This was posted 2 years 4 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Ironbark Pork Ribs $15.99 Per kg (Was $18.49) @ ALDI


Considering coles is $20 a kg, this is nearly 25% off of that.

Highly recommend these bad boys. Head to DJ BBQ or bbq with Franklin for some Smokey good recipes.

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closed Comments

  • +11

    My local butcher is selling them for $13.99/kg. If you are in Brisbane, shops name is Fresco at Runcorn and Sunnybank stores.

  • +15

    Very little meat on them, basically stripped back right to the bone (known as "shiners").

    • good for broth preparation

      • -2

        boy if you are buying ribs for broth preparation…. I hope you get what's coming for you.

    • -5

      doesn't look that way in the picture.

      • +1

        I've bought these before, tasty, but very little meat ~ 40% maybe - basically what is in between the bones

      • +3

        when have things ever not matched the ad picture?

        • +1
    • +5

      Agree with this. Costco ribs are super meaty. Harris farm ribs are decent too.

      • And how many kilograms do you have to buy ? Not cheap if you can't buy bulk

        • Just one rack, but it's bigger heavier. $30 a rack? Worth it though.

    • +4

      Agreed- not worth the prep time with the mount of meat that is on these, they just seem like leftovers. String of bones with just connecting meat in-between.

    • Agreed. Costco ribs have more meat.

  • +1

    +1, these ribs are really great.

    Tried in both the oven and also a braised style in the pressure cooker. Meat practically falls off the bone.

  • Yeah these come up great in the smoker

  • That's a great price. Can vouch these are good and meaty.

    • Cooked them on the kamado. Good amount of meat.

  • -1

    If you don't think they have much meat on them, cook them properly.

  • +1

    Considering coles is $20 a kg, this is nearly 25% of that.

    Which would be nearly $5/kg :)

    • +5

      Quick Mafs

    • +1

      This is exactly why you need both Maths AND English in school… just one doesn't cut it!

    • -1

      closer to 20% off, i rekon

  • My usual go to for ribs in the oven. Have it with some baos and a slaw.

  • +3

    I remember when these were $12kg. Most are real shiners too, have to search through the pile for anything meaty

  • +1

    I noticed BBQ ribs sold in supermarkets are usually very light on meat. If you want the meaty ones, go an Asian butcher and get ribs that are meant for boiling soup or braising. Those are about $20-$22/kg but way more meat for the buck. You can literally see an inch of meat on top of the bone.

    • Where is your go to butcher?

      • M & G Butchery Chatswood

  • +4

    I find aldi vacuumed meat like this very stinky, dont' know if it's the way it's stored at my local store, but i don't trust it anywhere inside a week of it's used by, always spells rotten.

    • +5

      This is all vacced meat. Rinse the meat with water and dry with paper towel and all good

    • +1

      I find the same. Aldi meat (steaks, ribs, whatever) is the stinkiest compared to Costco, Woolies or Coles.

    • +2

      Same issue here. I used to buy these regularly, but after a couple stunk out my kitchen (even after a rinse they smelt like sulfur) I haven't touched them since. Back to the local butcher for me.

    • +2

      Aldi stores are run with skeleton crew, I suspect it's just you local store that doesn't respect cold chain.

      Also had the same issue with one particular woolworths, rotten chicken on the shelf, still in date

  • Grind pepper and salt on both sides, put in a pressure cooker on edges with enough water to cover about 20% of the ribs, then make a basting sauce, put the ribs in the oven, toss and apply basting.

  • +4

    These aren't worth it IMO. After going with Costco ribs my last few cooks I'll never go back to the Aldi ribs. Roughly twice the price as the Aldi ribs but they have like three times the meat on them so end up being better value, plus it's a way better eating experience when you can tear a big hunk of meat off the bone rather than be nibbling the bones for what little meat there is like you are with the Aldi ribs. Even if you don't have a Costco membership, if you have a butcher around you that specialises in low and slow then buying the premium ribs off them is worth it. I've fed 6 people with 2 racks from Costco (plus sides), good luck doing that with these.

    • It is a very interesting fact that meaty ribs are usually much cheaper. You can consider that only the meat around the bones are expensive, with more meat in the package it brings down the average price per kg. It is true that if you take off the extra meat in meaty ribs and sell it seperately, people probably would not be willing to pay the rib price.

    • May I know how much per kg in Costco?

      • +2

        Just checked ~$22KG with a rack averaging $30. So they're about double the size with that extra being all meat.

  • +2

    Made these last night in the oven

    • drools

    • +1


      • I used this rub from Woolies…

        Cooked according to the packet.
        Marinated covered in the fridge for about 4 hours, then placed on a roasting tray slightly elevated, added 1 cup of boiling water and cooked uncovered in the oven for 2.5 hrs

        Final 20 mins applied two coats on each side of sweet baby rays and had them in the oven for the duration of cooking the frozen chips.

