This was posted 2 years 4 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS4] Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle $19.23 @ PlayStation Store


Matching previous low according to DekuDeals.

Two of Platinum's finest games imo, decent price for the both of them.

Commemorate the 10th anniversary of PlatinumGames’ two most celebrated titles with the Bayonetta & Vanquish remastered dual-pack.

Experience the genesis of the Bayonetta series with the cult classic, original action-adventure game. Take advantage of Bayonetta’s arsenal of skills to hack, slash, and open fire upon hordes of celestial foes.

Play as DARPA agent Sam Gideon in the hit sci-fi shooter, Vanquish. Equipped with BLADE, the experimental weapon system that can scan and copy existing weapons, he must infiltrate conquered space colony Providence and defeat legions of future-tech enemies.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    off topic - does anyone know the recent video of Bayonetta voice actor saying she been low balled by the studio legit?

    • +9

      she got offered 4k for 20hrs work.

      • -7

        Seems good to me. If she doesn't want it I'm sure plenty of people would take it.

        A whole lotta crap about nothing.

    • +8

      Apparently voice actors came out and said $4000 was standard union rate. It probably wasn't about money because they hired Jennifer Hale and paid her more than Helena. My guess is they wanted to get rid of her and gave her an initial low ball to do it because in Japan they don't fire you directly. They expect you to read the room and leave when they want to "fire" you.

      TBH I'm not boycotting because I don't think punishing the rest of Bayonetta's dev team, voice actors and actresses is fair either. It sucks Helena is not in it but voice actor changes literally happen all the time in gaming. Where was the boycotts over David Hayter getting the boot in MGSV? I care less about industry politics than I do about supporting talented game developers. Sure some project leads and directors are dicks but the same goes for movies and music industry. And sometimes they produce some of the best shit out there.

      • +3

        That's my thoughts too. The internet overacted in this matter.

        I don't know how much a VA should get pay, but IMO 4k for a multi-million franchise is really not respecting her talent…

        I guess you are right about the JP workplace culture but they really could have done better.

      • +1

        Is it fair that team members get %.000000000000000000000000001 of the profits though, while the studio pockets the rest?

        • -1

          Damn straight.

          As Bayonetta is the best-selling franchise in the entire multiverse, PlatinumGames should pay Helena billions, out of their profits of morbillions of dollars!

        • Wanna back up that '%.000000000000000000000000001' figure?

          'In a report issued by Bloomberg, an anonymous source that claims to be “familiar with” the contract negotiations alleged that the developer attempted to hire Taylor for “at least five” four-hour sessions, with each session paying approximately $3,000 to $4,000 USD ($4,700 to $6,300 AUD). The anonymous source also claims that Hellena sought a six-figure sum and residuals.'


          Bayonetta doesn't make huge money, that's why Nintendo 'saved' it.

      • Where was the boycotts over David Hayter getting the boot in MGSV?

        Were there not? It's probably the biggest voice acting scandal in the industry.

      • +1

        It's pretty blatant (given how she accused Jennifer of being a traitor and "not the real Bayonetta") that Platinum had always intended to replace Hellena, but were maybe still willing to pay her a smaller amount to appear in a lesser role, which would still make sense in-universe given the multi-verse setting of Bayonetta 3.

        Even on the face of it, people should know better and realise it's not about the money, when the person being brought in as replacement would cost astronomically more than the person being replaced.

    • +5

      yeah they wanted to replace her and she’s salty about it, who cares?

      She didnt create the character she claims she did, Platinum Games did

      • +4

        Her voice did bring some depth to the gaming experience tho, can't denied that.

        • +2

          Yeah agreed, Platinum "own" the character, but her voice brought about so much charisma to it.

          The new voice sounds pretty similar though.

        • on one of her videos she tried to claim she made it and discredited the one who replaced her thats not a good look on her at all

        • It's a voice. Anyone could have read the script. She's not the second coming.

  • +11

    I wouldn't pay a cent over $4k

    • wrong community to be suggesting paying someone extra eh hahaha

  • -5

    Can I just buy vanquish? cos I am boycotting bayonetta.

    • -1

      You are supposed to boycott the last one only, doh.

  • -2

    anyone boycotting bayonetta?

