Best Before date of 31/5/2023 so not short dated stock
Price usually $2.25/L at Colesworth on half price sale. This is $0.83/L, so around 80% off RRP
Chicken was normal price
Best Before date of 31/5/2023 so not short dated stock
Price usually $2.25/L at Colesworth on half price sale. This is $0.83/L, so around 80% off RRP
Chicken was normal price
Nope. 31st May 2023
Cheers. Wonder why they are clearing it then.
Yeah I thought it was going to be the case as well, but nope
No idea why they're clearing it out but I'm not complaining
Any discount on the chicken stock OP?
Normal price. $12-14 off the top of my head
As a bad chef,
What are your easy recipes with this stock?
Are they short dated? Costco often clear stuff if the use by or BB date isn't that far away.