Our Specially Selected lobster tails are a luxurious addition to your festive table.
Our wild caught lobsters are freshly harvested from the tropical waters of Brazil, a region recognised for producing plump and delicious lobster varieties.
Our chefs have harmoniously combined butter, garlic, lemon juice, parsley and salt to create a finishing glaze that will accentuate the natural flavours of the lobster tails.
Lobster Tails with Garlic Butter Glaze 2pk/380g $34.99 @ ALDI

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closed Comments
No, you have chicken instead.
Leon! lol.. that was actually quite interesting!
Real tasty.
Was $30 last year.
Good luck
I've had them and they had quite a bit of a fishy taste to it unlike fresh lobster. So for those who have more sensitive taste buds, these may not be that pleasant.
Glad they’re back. I think I posted the deal last year.
Made amazing lobster rolls with them 🤤
You can get a lobster tail from Woolies for $10 each ($20 for 2) and some garlic butter for cheaper.. what am I missing here?
Those Woolies (and Coles) ones are pretty tiny. I'm guessing these Aldi ones must be substantially bigger. They would certainly want to be, for 35 clams.
I hate to be a 'negative Nancy', and normally I steer clear of making pinko comments; but I make an exception when animals and the sustainable consumption thereof are concerned. So please note the following:
Spiny lobster from Brazil are given an "avoid" rating because most of the lobsters are caught and landed using illegal fishing methods (diving and gillnets) resulting in a critical score for fishery management.The source is this:
The lobster species this pertains to is Panulirus argus. I am unable to confirm online whether this is the species of lobster 'wild-caught in Brazil' that Aldi are selling, but I'd be surprised if it was not.
so you cant confirm or deny information that you are posting
No fuggly, you are completely wrong.
I can (and hereby do) absolutely confirm that I provided a direct quote from a source I cited that is available freely to anyone who can access the internet. I never made any representation to the contrary. Can you confirm that you are actually capable of comprehending basic written English?
I can confirm that I can spot a (profanity) from a fair distance ;) but thank you for your valuable input
I wish Pinchy were here to enjoy this…
Buy local, buy fresh. We have the best seafood in the world. Do yourself a favour and our fisherman and spend a little more for a better product at your local fisho.
These sold out crazy fast lol
Get in my mouth.