This was posted 2 years 4 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Lobster Tails with Garlic Butter Glaze 2pk/380g $34.99 @ ALDI


Our Specially Selected lobster tails are a luxurious addition to your festive table.
Our wild caught lobsters are freshly harvested from the tropical waters of Brazil, a region recognised for producing plump and delicious lobster varieties.
Our chefs have harmoniously combined butter, garlic, lemon juice, parsley and salt to create a finishing glaze that will accentuate the natural flavours of the lobster tails.

Via Shopfully

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closed Comments

  • Get in my mouth.

    • +5

      No, you have chicken instead.

  • +1
    • +3

      Leon! lol.. that was actually quite interesting!

  • Real tasty.

    Was $30 last year.

  • Good luck

  • +1

    I've had them and they had quite a bit of a fishy taste to it unlike fresh lobster. So for those who have more sensitive taste buds, these may not be that pleasant.

  • Glad they’re back. I think I posted the deal last year.

    Made amazing lobster rolls with them 🤤

  • +4

    You can get a lobster tail from Woolies for $10 each ($20 for 2) and some garlic butter for cheaper.. what am I missing here?

    • Those Woolies (and Coles) ones are pretty tiny. I'm guessing these Aldi ones must be substantially bigger. They would certainly want to be, for 35 clams.

  • +8

    I hate to be a 'negative Nancy', and normally I steer clear of making pinko comments; but I make an exception when animals and the sustainable consumption thereof are concerned. So please note the following:

    Spiny lobster from Brazil are given an "avoid" rating because most of the lobsters are caught and landed using illegal fishing methods (diving and gillnets) resulting in a critical score for fishery management.

    The source is this:…

    The lobster species this pertains to is Panulirus argus. I am unable to confirm online whether this is the species of lobster 'wild-caught in Brazil' that Aldi are selling, but I'd be surprised if it was not.

    • so you cant confirm or deny information that you are posting

      • -2

        No fuggly, you are completely wrong.

        I can (and hereby do) absolutely confirm that I provided a direct quote from a source I cited that is available freely to anyone who can access the internet. I never made any representation to the contrary. Can you confirm that you are actually capable of comprehending basic written English?

        • +2

          I can confirm that I can spot a (profanity) from a fair distance ;) but thank you for your valuable input

  • +2

    I wish Pinchy were here to enjoy this…

  • +4

    Buy local, buy fresh. We have the best seafood in the world. Do yourself a favour and our fisherman and spend a little more for a better product at your local fisho.

  • These sold out crazy fast lol

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