        I used to make my own rub and bbq sauce when I had a smoker, this method is about half as good but obviously a quarter of the effort.

    • Might need to double this deal with some Easy-Off Bam on Ozbargain

  • Aldi meat is not for me

    • +1


  • Got some in the slow cooker today. Don’t really have anything to compare it to but they’re meaty enough at the price you pay.

  • The meaty Costco ribs people refer to, are they baby back or spare?

    The Costco baby back are butchered to keep the little triangle strip of meat that you’d often see in a pork loin chop (maybe cut name is wrong, it’s circle of meat and a rib). One rack can be over 2kg, and gotta factor that into cook time.

    Most baby back ribs I’ve seen in aus are thin though :(

    Spare ribs being on side of animal don’t get that extra meat that baby back ribs could, and I thought spare ribs are often thin, depending on where on the rib cage it’s from.

    Can anyone clarify?

    • +1

      Costco have both but the spare ribs are larger and meatier. The spare ribs can be trimmed to a St Louis cut by removing the cartilaginous rib tips. Give the ribs to your guests and snack on the tips yourself!

      FYI the last spares I bought from Costco were 2.1 kg, which is significantly larger than most of the Aldi ones (which aren’t bad if you’re selective).

      • Ah I’ll have a look, normally get the back ribs which are always thicker, tho spare are longer rib, so flatter, will look closer next time, 2.1 kg is great, didn’t think spare got that big in Australia

        Thanks for the tip about st louis, never tried that. St Louis is strictly spare ribs too hey?

    • 'Pork loin/back ribs' are the ones I'm referring to. The triangle bit you're talking about is that the hunk of meat that sits on the end of the rack on the underside? I try to find racks that don't have that or as small as possible.

      • Nah the triangle I mean is cross section. You see it when you slice them. it runs the length of the ribs ( on the convex side of the rib )

      • can see it here in the loin chop pic. if i explained it right, you should be able to see what i mean :)…

        • Ah yeah I know what you mean now. Most do but you can usually pick a couple out without it. Not the best pic for it but here's the rack I did last week, I didn't trim anything off the top -

          • @Cheaplikethebird: Very nice! Making me want to do pork ribs now.

            What is your cook method? Got some tips or things u swear by?

            For example I love the trick where you push in between the bones to break the connection between meat and rib on the last cm or so. It’s how you get the meat to shrink away from the bone ends and leave little rib tips sticking out.

            Ideally u get something like this —

            • +1

              @yahms: I follow the steps in this video -

              You don't want to be doing 3-2-1 on Aussie ribs because even the Costco ones are a lot smaller than American ribs, we don't grow our pigs as big as them before slaughtering apparently. My cooks are usually about 1.5 smoke, 1-2 hours wrapped, then half hour to set the sauce.

              • @Cheaplikethebird: Do people do strictly 3hrs 2hrs 1hr for 3-2-1? I figured it was just a broad ratio that you adjust accordingly. In my UDS smoker the thicc boi baby backs take longer than 321 to get them right.

                My post from earlier today a bit lower down waxes lyrical about how I cook to colour, cook to tenderness, so I guess I’m forced to acknowledge that’s good video from heat beads there haha.

                Really tho, yeh, good link, good vid, good post. Id just add to people learning to still keep the idea of 321 in ur head as a general principle, and learn ur bbq :)

    • The spare ribs yes you have to trim both the rib tips and the flap meat on the back side. I feel like there's so much waste…

      As for the pork loin/baby back I find they dry out way too quickly for my liking.

      • Ah right, spares are nice tho, do you save the wasteage for other things?

        Yeh I’ve done these and they turned out dry a few times. For me at least it was coz I didn’t cook them long enough. Or too much exposed in smoke, not enough in wrap

        Normally do 3-2-1 method but because they’re big boys they take a bit longer for me. Even the smoke stage, I think I aim for 4ish hours at 225F , with no IR heat. Coz stage 1 is all about smoke, I try go on surface colour texture , looking for most of the ribs having the first bit of pink/red crystallisation almost translucent look of the meat surface but before the edges start to get ruined, looking cooked. Maybe that’s the initial bark formation? But good pink with yellow-orange on the fats I guess, and ideally some glistening fat on top to show me it’s not gone too far. Hard to explain, it’s largely guesswork, may have a photo tho? Lucky coz I only use S&P on first stage there’s no paprika or spices to hide the colour.

        wrap stage stretches too, I dunno maybe 2.5hr or 3?? Been 6 months + now, can’t remember what I did haha

        likewise baste goes way longer coz I like to get the bbq sauce candied up and keep heat low , luckily that stage once it’s wrapped in bbq sauce it’s somewhat protected

        I may be totally wrong tho haha, that’s the fun right? Compare stuff, learn stuff, change stuff

  • drown in soy sauce for anything from 20 minutes to 20+ hours and these are a family fav.

