Do You Think I Got Pinged by This Red Light Camera?

Here's a fun one for all you TMR super sleuths this rainy sunday morning.

Looked down at my GPS a tad too long which resulted in some poor decision making at this intersection with a red light camera. Now I don't need any of you virtue signallers telling me off. I'm a big boy now and I'm happy to face the consequences of my decisions.

But my question is: Do you think I got pinged by this red light camera?

Here are some frame-by-frames which are probably more useful than the actual video. Plus the dash switched over to a new video file just at the critical moment.

The goods:

Note you can see the second dotted pedestrian line in the bottom left corner of the yellow light image.

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  • 22
    Yes because I'm an idiot
  • 19
    No but I'm still an idiot


  • -1

    yeah, you got good

  • I hope the camera got your good side.

  • -1


  • +1

    Not gone. After the red illuminates, there is usually a 0.5s grace period before the sensors in the road go live.

    What do I win when you don't get a ticket?

  • -2

    It's a close one. Were your rear wheels past the unbroken line when the light turned red?

    • Were your rear wheels past the unbroken line

      Irrelevant… why is there always this misconception that it's based on "rear wheels" crossing the line? Where did this urban myth spring from? The pickups in the road cannot differentiate between front and rear wheels… in fact, they dont pick up wheels at all, but the metallic body of the vehicle.

      • -2

        From the photo evidence that you get sent with the infringement.

      • ? Does this mean you can get fined even if your front wheels are past the line before it went red?

        • My understanding: Entering the intersection is when a part of the vehicle crosses the line (or the space above the line). You break the law if you enter the intersection while the light is red. If you are already in the intersection when the light turns red you are not breaking the law.

          Additionally, cameras are set to activate a split second after the lights go red, so you’ve got like 0.4sec to enter the intersection before the camera is triggered.

  • +4

    Why not just post the video? What's with all the cloak and dagger 3 frames from what would be better served as a 5~10 second video? What are you hiding by not posting the video? The fact it was yellow for 3 seconds and 30+metres before you even got to the intersection?

    Are you stationary in this video 3 photos?

    Either way, if the bulk of your vehicle had passed over the red light/speed sensors on the road (just before the stop line) prior to the lights turning red, there is a chance that you will not get the fine.

    *ViRtUe SiGnALLiNg aLeRt!!!*

    Also, you might want to refer back to Qld. Road Rule #57. It deals with stopping for yellow lights, unless it is unsafe to do so, and "I (fropanity) hate stopping for red lights" is not a valid safety reason.

  • +2

    Looked down at my GPS a tad too long which resulted in some poor decision

    Could have been worse and run into or by another vehicle. Count yourself lucky whether you get a fine or not.

  • +2

    The camera is only activated 0.3 seconds AFTER the light turns red. In that time at 60 km/h you've travelled about 5 metres. So if the vehicle had travelled far enough into the intersection by that time that not enough of it was still over the sensor - which is just past the stop line - to trigger it, you don't get flashed.

    Looking at the "red - first frame" image, the OP's vehicle would have been halfway across the intersection by then. So I think the likelihood is the OP did NOT get booked.

  • I can’t tell. There aren’t enough frames to determine where the line is. The camera angle and bonnet conceal the line.

    Any sign of a flash in the video?

  • Man that's close… 50 50 but at a guess… Safe from fine.

  • You were across the stop line on the amber, you will be fine, but there wasn’t much green left in it.

  • Looks like you’re on the intersection by the time red lights up, so should be ok. Looking at a GPS - or anything else other than the road - as you’re approaching an intersection is pretty ordinary though. Judge Judy would have given you a ticket just for that.

  • I think youre fine as you had already entered the intersection (front of your vehicle is past the stop line) before the light turned red.

    In VIC you would see 2 bright flashes 1 second apart if you had triggered a red light camera.

  • Just assumed you have so it stings less if you got booked.

    I got flashed by a red light camera a few months ago and somehow work hasn't received the fine. Might have been saved by a car turning left at the same time.

  • If you're over the line on yellow, you're fine. Red light camera usually flashes too, even in nice bright sunny day.

    IMO, you're fine.

  • Forget the sleuths here regarding a Fine or over the Line or not. "Now I don't need any of you virtue signalers telling me off"…but we will anyway.

    Think about your disregard for safety and your poor driving attitude. Heading towards an intersections and you were not paying attention to the road and conditions around you…. the only sleuth action here you have already answered…you did not kill some other innocent on the road at the same time.

    Like the guaranteed Death and Taxes, Lights will change when you least expect it, more so if you are looking at your gadgets.

  • Sort of related but today while driving, saw a car run a red, get flashed when they went through the intersection and then a cop car was nearby and pulled them over up ahead.. would the person get 2 fines? They would likely get the one in the mail, which I assume they could “contest it” (as the cop would probably give them a paper fine)

    • Double jeopardy. You cant be fined for the same incident twice. While you wont get off the fine, you would easily be able to have one of them withdrawn if they are for the same offence.

      Now, what the copper might have done was pinged them for something else like speeding or unregistered vehicle, driving while disqualified… that kind of thing.

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