I originally purchased this back in February when it was £205. At the moment it comes up as £172.57. Based on xe.com conversion rate that is $267. It usually floats around £220-230 mark.
Here is the Amazon calculations once VAT is removed.
Postage & Packing: £22.58
Total before VAT: £172.57
VAT: £0.00
Order Total: £172.57
Vax Australia does not sell this model. The highest model we get is the Vax Rapide 2 at $499
The Dual V superseeds it in many ways: more powerful motor, narrower, heated cleaning, rotating spinscrub brushes, and auto mixing system.
The only risk is warranty. If its DOA you shouldn't have an issue with Amazon replacing it. If Vax are prepared to put a 6 year warranty on it in the UK it should be expected to last. I have had two previous shampooers in the past. This is by far the best one I have owned. I pulls up more dirt and with the heating the carpets dry quicker which allow the carpets to be walked on again sooner.
I was considering the Wertheim SE9000 before I bought this. I believe both the Wertheim and Dual V are pretty comparable machines. The Wertheim probably has a slightly better brush design but the Dual V brushes are great too. Much better then the Rapide 2. Wertheim is $999 and figure at the price difference is worth the warranty risk. I can buy 3 and still be ahead
If want to find some reviews try searching the Hoover Dual V. Vax and Hoover are owned by the same parent company.
Nice One and yesterday my 10 year old shampooers packed in - bought.