  • An awesome sauce here, despite it being a beef rib recipe. I had 1-2 tspns of a liquid smoke.…

  • Had these for dinner last night, dry rub slow cooked then sauced and BBQ'd. Found them excellent with a nice amount of meat. Just remember to remove the membrane from the back to get that fall off the bone taste.

    • Any pics??

      Do you use a paper towel to grip the membrane?

      • No pics. My son ate the leftovers for lunch.
        I would be keen to hear any tips on getting the membrane off. I am no good at it. Couldnt do it with a paper fowel so tried a knife and have a cut on my finger to prove it didnt work either.

        • Yeah id love to hear other peoples tips!

          I do butter knife between membrane and back of a rib to get it started, then use paper towel from there. shame paper towel didnt help, for me it makes all the difference.

          another tip ive heard is dont remove it, just score it into squares / diamonds with tip of a sharp knife. if ur doing lots of racks of ribs, its a time saver. probably quite small squares like 1-2cm? not sure there. Apparently a fair bit curls and falls off, what remains are bits that are small enough that it doesnt matter so much when ur eating. TBH i could be confusing a beef rib tip, but im sure i saw it on a pork rib video. works for both surely

      • Definitely go the paper towel. So much easier.

  • +1

    I love aldi, i love ribs, but i dont buy Aldi ribs. All bone and too thin. Considering the time tbat goes into prep you are much better off investing more $$$ into proper ribs.

  • +1

    Pigs are smarter than dogs.

  • These ribs are super poor quality. I'm not surprised they've had a price cut. I actually feel queasy thinking about the last time I gave them a go.

  • +1

    Good for the slow cooker. Terrible for the smoker.

    Find a good butcher or just buy Costco baby backs.

  • +3

    I'm hoping at some point Australians will turn their brains on and stop paying top dollar for what used to be waste cuts. Ribs in Australia are stripped to the bone, however there's very little meat on any rib, they are at least 50% bone and more like 80% with the bad ones. Ribs should be cheaper than mince! Mince is 100% edible.

    • It's ridiculous isn't it. I saw chicken wings the other day in Coles… they had a bold/proud 'marked down' label to $3.99… the usual price? $4.99! $5 per kg for wings that are at least half bone plus the useless tip… are they joking!? It wasn't long ago they were $1.99, and drumsticks were $2.49, because there's so little meat on them. But it's like with chicken thighs… all the banal cooking shows driving home "wings and thighs have more flavour"… and so the sheep all run to the supermarket baaaing with their tails wagging behind them like they're lining up for their next heart failure booster - and prices go to the moon.

      • Isn't that just the laws of demand and supply doing their fine work though?

        • It shouldn't be though, not with food. With cars, houses, phones, etc, sure. They're not needed for people just to exist. Apart from a few paraplegics, most of us can still walk, pitch a tent at a caravan park, and send a letter. The same can't be said about food.

          • @[Deactivated]: I think you need to focus your attention on dumpster divers instead. That’s where the true tragedy lies in your crusade my friend.

  • I don't understand why anyone buys ribs. They're not value. They're not a bargain.

    Here's a little experiment for you to try:

    After your meal, weigh the bones.

    If you purchased 2kg of meat, and you have 1kg of bones left over which are subsequently thrown away, then you've successfully paid $32/kg for your meal (not $16/kg)

    • +1

      Wait you don't eat the bones??

    • Don't show this guy the price of beef short ribs

      • Holy COW!!!

        I'm just thinking about the premium scotch fillet steak I could buy for that price.

    • It's crazy. $16/kg for 90% BONE! May as well get boneless pork leg roast for $8/$11 per kg (Coles/Woolworths).

  • -2

    Eat up boys before they start selling insects and giving us Co2 monitor trackers.

    • They're going to get a big shock when they do. Perverted parasites like Schwab and Gates think because most people lined up blindly and obediently for a clotshot, that behaviour will be repeated with crickets instead of cows. But as more people get hungry even their own safety becomes unimportant. i.e. People who are seething with anger watching their plans unfold (and watching the evil morons in government allow it) - do nothing about it YET because those same scum control the police/army/courts/gaols… But a growling stomach means no reason to restrain themselves any longer. Little Billy and his psychopathic circle jerk of friends will have no "safe space" to hide. They'll either have to shut up and disappear (meaning everything will return to normal without their sick influence), or they will continue in their arrogance and become hunted.

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