This was posted 2 years 4 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Back Order] CLIF Energy Bar Multiple Flavours 12x68g $18.00 ($16.20 with S&S) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Hike, bike ride or marathon your way to the couch for all the energy bar goodness you need.

Multiple flavours discounted.

White Chocolate Macadamia Sold out

Crunchy Peanut Butter Sold out

Chocolate Brownie Usually dispatched within 2 to 4 weeks

Chocolate Chip — Usually dispatched within 1 to 4 weeks.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU

closed Comments

    • +59

      YoU lOoK rEAlly hiGh iN jUnk cOmmEnTs..

      • +6

        Looks like a fight between Batman and Superman, both didn't get hurt but man, they wouldn't let others live in peace

      • +1

        I imagine that jv is a pensioner, retired, living alone, and when speaking with neighbours randomly shouts every 4th or 5th word.

    • +11

      Carbs aren’t the enemy….

      • -4

        sugar is, and these are also very high in sugar.

        • -8

          WhY aRe yOu EVen HeRe…? PosT a DeaL oR SHoo. NoBodY caReS..

        • +2

          The sugar is an issue but these are an "Energy Bar", designed as a quick pick-me-up while doing strenuous activities… I use them as a mid after-noon energy boost while on multi-day hikes to get me through the late afternoon…

          • @FLICKIT:

            I use them as a mid after-noon energy boost while on multi-day hikes to get me through the late afternoon…

            Why not just eat a piece of fruit then, if you're just after an energy boost?

            • +7

              @jv: Fruit is heavy and it doesn't travel well in a backpack for a week or more…

              • -2


                for a week or more…

                fair enough, but most of the time, I don't think these are the best choice for a healthy snack.

                • +3

                  @jv: I agree 100%.. but they do serve a purpose,,, (people need to be mindful these aren't a snack to eat in front of the TV)

                  • -2


                    (people need to be mindful these aren't a snack to eat in front of the TV)

                    Which is probably what most people here would be buying them for…

        • +1

          Sugar is not the enemy… I’m afraid JV not everyone is 150kg and a couch potato…

          • +1

            @Muscles: Username checks out

          • @Muscles:

            Sugar is not the enemy… I’m afraid JV not everyone is 150kg and a couch potato…

            Skinny people can also get heart disease…

            people with a lot of added sugar in their diet are significantly more likely to die from heart disease than people with minimal amounts of added sugar in their diet.


            This product has a lot of added sugar.

            • @jv: Sugar doesn’t cause heart disease and this energy bar certainly wont

              • -1


                Sugar doesn’t cause heart disease

                It can cause heart disease and cancer…


                • +1

                  @jv: JV, you are arguing for the sake of arguing. Eat sugar and stay inactive, yes you would get heart disease. That's a no brainer. On this topic of energy bar, people are consuming sugar and carb so that they can do longer hour high intensity excercise. By the end of excercise session, all carbs that they consumed will be burnt off. The person will be leaner and have a stronger heart.

                • @jv: Did you actually read what you posted? “Excess sugar”… just lead a balanced and healthy life JV and you’ll be right… stop worrying so much about the sugar in an “energy bar”.

                  • @Muscles:

                    Did you actually read what you posted? “Excess sugar”…

                    Where did I post that?

                    Now you are just making stuff up.

                    • @jv: You should probably read the article you linked…

                      • @Muscles: I said 'added' sugar.

                        • @jv: So you posted an article which proves your point wrong…

                          • @Muscles: Seem like you missed the point.

                            • @jv: seems like you know nothing about nutrition

                              • @Muscles: or many know more than you think and it's over your head…

                                • @jv: Or in fact you know absolutely nothing

    • Why are you so sensitive about carbs? they are not the enemy…

    • +1

      This product is not for everyone. Some of the most active people, endurance sports persons consume this. Why? Because they need a lot of carb during those activities. Protien or fat are not efficient enough as body fuel source during those activities. If you are eating an energy bar and sitting on couch, it's a wrong food choice for you. Cyclists, marathon runner, long distance trail runner or any other ENDURANCE sports person need fuel like this. Look up any Tour de France cyclist, they do not eat an apple or steak on the bike. They need energy bar or gel.

