Based on website, says they are in stock.
Not the best deal currently, but this is if you want one faster
Maximum Order Quantity 1
Based on website, says they are in stock.
Not the best deal currently, but this is if you want one faster
Maximum Order Quantity 1
No displayport 2.0 this generation makes no sense.
nothing about this makes any sense.
It does for NVidia, they'll probably add it in the Ti model
And add another $500 bucks for that feature
Not the best deal currently
Why is it posted on OzB then…??
Different model + this is in stock vs a pre-order.
I'd say this model is worth $100 more.
Will this run minesweeper?
Not the ray traced version. Have to hold out for a 5090 for that.
A $5090 nvidia graphics card… but which card?
It will, as long as you run it on low specs, but not worth it IMHO.
It says ETA - ETA BY 25/10/2022
If thats the case, for 100 Less you can get the techfast deal which is Nov 1st.
From their live chat: "in stock, stock landed Sydney, currently sitting in our receiving warehouse, will transfer to us in the following days" also they have free shipping so works out to be ~$50 more then techfast deal.
where's the HODL brigade? do they finally submit to their fate?
Just scroll down mate!
People acting sensible about GPU prices got the 4080 12GB (profanity) off.
I bought a $350 6600xt and will keep it for 4 years
from where? link?
It is all good, but where is the price drop on the mid range 3060ti and 3070s in a wake of new 4000 series coming? Was waiting to get un update for my system i5-9400 ddr4 - 2x8gb 3200 and GTX760 2gb playing on 1080p 60Hz… something decent to play Cyberpunk, Far Cry 6 on Ultra for this resolution. Aiming at 3060ti or 3070 and ideally would like to buy from shop under $500 by late november. Is it a realistic expectation you think?
All in the hands of Lisa Su. The recent mined cards deal for 550$ was a nice one if you are OK with used cards. Almost 80+ sold in 3 days.
Yep those were ex-mining RTX 3070 TIs (still under warranty until 2025) for around $550, but that's just the start.
Used ex-mining prices haven't exactly "crashed" since the ETH merge (lots of miners in denial) but they continue to fall steadily, and that's affecting new prices.
Most likely these will have more impact in the mid and budget range than AMD's new GPUs, which they've said will launch soon (Lisa Su is head of AMD).
Thats what they are saying, but I was expecting the crash to happen sooner. I guess its not denial, but nvidia's absurd 4080 prices that havent put enough pressure on miners.
@[Deactivated]: I finally gave in and bought a used rtx3080 on gumtree because I truly believe that prices won't be dropping any further on the used market.
For the high end 30x to drop significantly, the 4090 has to drop well below $2000 which I honestly don't see happening anytime soon.
If anything, you can already see prices slowly climb up a little after the initial announcement frenzy has died down.
@solidussnake: I managed to negotiate one down to $800, which seems to be the lowest price on the used market right now. When the 4090 first dropped, there were plenty of 3080's listed around $800 but now its so hard to find, most prices seemed to have climbed back up to $900+.
@tofusana: You can still get mined ones for 839 tho -
This one is in stock for quite a long time now.
@[Deactivated]: Oh I haven't really checked ebay because I didn't want to wait for shipping, but I guess that ebay one is still $900 minus the ebay voucher. You can still definitely find them for less than $800 but its just a bit harder now. I regret not grabbing a 3080 that I saw for $720 when the 4090 was first announced, there were heaps of panic sellers at that time.
@tofusana: Actually i have seen a 3080 go for 730 recently. But its not worth the time sitting and bidding on each and everyone.
I don't think there's massive mining operations down here considering energy prices. I've heard from my friend in HK that used cards are much cheaper there though.
@JerraJones: That will spread to here eventually though.
If a used RTX 3080 is $750 here but say $700 in China or Russia, miners may not even bother shipping here.
But if price drops below $600 there, no miner is going to say "hmm, I could be getting an extra $150 per card if I was willing to ship overseas, but… nah. I don't like money anyway."
No not realistic. Prices won't drop on 3000 series midrange until 4000 series midrange is released. Try March 2023.
nvidia is controlling the prices now.
so when you think about it, something is really wrong when all one can rely on the prices to drop, is to have a competitor come up with a competing product.
When has that been any different… you have the only item (anything that people need) on the market - charge what you like. 5000% markup
nuance is a bit different this time. they are not only controlling the price to retail but also to 3rd party makers.
its 'water is wet' if you want to generalise. understanding the nuances probably requires further reading.
Welcome to supply / demand and capitalism
honestly i find it hilarious that i am talking about the different nuances in price manipulation and someone chimes in with economics 101.
water is wet, and looks like no one cares about the why but more than happy to parrot it's wet.
you do you.
@Whomastadon: Yep but also if they could make more supply and drop the price a little they likely would given they don't need maximum profits per unit, the business is public and they need maximum profits overall.
I have no doubt supply constraints continue to drive this so the logic is:
We can only get X cards so put a ludicrous price on them as they'll sell anyway. Any business would do the same.
Honestly, as much as it sucks… it creates an impetus to make better and better products… so we all win.
Only option is AMD, or arc if you don't play DX11 or earlier games. 6600xt prices have been good. Nvidia don't care about midrange much or price to performance
Wait, ARC can't run old games???
ARC can run old games, but take a performance hit as it is emulating the old DirectX9-11 through DirectX12.
