GPU Suggestion: Wait or Buy GPU now?

Is it a good time to buy 3080 RN or should i wait till 40 series drop?
And is 3080 worth 500AUD more than 3070?

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  • +4

    If you don't need one right now it could be worth waiting a month for AMD's RDNA 3 offerings.

    • +1

      Reading through the RDNA3 rumours I think the consensus is that AMD will be approx $100 cheaper than Nvidia at the same performance, or they will do discounts if you also buy a Zen 4. So if Nvidia doesn't reduce prices (and I don't think they will for a while) AMD won't either. Plus mid tier cards from both sides are at least 3-4 months away anyway.

  • +1

    People probably wont' like me saying but we're not gonna see massive discounts on 30 series for the next like 3 or 4 months. The most the price drop will be like $50AUD even with AMD's releases. New series cards are expensive for most people and Nvidia know that. They also know people don't want to risk mining cards so 30 series cards won't drop prices.

    3070 vs 3080, I would get a 12gb 3080, it should do you for a few years at which time a 4080 might be reasonably priced.

  • +1

    I would get a 3070 right now if you can get a good price.

    The difference is about 25-30% performance to a 3080, but at double the price not worth it.

  • Depends on how much that 3080 is, right now you can get one for $700-800 which I think is a great price. I'd take it if you're ok with a used one.

  • Holding until RDNA3. November 3 will be here shortly, and I don't think the cost of 3000 series cards will increase in the meantime.

    I expect RDNA3 will still be over-priced, just like the 4000 series, but I'll still wait and see.

  • +1


  • +2

    Personally I'm looking for a new GPU, but I wouldn't think of buying at the moment.

    Nvidia have tried everything to keep the prices of their EoL stock high, but 3080s up at $1200 - 1500 isn't really sane. When the 4080 12GB make it's reappearance at closer to $1100 and AMD release their 7000 series at cheaper prices too, then we should start to see the 3080 speed class settle at sub $1000 prices - where they belong.

  • +2

    wait - stores will want to offload 3000 series cards as the 4000s come around

  • +1

    depending on the purpose though, I waited a long to see the low prices with 4000 series and end of mining. Finally ended up getting an used 3090 as I thought prices won't come down much considering $3000 for 4090 :/ could be a bad deal but I was fed up of checking prices every day. Now I can game at full 1080p 60fps :P although I got this for ML

  • +1

    Get a 6900XT, better performance and cheaper than 3080 ;)

  • Buy now always, upgrade later, never wait

  • *hodl

    there will also be 'new' 30-series SKUs to keep Nvidia's $$ incoming…

  • On marketplace you could get easily for $800ish with original invoice with another 2 years warranty, I would personally wait unless you are desperate but then again what next gen games will really use it atm ?

  • Or wait for Intel Arc RRP to fall to Reject Shop prices. I'm interested in trying out something else.

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