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$10 off/Month for 12 Months on nbn Plans 100/20, 100/40, 250/25, 1000/50 (New Customers Only) @ Aussie Broadband


Was given this code when signing up to ABB today.

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$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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closed Comments

  • Haven’t seen discount for 50/20 for a long time

    • +5

      Still nothing too exciting since ABB increased their prices. Superloop base price is $69.95 (same price as ABB discounted price) But Superloop also have $15 for 6 months bringing it down to $54.95.

      • Second this, can bundle it with the abandoned cart trick for a one off-discount too.

  • So still paying more for crapper support. Mmmm yeah, nah

    Do they still offer 100/40? Not listed for me.

    • You can customise your speed to 100/40 under 'build your own plan'.

    • +1

      You think?

      Who do say has better support?

      • +3

        My two most recent RSP's Launtel & Superloop are way better. I'm sick of arguing with ABB over my oldies NBN because they the connection is crap especially in the rain but rather then listen to "these are the steps I've done, these are the results, the line is f'd, as per the last 15mths of calls… No we have to do the troubleshooting steps…oh wait you mean the one's I've just done & stepped you through the results? Can't wait for their contract to end

        • +1

          The issue you are experiencing sounds more like an NBN problem, not an ABB problem…which means you will get it from all providers.

          Regarding customer service, I haven't found a business with as good customer service as ABB. IV been with superloop, epic, myrepublic, Telstra, kogan, belong, and ofcourse ABB

          • @whitepuma: It's an NBN problem. But you can't speak directly with NBN, so you rely on your RSP's customer service. Which in ABB's case is lacking. No doubt better then the likes of TOG, Dodo, Optus an whoever has IS helpdesk. But they continually espouse how it's Aussie & awesome, but I've found otherwise.

            • @M00Cow: But that's the thing, there isn't much more RSP's can do. I've experienced it first hand when working for one….you can constantly hound NBN, submit numerous requests, try to escalate things etc….but in the end of the day the list of issues with the NBN network far outweigh the resources NBN is putting to fix those problems. So unless your issue is on the routing or POI end, then your problem is going to be resolved at NBN's pace, which regardless of your RSP is going to be slow.

              • @whitepuma: If you read my comment, you'd see that it's a known, on going issue (yes NBN, not ABB fault). I do the troubleshooting and then call, I explain the troubleshooting steps I've done, along with the results. They can see the history, but make me do the same bloody troubleshooting steps again with them (in fact I do a few more), before they log a job with NBNco. That is my issue.

                This includes replacing the router! Yep they won't even log a job with NBN until you've tried another router. Fine for me as I've left a spare one, but how many people have a spare router?

                • @M00Cow: I understand, but that's standard procedure. All rsp's have and will make you do that (at least the 2 I worked for required that). Unfortunately just because the customer said they did a test prior to the call doesn't mean they can check off that it's done. NBN requires you to build a case when submitting this sort of stuff, and if you don't follow the nbns guide when building the case they will likely lower the priority of it.

                  I understand what you mean, but it's not something that can be resolved on an RSP level. Like I said, unless it's got to do with routing, CVC or POI

                  • @whitepuma: Well I disagree. OS helpdesks do, because they have scripts they must stick to. My experience in the past two years Superloop doesn't, Launtel don't. ABB never used to either.

                    Back in the old days of local support iprimus, Optus, Telstra, internode, westnet didn't either.

                    Again they look at the history, they know it's a similar fault, the extensive troubleshooting provided show that it's done. Why pay more for "Local Support" when you can get the same script following OS support for less?

                    • @M00Cow: I guess thats where our experiences differ. My experience has always had ABB have better customer service than others. But what i said about how NBN processes it is all true. So EITHER the process that NBN forces has been changed since you last dealt with them, or those companies you mentioned aren't following the process NBN forces, and if NBN were to find out about that then those companies are going to have to deal with fines or the loss of rights to offer services.

                      • @whitepuma: Good for you, doesn't mean my experience is irreverent or wrong.

                        And you're just making up the last bit.There's no reason to jump through the hoops again. And you're making up the fines bit too. But whatever stuff you have to create to satisfy & justify your fanboi mindset I suppose.

                        • @M00Cow: …i didn't say your experience is irrelevant or wrong, i said that's where our experience differs

            • @M00Cow: who's tog ?

        • Didn't realise ABB had contracts?

  • I'd join but the FTTP upgrade in my suburb announced in May 2021 still hasn't begun. I'm not wasting a cent on NBN until FTTP is in the pipeline.

    • +1

      Hey FTTN isn't that bad, yes it's like a bridge that only goes halfway across, but besides that little insignificant oversight, completely usable for traffic!

    • get 5g. it's way better if the coverage is alright.

      • I'm on 4G right now, it ticks all the boxes really except download quotas. The speed is acceptable. I figured I'd stick with this until FTTP is ready. Unsure about 5G coverage but rather not get into any contracts now as FTTP shouldn't be too far away.

  • better to provide the ABB link in OP

  • +2

    'MOVING' code still working for 1st month free

    • Pity they can’t be stacked :(

    • +1

      Can I just connect for only one month then churn to another RSP?

      • yes no charge for first month

    • Can confirm, Halloween22 didnt work anymore but MOVING did - saved slightly more with this one anyway on the fastest plan.

  • Still working for on the 10th of Nov and tested today on the 11th as still good.

  • seems like it doesn't work anymore…

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