We're planning to travel interstate soon after 5 billion years of lockdown so I was looking for a new make-up case and found one last night that I liked the look of on eBay. Description details were scant so I reached out to the seller & asked for the dimensions to ensure it would easily fit in my carry-on luggage. The seller replied earlier and the size was good however I just noticed that they have increased the price 100% - WT? What a way not to do business, the fool.
Anyone else like to share their whacky eBay seller stories.
Like 20 years ago I would pick up armfuls of children's books from thrift stores for like 10 cents each, list them on eBay but in the description I would talk about them as if they were something really valuable. Like I'd make a big deal about it being the 14th edition of that book or whatever was different about it. And people would pay like $40 each for them and leave me glowing reviews. The early days of eBay were crazy.