Login flow broken on iOS using KeyChain saved creds.

Subj. The login field no longer fills. And please drop this “Sign in with Google/Facebook” thing, biggest Ad companies living on your data. The pop-up is annoying too.


  • +1


  • Are you reporting a bug with Ozbargain or is this a generic issue you experience with other websites? What version of Safari are you using?

    • Ozb. Version - latest iOS Safari. It started working, just the annoying pop-up atm

  • login field fills now, just please drop the pop-up

  • Don’t think it’s an Ozb bug if iOS Safari stops working with their login form. Sounds like an issue with Safari. Anyway it works now which suggests it was never really an issue.

    And are you seriously asking Ozb to remove login with Google and Fb? Wat

  • +1

    This is an issue that not all web designers care about, even on some sites for major services. Keychain can't read the designer's mind and doesn't always know that it is trying to login, like when they put the password field on a different tab to the email field. They don't pay for good user testing I suppose so they just don't know what their site is like with an Apple device.

  • Also if you're interested in what's actually going on with OZB or any site in terms of Facebook SDK and such, you can check it out on builtwith.com https://builtwith.com/?https%3a%2f%2fwww.ozbargain.com.au%2f

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