      • -1

        Some of the most active people, endurance sports persons consume this

        Probably around 0.001% of the audience here…

        • And you thing they are going buy it? Even after discount, this stuff is pretty expensive and not the tastiest food in the world. A lot of cheaper and tastier items out there for snacking for general population. This item has a very limited and targeted customer base. It's for them. I stocked up for my bike rides. I need to consume about 2 bars per hour of bike ride. I will be still calorie deficit after the ride.

          • @Coles Customer:

            I will be still calorie deficit after the ride.

            Just have a latte…

            • @jv: Don't need latte. I prefer recovery smoothie after a training session.

  • -7

    LoL whAt’s yOu’re poINt.. PoSt a DeAL - 2018 cALleD, vidEo EzY hAS a diScOunT

    • ?

  • +1

    I want the Mint Caffeine !

  • +4

    Looks similar to these that were half price from woolies last week. Same energy/calories though woolies one has less protein (6g v. 11g).

  • Thanks OP - loaded up!

  • +3

    Crunchy peanut is back up to $29.89 now
    Also white choc macadamia at $18

    These come in handy for big hikes.

    Thx OP

    • +3

      The trick is to stockpile these before the big hike. Inflation is coming

    • +7

      Where does it say protein bar, it says energy bar.

  • +3

    Not sure if there's a difference in ingredients/quality, but these things were great bicycling through France.

  • +1

    only choc brownie available at the $18 price

  • +8

    These are great for endurance activities like marathon/trail running, the carbs is the important bit here. Need cards to stop hitting the wall. Not everyone can stomach the energy gels

    • +2

      Typically I go around the wall. You need a lot less carbs when you do that

  • +2

    Chocolate chip the only ones still at that price

  • Thanks OP, bought 2 packs!

  • +8

    Genuine thanks OP. Great price.

    As a long time OzB user, I would really like to see a way for mods to completely remove the trail of rubbish comments and perhaps consider a mechanism for putting a user in the "sin-bin" temporarily if their posts repeatedly fall below threshold.

    Healthy debate and robust product discussion is a key reason why this community is so unique and helpful but stoushes like the above on this post are really starting to detract from the user experience!

    • I opened the deal yesterday, saw those first comments and left.
      Came back this morning and deal over

      • If you click on a user's profile, you can rate them 1 to 5 stars, though I'm not sure where that information goes or gets displayed.

        • im 50/50 about jv, and the star rating is personal/only you see it

          but opening the deal with a bunch of hiiden comments and a reply with that mixed upper/lowercase was off-putting enough

          • @capslock janitor: eeeehhh what good is the rating we're the only ones that can see it?!

            I agree that the hidden comments are a bit sus, personally, over the years I've learnt to scroll past them to the more helpful comments.

            I thought the "jUnk cOmmEnTs.." one was funny though 😂

    • +2

      I’ve given up on that hope. Btw, there is a sin bin mechanic and JV has been in it before. If you ever report the constant bickering of joke comments the mod will just tell you that is their personal opinion and they’re not breaking any rules.

  • +3

    For anyone that missed the deal, the woolies ones aren't on special anymore but even at full price, are cheaper than the amazon ones.

    • Just keep in mind those have 6grams of protein, while Clif are 9grams of protein, if that matters to someone.

  • +1
  • These are high in sugar.. may as well grab some uncle tobys muscle bars that are only 14-17g sugar per 100g vs 24-30g sugar per 100g in these

    • The sugar is the point

    • We buy it for high amount of carb. Carb is the essential fuel source for endurance sports. It's not for snacking while sitting on couch.

    • Yeah some bars work but most are too high in fat and harder to digest
      Somewhat ironically weight watchers bars are actually really good (high sugar low fat)

      3-4 hours into a bike ride or run you definately dont want fibre in your gut :P

  • +5

    Clif bar posts always bring out the idiots.

    • -3

      Pretty sure most people on ozbargains are not hiking or taking these things for long walks :)

      • +1

        I'm not really interested in what you are pretty sure about.

        • -1

          I'm not really interested that you're not really interested in what vid_ghost is pretty sure about.

  • +1

    Great energy bar for long bike rides -
    Have saved me a few times from the dreaded ‘hunger flat’

  • +2

    Peanut butter are back in stock at this price

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