What Makes a Good Oven?


The electric oven from my place died (it must be like +20 years old) and I'm looking to replace it. After browsing around a bit I noticed that the price range can go from $500 to +$3000. As far as I understand, the main functions you'd find in an oven would be broil, normal heat and convection (and steam for the more advanced). Do you think that cheaper ovens would do a lesser job? Christmas approaching (which isn't jolly for my wallet), I considered going on gumtree to get a $200 used one but I am a bit apprehensive about going that route. Is there any better brand? Functions I should get?


  • +3

    Get the cheapy and a Weber to do the Christmas roast.

  • +1

    More functions, such as cooking programs, temp probes, rapid heating, pyro cleaning etc.
    Better parts like ball bearing rails, better door insulation etc.

    Up to you to decide what you think is worth it. Ours was expensive ($2.5k), but has all the features and we use most of them. Pyro is awesome, as is the quad-glass door, which you can barely feel any heat through even on pyro mode.

    • +2

      Yeah our old electric basically functions as a secondary heater in winter 🤣

      • +3

        When we bought the house it had some POS gas oven. The door got as hot as the inside. Not a good thing when you've got small kids. Also, the igniter was broken, so you had to stick your head in it to light the burner at the back. Good times.

  • +4

    One with Pyrolytic cleaning
    Skip the steam oven option.

  • Fan forced is a must and most cheapies have that these days. Without a fan the food doesn’t cook as evenly. Everything else is a bonus. Gumtree option isn’t a bad one if everything is working but depending on the age of your place you might have to figure in the cost of a sparkle to wire it up for you if it’s not a simple plug or whatever

    • Pyrolytic cleaning is pretty awesome, but make sure you have heaps of ventilation

  • I still don't know what half of the functions are for on a modern oven. But basically, a decent fan, and a pyrolytic cleaning feature, even if you never use it for cleaning - the extra insulation saves a heap of power.

  • What makes a good oven ? Great reviews and plenty of them !

  • like what is mentioned, but also adding that a good oven with distribute the heat better and less likley to have hot spots. Helps to ensure if you are cooking certain things you're not going to just burn one side more than the other.

  • +1

    Must be a yank as no Ozzie broils.

    Fan forced is a MUST
    A timer is also a must.
    A size that takes your existing oven stuff is also a must.
    A brand that has been around a while is also a must as then there are spare parts.
    One that fits in the existing space is a must.
    One that can use the existing power connector/cables is a must. You may need a sparky.

  • What Makes a Good Oven?

    One the wife knows how to use.

  • Steam oven is handy if you do a lot of baking (especially bread, like Sourdough - however you can often replicate the steaming effect in a Dutch oven)

    Pyro function is pretty fun - take out all your trays and metal bits, turn it on, open all your windows, vacuum up debris.

    Make sure you get one that fits - be sure to measure. I bought one recently and the sparky had to cut into my wall because I assumed they were standardised. Not the end of the world but it wasn't fun.

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