Counter Strike is such a game where you "only" get ~150 FPS.
@ChickenDinner123: Performance is pretty much the same in newer titles compared to 3060 but prices aren't as great. a750/a770 costs 550/650 bucks which isn't worth it considering the headaches you'll have being an early adopter and the old game performance tax. It's also higher wattage, 230 watts compared to 170ish for the 3060.
$650 is as low as I’ve seen new 3060 Tis go.
I can’t see anything happening in the next 30 days to shave off another 20%. 4090 and 4080 dropped. Eth merge happened.
Personally, I’d either HODL, up my limit to $650, or be on eBay bidding on every sub-$500 3060 Ti and 3070 on offer. Eventually you’ll win one at a reasonable price.
3060 Ti have gone as low as $599 here on ozb recently. - Bought for $500 the other week. Used 10% off TCN giftcards. So $450 all up. Installed and running great!
Nicely done. Still nuts that we have to use all these different tricks to even get something reasonably priced nowadays.
Confused if that's your budget why you are even here then
If only people in the market for a 4090 commented on 4090 posts, this place would be a ghost town.
Personally, I bought my second-hand probably-ex-mining 3070 at auction for $650 a month ago. I paid a premium for a white Gigabyte Vision, but couldn’t be happier.
You can find them second hand on eBay for that price
Hell, a couple of RTX 3080s sold for around $650 on ebay in the last few weeks. (And loads for under 750).
Used prices still falling steadily.
That RRP though…
Insane price for a video card, but I hear it can also boil your cuppa tea pretty quick so if you're heavy tea drinker, this price might work out alright for you in the long term.
this thing could get hot enough to burn water.. in some cases, peoples connectors are melting
Damn this is awfully tempting.
I think the 4080 will be close in price to this. Nvidia RRP $2219. The high end 4080 AIB models pushing $2600.
Might as well get the 4090.
edit: But part of me thinks.. if the product is on "sale/discount" so early. They must be pushing them out the door. I dont need to rush into this.
That was the exact intention of the jacket man. Trick people into buying 4090. He was successful.
Damn it. I hate getting sucked in by jacket man.
But damn these 4090s are fast.
A 4090 will probably remain as famous as a 1080Ti for its performance uplift in that generation. Its just that the 1080Ti was a lot cheaper.
@[Deactivated]: Performance jump was huge because 20xx and 30xx cards were already kind of a wash. Jump from samsung 8nm>tsmc 4nm (marketing nonsense aside it's ~60-70% more dense iirc) was also massive, further nodes changes won't be as big.
Unfortunately 4090 costs around 3x as much as the 1080ti did (after inflation)…
Yeah it'll have to cost more than the 3090 or it will canabalize it's own sales seeing as they plan to sell 30 series still
And yet I will still suck at CS:Go
Thanks bought 25
Cool, now time to mine bitcoin
3090's are barely moving : (
3 Slot / 336mm long if anyone wants to know.
That's slimmer than I expect!
Neged for giving dimensions, lol ok.
ITX builds are tuff with the size of the 4090
I got the SSUPD Meshlicious so cant go over 336m in 4 slot mode.
How dare you give the accurate sizing!
thanks, got one to put in my mini-ITX
Simply use the 4090 she'll as a case for your PC
No one buying these card.
I'll hodl until 2035 and hopefully they will be affordable for my wallet then
At least till Nov 3rd to know AMD performance and RRP.
And even if AMDs offerings are only 10 or 20 percent cheaper, the price of this will likely drop by then too.
That is the reason for my HODL
"RRP $3199"
Hodl for the 9090ti… will be better
Can anyone recommend a good Ram for this?
What resolution and refresh rate are you playing at? Tuned DDR4 B-Die can outperform DDR5
I'm waiting for 6900xt to be below $1000
I’m waiting for 6700XT $500 or less or 6600XT $400 or less. That would be good.
They already cost less than this on ebay, likely to fall further soon.
Wow, I remember the days where 3K would get you a pretty decent gaming rig, including the gfx card, hell probably even the monitor, keyboard and mouse.
Now you're spending that on the gfx card alone…. gross.
A crypto miner unzipped their wallet in front of jacket man and ever since he’s had an addiction for cash.
It feels like just a few years ago I was fantasizing about a $1200 Titan card.
…but never buying it, since compared to normal cards, that was twice what it was worth.
$3k still will get you a decent gaming rig. Hell, you can still get a decent gaming rig for under $2k.
The difference is how many pixels you want to push. If you are happy with 1440p gaming you can spend much much less. And even 4k gaming is possible without a x090 series card.
Honestly these cards are for people with too much money, people whose identities are tied to how powerful their rig is, or those training complex machine learning models on large datasets.
Or some people that take their VR or racing sims seriously. VR and triple monitors will take every ounce it can get.
3k is alot of shell out for a graphics card. Have to wait for RDNA 3 - hopefully knock some sense into nvidia.
also if anyone is going to buy, they need to see the tier.
some AIBs (gainward etc) have cheapened out on components (cheaper than the FE), which is why they ask for high PSU requirements. high PSUs can handle the the transient spikes. and if there is any warranty issue, then they can safely say nope, you didnt meet the psu requirement (according to reddit)
There's a usual thread of discussion that follows on a bargain website that stems from this fact…