This was posted 12 years 8 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Circulon Infinite Hard Anodised Cookware Set, 5-Piece - $177 Express Delivery from Amazon Uk


Hi all,

I'm moving into a new place and have been hunting around for a decent set of pots and came across these on peters of kensignton for $280ish , went looking a bit further and found the same set on amazon uk for 114 pounds ($177 aud using 28degrees or $185ish using amazons currency converter). Express delivery too so im stoked!

Look pretty decent for hard anodised pots. Made the mistake burning $60 on a set of kmart 'starter pack' last time I moved and everything in that is either destroyed or almost destroyed.

Heres a review nabbed from the amazon:

This product lived up to my title for this review,great expectations! The pans are a delight to use and clean! They lived up to all the other reviews and more besides. I did wonder if the handles would get hot but they stay cool enough to handle without protection and also they are not too heavy. They must be econmoical to use as I have the gas truned down low.
These pans are the first I have had in over 40 years of marriage that allowed me to leave something to simmer without worrying about it burning and sticking to the bottom of the pan and congratulations Amazon for a really good deal in the five pan set
All in all I am very satsified with them and would recommend them to anyone.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    I have the frypans in the Infinite range and they are awesome.

    They are able to handle very high heat and can be used in the oven (up to 260C which is better than most) as well.
    And they are dishwasher safe a huge plus.

    Big +1 for this deal.

  • +1

    Bought these from David Jones for $268 last week. Sigh if only I didn't make impulse purchases :( Awesome sets though! The frying pan is fantastic on low heat. Only bad thing I find is that the handle on the lids for the pots gets quite hot, but use a tea towel and you'll be fine.

    • Do the lids have a reinforced hole to let steam escape?

  • +2

    I owned one of these fry pans. I say don't buy them.

    The circular pattern on the inside catches food so you can never use them for pancakes or some other things you're meant to blind and flip, also the non-stick isn't very good at all.

    I used Scanpan for ages, switched to this for half a year, back to Scanpan, still not satisfied I settled for $20 cheapies for a year, and now I'm back on Scanpan. Sigh.

    • mmm I'm a big omlette eater so I'll see how it goes. I WAS tempted by this though simply because I love omlettes.…

      • Oh yeah, you're in for a shock when it comes to eggs too.

        Though, at that time I was frying eggs without any oil at all. Since then I've switched to smearing a little oil on the inside of these non-stick pans first, and it works a whole lot better. It would probably work okay in that case.

    • +4

      Try Anolon Advanced. The Circulon Infinite range looks similar to the Anolon Advanced, but we haven't had anything get stuck to them, plus the handles are rubber or something (not metal) so they don't get too hot on the stove.

      • Anolon from cotd a while ago. Happy so far. Yes, i started with kmart as well and you get what you pay for

    • I guess it depends on what u want to use them for. I have a de buyer iron crepe pan and an omelette pan for that and pancakes. Everything else I use these for.

      As a chef I like to cook on medium to high heat. My scanpan was useless for that, totally warped and lost its non stick. The non stick on these is vastly superior to scanpan IMO.

    • DoctorOwl, I agree with CarbonTwelve. Try the Anolon Advanced. Personally their non-stick was better for me than Scanpan and Circulon. So for pan-frying stuff, I tend to use my Anolons.

    • +1

      Wow, I'm the total opposite. Got a Scanpan and couldn't see what all the fuss was about. Everything stuck, it was useless.
      Then got some Cirulon 2s and they are a dream. I love them. I'm not sure about other Ciculons, but the 2s are awesome.

      • +4

        Scanpan officially cannot handle high heat. The warranty (if you dig carefully) even states that exposure to high heat affects its non-stick properties and can void your warranty. Never buying scanpan again.

        • +1 Yeah this.

        • Swiss Diamond as well! D'oh! grrr

  • +2

    I loled at your comment about the kmart "starter pack".

    We recently setup our own place for the first time and started with one of those packs, it was complete garbage and we ended up returning it.

    Like you, we searched on amazon knowing that we would find much better value than Australia, ended up going with the cusinart stainless steel set, primarily based on amazon reviews and popularity.… for about $290 delivered.

    It destroys any similar sets that you can buy here in terms of value.

    • Muzzamo, SS pots are generally very good but my personal experience using SS pans has been less enjoyable (bad sticking, constantly heavy cleaning required) - I now know that you have to adjust your cooking techniques to suit SS - but this aside how do you find the SS frying pans for say cooking eggs or an omelette?

