are MQA these days. Tracks that are only available in “HiFi” are lossless CD-quality FLAC and bit-for-bit the same as Amazon, Apple Music etc

      • +2

        Didn't take long for the guys to bring up MQA and that one YouTube video again. Gets tiring lol.

        As you say there are usually two version of albums stored, still nothing wrong with 44.1kHz CD quality, and is a fine benchmark still. Your equipment makes more difference your listening.

        Anyway even MQA albums go through to my RME DAC at 48.0kHz and sound fine. Not sure I'd be go to the effort of playing the non master version unless just save the one you want under favourite albums. My pc DAC has MQA (iFi Zen), the main difference is the special arrangements or mastering on some albums, not 'this doesn't sound as good as CD lol'.

  • +7

    Been on the Argentina one for a while now, used a fresh email to register since I was paying full price before.

    Absolute steal at this price, let alone access to lossless tracks. Atmos remasters always fun to listen to, MQA tracks are a proven scam.

    Notifications and email marketing are in espanol.

    Tidal staff curated stuff mostly espanol, algorithm can still pick up and suggest music based on your trends.

    Library not as broad as Spotify. But it's pretty complete for mainstream artists/songs.

    • +2

      Yep. MQA is glorified snake oil

      • +1

        Anything beyond 16 bit 44.1kHz is snake oil..
        Most Hi-Res contain more high frequency noise you can't hear.

        There's no need for all or nothing attitudes, people can continue using spotify, youtube music or whatnot and get use Tidal when they want to listen to better quality files (no risk at $1-3 per month, last I checked QoBuz is expensive and very clunky interface).

        • I agree. 16bit with 44.1 kHz is plenty enough. There's more than resolution and bit depth though with sound. Our ears also perceive time and are sensitive to minute changes in that area.

          Often hi-fi audio does give that extra sense of space and warmth.

          Personally, I listen to 32bit at 48khz. With 32bit depth you have enough headroom for most audio. And 48khz is the format used by most movies êtc so this covers most use cases. I prefer no upsampling as it only adds unperceptible noise

          Have a listen to hans beekhuyzen channel on hi-fi views or Justin Coletti via sonic scooping bit depth.

        • Oh I did not mean all or nothing. Sure try tidal and see if you like it. What I disapprove are their shady tactics to get people to listen to mqa. They are not transparent on what mqa is and how the whole process changes the audio.

          As long as you know that mqa is a lossy upsampling algorithm, and you are aware of that then it's fine. It's a matter of choice

          • @Raj09: Do you have your own downloads or is that QoBuz?
            48kHz seems good, i think it is suppose to lower the noise vs 44. The Tidal MQA comes through at 48kHz, or 88.1 on my MQA enabled decoder. haven't compared extensively but either is fine. Agree that 44.1 is usually fine :)

            Yeah been using Tidal for a fair while now, just saying others can test/use for the ridiculously cheap price as well as their usually streamer. The library and algorithm is pretty good now anyway.

            Was also saying that mp3 quality would be fine for portable, but i just stream tidal anyway (depends on your mobile data, wifi etc). Sony's LDAC codec on Android phones & BT headphones go well together.

            • @G-rig: I have my own. I did try qobuz before. How did you find it? I found the tunes clinical and lacking in musicality sometimes. But most of all, qobuz is way more expensive.

              Yes MP3 is great for portable. These days I listen to music at my desk mostly. It is mostly because I have a dac and wired headphones(hifiman, focal) . This makes music listening an experience you look forward to as you are not distracted by other things as you would when commuting or listening on the go.

              • @Raj09: yeah didn't take long deciding qubuz not worth it, just nice to test out the DAC and a few hi-res (albums).
                the massive quality tracks take a while to buffer, the interface and library pretty average. and too expensive.

        • Spare a thought for the cats and dogs in peoples family…

          • @raybies: Strange…
            Hopefully not in Tonga or Vietnamese families where they eat dog, but no different to eating other animals.

            • @G-rig: Strange indeed… I see I'm going to have to spell this out for you; people keep cats and dogs as family PETS/COMPANIONS (not for eating), as such they are USUALLY around while you are watching movies and listening to music. Given they can hear to about 85kHz, you could give some "consideration" to their listening abilities for higher sampling.

              • @raybies: Fair enough.

                The dogs next door are fking annoying the owners never quieten them down.
                Have to drown them out but the funny thing is the yamaha monitors probably wind them up more with the frequencies.

      • It actually goes beyond snake oil and totally fks up music.

        See goldensound's video youtube where he uploaded his own test track and analysed it after it went through the MQA process. Lossy format, leaky filters, absolute noise added and the MQA authentication on hardware doesn't even guarantee you're getting an actual MQA file unfolded.

        • yeah but what do you think? Should organise an A-B blind test (at the same volumes) and see if you can hear a difference. Most will be special releases or arrangements, would be hard to tell the actual bitrate difference.

          I assume you use QoBuz then, not cheap smaller library and rubbish UI?

          • @G-rig: I use foobar with bootlegged flacs if I want to twirl my moustache and sip on rum.

            Couldn't care less about absolute bit perfect quality when I'm on tidal. It's going through ldac on my device, so there's no point.

            I just hate the scummy behaviour that goes around mqa and it's creators. Can't even provide an explanation when objective measurements are provided.

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