  • +1

    If anyone boycotts bayonetta because of helena you are in turn boycotting the thousands of workers who have worked hard to make this game because of one person.
    I hope no one boycotts it because she is essentially bringing everyone down with her

    • +7

      Thats… how a boycott works. How many people work for Nestle that are genuinely just making a wage and not part of the evil, or the Disney animators, or Oil workers. The list goes on. There are good people that work for every company, even if the company itself is evil and has people boycotting.

      The point of a boycott is to tell management that their practices are not going to sell. And enough people do it, then they have no choice but to make the changes

      • If the company folds and then cant make a profit, those hard working people who are making a living will also be jobless. Im sure many of them work harder for less pay than helena

      • The point of a boycott is to tell management that their practices are not going to sell.

        But how would they know that the game didn't sell well because of boycott and not because the game is just bad or had poor marketing, for example?

      • +2

        So what message are you sending to PlatinumGames' management, when people are boycotting their game for offering to pay her $1,000 per hour, which Bloomberg and VGC have independently reported?

    • +5

      People will still try to boycott, even though she would've gotten $4k for roughly 16 hours work going by how much work she did for Bayonetta 1 & 2.

      Not a figure to sneeze at at all. Plus going by her IMDB page she hasn't had a role in anything since Smash Bros Wii U, so I doubt VA work is her main source of income by any stretch.

    • -1

      Except of course the thousands (?) of workers have already been paid for their work and aren't missing out on the profits from sales the boycotts affect.

      The people who are affected by the boycott are the management (who are the ones making the hiring and staffing decisions in the first place).

      It's an effective mechanism. I don't take a side on whether it's warranted, but it's not correct to say it's going to hurt her fellow workers. (Except for "but what if the boycott is SO effective the studio goes bankrupt and they ALL lose their jobs", which is just slippery slope nonsense).

      • Long term it affects a lot more. I think you are missing the bigger picture here.
        This game production may have been paid but the next project may not, as each profit leads into the next game development budget. Its a very narrow sighted comment to make saying it wont affect other workers

        • -1

          And what if one of those workers then loses their job and then goes home and commits suicide??? Then she would have MURDERED that person!!!!

          It's fine to not understand what a boycott actually is (as you are demonstrating) but that doesn't mean your theories are suitable to apply to the world.

          Boycotts are attack of owner/management wealth, not worker wealth.
          Saying it hurts workers because management might not be able to (repeat their previous behaviour which the boycott is trying to punish) and do the same sheanningans on the next project is slippery slope nonsense.

          • @Crow K: What makes you think i dont understand what a boycott is. My response has always been that the ramifications of these boycotts will affect the people who work for the company as well. As i said before your comments are very shallow and narrow sighted. There is a far bigger circle of effect than just management but you can go on doing whatever the heck you want. To say it wont affect jobs etc is just ridiculous.

            • +1

              @maverickjohn: A fair question, I suppose.

              Saying phrases like "boycotting the thousands of workers" in your post was my main indicator of the fact you don't know what the word actually means.

              So, yeah, the fact that you used the word incorrectly was probably the first red flag. Bit of a big one, too, if we're being honest.

              Then also when during the discussion of the effect of the boycott you entirely misunderstood which group of participants the boycott punishes. And then seemed more interested in discussing how the boycott could hurt the workers on the next project means it's not a suitable course of action to undertake against management now. If you want to simp for your vidya, that's fine, but don't act like you're concerned for worker welfare.

              So yeah, if you want to enjoy your game with the pretty lady with the pew pew high heels, be my guest (but stay out of the economic discussions if you're not going to do the Business 101 tutorial level).

              • -1

                @Crow K: I dont even play this game so your comment towards me is useless.
                This has more to do with the principle and again its influence on the workforce. You keep going back to its intention of hurting management. And once again disregard the rest of the workforce.
                If she has a gripe to have with ceo or recruitment she could take this legally. But no she wants people to boycott the purchase of a game which no longer makes it a situation between her and the employer, hence why i made the initial comment of her bringing down the rest of the workforce. Im not sure why you are being so ignorant of the facts that if this affects profits. The profits affect employment. You can't hire staff if there is no money to hire. So boycotting is a stupid thing to do because one person who wasnt happy with her offer, says to do it.
                Its the most ridiculous thing for people to do. But each to their own if thats what they want to do then so be it.

                • @maverickjohn: "If she has a gripe to have with ceo or recruitment she could take this legally. "

                  Yeah. Also, another course of action is she could tell everyone else about it and say a more effective path would be to boycott their product (if you agree with her stance).