      Sticking or excessive amount of oiling/cleaning needed to get a friendly result?

      Have held off buying a new non-stick pan as I'm unsure of going with SS, enameled cast iron or another non-stick.

      Thx in advance. :-)

      • +1

        Non stick are great unless you burn the crap out of them and then they are stuffed . Stainless pans are indestructable and the're not that hard to clean because you can use heavy duty scourers without worrying about damaging them . A bit more elbow grease but they will last a lifetime unlike the nonstick pans .

      • In reality, we combined our Stainless Steel set which I expect to last a lifetime a cheap non stick frying pan.

        We treat the cheap one like crap, using it for anything that is going to be a PITA to clean, and down the track once it is too scratched etc will will just replace it.

        We use the stainless steel stuff for everything else.

        Regarding troyww's comment about stainless steel pans being indestructable, it depends if you want them to remain beautiful and scratch free :-) You can use a scourer on them no worries but it will create minor, superficial scratches that will in no way affect the cooking. If you are happy to do that, then you probably don't need to bother with the non stick frying pan at all.

        • We do exactly the same with a couple of cheap non stick for poaching/frying eggs cooking pancakes etc and stainless pans/pots for everything else . We,ve had a couple of very expensive non stick pots and pans and despite treating them with kid gloves they ultimately end up stuffed , Lets face it even great chefs burn the occasional pan .

  • -3

    On the 3aw rumour file this morning, a caller said that "Import duties are set to be reintroduced on stainless steel cookware as well as high quality porcelain and ceramics" So get in quick before Uncle Wayne taxes you.

    • What is the rationale behind that? And how do you define "high quality"? I didn't neg you by the way.

      • +5

        Just the regular talkback conspiracy theorists im guessing

        • It's all just a plot to limit access to aluminium foil for unregistered hat making activities IYAM.

  • +14

    funny you guys mentioned these .. after going back and forth a few weeks ago..researching and reading up on it…comparing scanpans/tefals/anolon/all clad/etc…i ended up buying a circulon 2 weeks ago…

    GBP 110 is an awesome price..last time i looked it was 122GBP was the cheapest option back then too..but i went with the set from Amazon US…but at this current price i would have gone with the UK set too. only thing wiht the UK set was I found it to be a bit "boring" as it was bascially 3 saucepans and 2 frypans. the AU set has a buffet casserole which can be served straight to the table which i liked.I liked the US set because I find i use a frypan more than the saucepans..and it had 2 skillets and a saute pan which I liked a lot….which was my main reason for going with the more expensive US set.

    US set: 1-1/2- and 2-quart covered saucepans, 8-quart covered stockpot, 3-quart covered saute pan, and 8- and 10-inch open skillets

    UK set: Comprised of 20 cm/3.8 litre saucepan, 18 cm/2.8 litre saucepan, 16 cm/1.9 litre saucepan, 24 cm frypan and 20 cm frypan

    AU Set: 16cm 1.9L Saucepan with Lid/18cm 2.8L Saucepan with Lid/26cm 4.2L Buffet Casserole with Lid/28cm 5.7L Chef Pan with Lid / 24cm French Skillet

    i just bought the same set from Amazon US. i was going between the 3 sets…NOTE…they all have different combinations ….
    Amazon UK 110GBP + shipping = ~AU $183 :

    Yourhomedepot AUST $265AUD (incl shipping):…

    Amazon US $209.99USD + shipping = ~AU$286.82…

    i also liked the cuisinart ones…and they had really good reviews…but i ended up going for a non stick. tefal rates the worst for non stick by the way.

    Keep in mind that anolon and circulon are made by the same ppl (Meyer Corporation) and use similar non stick properties..which are known to be the longest lasting… and doesn't wear off as easily. I do note that they say you should only use medium heat as a maximum on these. I also liked the Circulon for their higher heat resistance in the oven and the only down side from the reviews Ive read is that some people say the stainless steel handles get hot on the stove sometimes.

    in terms of Scanpans, they're a hit and miss. A lot of bad reviews …and if you buy a Scanpan make sure you buy the non china made ones..which are the "Classic" range. They rate the best compared to all their other ranges…and are made in Denmark. I think they have others which are made in Denmark too, but I've got a 2 saucepans and a grillpan in the Classic range which is made in Denmark.

    whoa such a long post, but I'm sure someone will appreciate it..hahaha if not ive just wasted a whole heap of time! lol

    enter the link to the amazon page you want and it will tell you the historical price of the particular item you want, and notify you when it drops below a certain price.
    EG: these pots that the OP has posted up was $98GBP back in June 2011, and the highest its ever been is GBP278. On average it is around GBP127…and GBP110 is the normal lowest… so definitely a good price!

    that site is gold…

    EDIT: and another thing is ..these Circulons work on induction cooktops as well. Build quality on these are really good. Thick bottom base …which is what you want in every pot/pan!

