Well-rated by OzBargainers and ProductReview.
Free shipping is location dependent, but has wide coverage.
Well-rated by OzBargainers and ProductReview.
Free shipping is location dependent, but has wide coverage.
Referee gets $5 off. Referrer gets $10 in points.
Finish is $14kg
Be a long time to get through 18kg though
How this compare to the Aldi dishwasher powder?
Better than aldi imho but aldi is cheap
if anyone buys, happy to take 2-3kg of you at the same price
2kg baggies
Yes officer its powder for my dishwasher
<points to junkie mate with prune fingers>
20gm per wash = 900 washes 😳 . Really?
Yes grasshopper , your maths is strong
I'm going to give this a go!
Been wanting to use something more natural for the dishwasher. It works out to about 13.5c per wash plus its an Aussie company.
Looks like they have a refer-a-friend that gives $5 off. Can PM me for mine (sorry mods if this is not allowed) 👍🏼
$6.70 a kilo seems like a bit of an ordinary price for buying in this kind of bulk tbh