                  I don't know why you're so frightened of her putting forward that view. Is it how dare she say such a thing or how dare anyone agree with that?

                  Each to their own, as long as they don't choose to do that?

                  • @Crow K: Its more along the lines of i dont think she realises the potential impact of her request.
                    If it solely affected the person who was responsible then i wouldnt have a problem

                    • @maverickjohn: Well, that would be the perfect solution. We can't do that though, and so we are stuck with this.
                      People will decide for themselves how they want to treat the product. We're not her slaves. I'm sure many will choose to buy the game and enjoy it (which is fine).

                • -1


                  …if this affects profits. The profits affect employment. You can't hire staff if there is no money to hire.

                  Shut down OzBargain! According to this economics wiz, we should all buy everything at full price to ensure corporations maximise profits, so shareholders can pocket more money (can't say that!) um… they can stop underpaying workers nah… they can keep making more widgets for us to buy! Bring on the rampant consumerism!

      • -1

        hard to say tho. Most game dev don't make fixed salary, they get a cut from the sales.

        • Hahaha yeah, on a game that takes 3-5 years to land, most of the staff aren't getting paid during that period at all, living off ramen, giving IOU's to their landlord, wearing a wooden barrel instead of clothing.

          Thousands of workers, doing that. Sure.

          The platform coders who worked on Mario made 100 times what the platform coders who worked on [another Nintendo platformer released in the same year]. And so on.

          Of course that's not how it is at all.
          1. Moneymen/management put in a ton of capital, from which workers get paid to make the product.
          2. Then the product is sold, and the resulting proceeds go to the moneymen/management.

          Workers already got paid at step 1. A boycott is an attack of the profitability of management.

  • +8

    I feel some people just like to use the word boycott, feeling good to by doing nothing. I'm not buying that, I'm a good person, Tick.
    Excellent games by the way.

    • +6

      thats what happens when twitter geniuses comment on Ozbargain

  • +4

    Vanquish is such an amazing game. Went under the radar when it was released.

  • I'd just like to share that I've been actively boycotting Vanquish my entire life. Never once have I played it or bought it.

    There are no moral ethics behind this boycott and some may argue that I have no reason to do so, but I shall remain firm on my position.

    • Nonsensical conviction, the best kind.

      • Thanks. Not enough time to play Vanquish. Especially with Bayonetta 3 coming out soon

  • +1

    Vanquish, challenge 6, pain. Who else did it though?

  • Given the choice/option, do (or would) these run better on series X rather than ps5?

    • +2

      They'd be much of a muchness. They ran at 1080p/60fps on base PS4/xbone, and 4k/60fps on the pro/One X.

      Either next gen console would be completely fine for it.

  • I bought this physical because the steelbook was gorgeous. But tempted to buy it again digital for convenience.

    Less handling of the case. Will make it last longer. That's the lie I'm telling myself anyway

  • +1


    All you people getting fake outrage on half a story….. boycot lmao…

    'In a report issued by Bloomberg, an anonymous source that claims to be “familiar with” the contract negotiations alleged that the developer attempted to hire Taylor for “at least five” four-hour sessions, with each session paying approximately $3,000 to $4,000 USD ($4,700 to $6,300 AUD). The anonymous source also claims that Hellena sought a six-figure sum and residuals.'

    • +1

      Even better is the latest news.

      Since she couldn't keep her mouth shut and stay the hell off social media, she tried to spin some damage control… And failed rather spectacularly.

      Not only did she end up admitting that she was offered at least $15,000 for the lead role, AND that the $4,000 (that she originally claimed was for the entire thing) was merely for a few lines in a cameo role, she also unintentionally gave credence to the six figure sum demand claim by specifically denying $250,000 as fiction.

      Nobody was using $250,000 as an example (virtually everyone on the internet was using $100,000 as their example), but out of nowhere she suddenly mentions that specific figure? Way to let something slip.

      • +2

        Yeah I had a huge laugh with Spawn Wave channel on YouTube hearing her further humiliate herself.

        So much for all the posters above getting all high and mighty without hearing the facts.

        Pretending the franchise was worth almost half a billion… So she should be entitled to a fair share of that, that's the best part.

        • +1

          I always thought she was a hotrible human being and now it comes to light. Couldnt agree with you more. The high and mighty fools of this place supporting this nasty person.

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