    • Just a note on the UK price, mine came to 114 pounds including shipping after vat was stripped off. I don't think US tax as much so the price didnt drop all that much for us Aussies. I agree that the casserole dish looks awesome but at the end of the day for my needs I just needed a decent quality staple set and this fit the bill :)

      And good writeup!

    • You didnt waste your time because you got a +1 from me and I appreciated the useful feedback as Im hunting for a good set of pots and pans (preferably stainless steel) and was considering getting the Scanpan 5pc or 10pc Impact set which are made in China. You just saved me from some great frustrations!

    • +1

      Great analysis! This is what makes ozzyb so great! Thanks for the effort.

  • A lot of interesting comments in here. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with the Jamie Oliver range and knows how it holds up against its competitors.

  • +1

    jamie oliver range is Tefal..refer to my comments above…or check this and read the reviews:…

    im referring to the non stick jamie oliver range..which is a tefal non stick with his name stuck on…
    he has a stainless steel range too..which I haven't read about yet.. so can't comment

  • +1

    I am very slack around the kitchen and have killed the non stick ( Teflon?)surface on a couple of Circulon frypans.
    My missus then bought a Jamie Oliver hard anodised frypan from a Meyer sale and i have been unable to hurt it. It is brill!! Hard anodised is presently in a class of its own for non stick imo.

    My missus then lobbed home with a Estelle Australus copper bonded stainless steel frypan. It is a beautiful piece of metalwork but totally useless for me, as most thinks i cook sticks to it. My missus loves it, but she loves farting around in the kitchen. Hard anodised rools!!!!

    • I have no experience with Circulon but have to agree with mrfluffy on Jamie Oliver hard anodised cookware: We have the fry pan, wok and shark's tooth grill pan all have been problem-free.

  • Whatever non-stick stuff you get just be careful with it in the dishwasher using those 'Power' type tablets.. after about a year the coating will start peeling off and Teflon isn't the best ingredient to have in your food ;) This first happened to me with my first ever (expensive) Scanpan but has also happened with other generic rebadged brands over several years too (ever since the Tablets were released). Scanpan was good enough to replace the pan for free (props to them!) and I didn't want to believe that it was the Tablets fault however a year or two later it started happening again. I find Tablets are awesome at cleaning and also leave your Dishwasher SUPER clean in the process but they can be very harsh on your expensive cookware and can even scratch glassware making it all foggy so be careful! I think the alkaline salts they use in the Tablets are a lot harder then in the powder/liquid.

    • It is perfectly safe to eat teflon flakes in your food. It has been studied and is completely inert in the human body.

      (The gas that comes from burning it is another story).

  • Has anyone considered the sets of hard anodised pans available at Costco? I remember seeing the Circulon and Kirkland (Costco) ones available there also. Would they be a better price from Costco?

    • Also interested in this as I have been considering joining Costco, and I assume a purchase like this would cover membership with a decent discount.

  • It must've been a long week, I read Hard Anodised as Hardly Used! ;)

    Not a bad deal. FWIW, I was at dragged by the wife to the Trade Secret store in Glendale NSW last night. I noticed that they had a pretty nice looking 6pc set of Anolon cookware with a 6pc knife block included for $199. Not sure if other stores have these as well, maybe worth a look? :)

  • The US costco shows a 15 piece hard "anodized" set for $159 - either this or the Circulon from them may be a better deal
    Also, a benefit oz-bargainers will appreciate, of course with Costco you can always take it back. Always.

  • I went into Costco today to check out what was there. It was a 13 piece circulon for $235 or a 15 piece kirkland for $180. After seeing those, I'm going to get the Amazon deal.
    Thanks for posting.

    • As a side note, do Costco have any form of catalogue (even for members)?

      I have been thinking of joining, but it is a long way for me to get there, only to find out that prices might not be the best.

      Any ideas???

  • Ordered Friday, arrived in Perth Monday AM and hopefully delivered Tuesday. Cant beat that.

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