• expired

HECS Waiver on Selected Undergrad & Post Grad Certificates, Diplomas (Up to 4 Course Units) @ UTAS


This deal: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/675872 - is back for 2023. The comments section on that thread are full of good information.

These are the courses you can do:

Diploma of Dementia Care
Diploma of Sustainable Living
Undergraduate Certificate in Sustainable Living
Undergraduate Certificate in Data and Environmental Management
Undergraduate Certificate in Antarctic and Climate Science
Graduate Certificate in Tourism, Environmental and Cultural Heritage

Generally speaking you get 4 subjects fee free (4 subjects = certificate). Accordingly if you do a diploma (8 subjects = diploma) you need to pay for subjects 5-8.

Long story short - it's fee free (to you) if you are entitled to a commonwealth supported place (ie the uni still bills the government for ~50% of what the total fee would ordinarily be - and then waives the other 50% which you would ordinarily have to pay (or put on HECS) if they weren't offering a fee waiver)). If you aren't eligible for a commonwealth supported place you are toast. As a rule of thumb as long as you are an Australian or NZ citizen, live in Australia and haven't had more than 7 years of commonwealth supported study you will probably be eligible for a commonwealth supported place (but check the criteria yourself).

If you pick your subjects carefully you can do it all online. Some courses have optional online tutorials (various times - including outside work hours) - I turned up to one this semester and it was a complete waste of time so haven't bothered again. I've just submitted my final assignments for 2 subjects in the certificate of sustainable living (which I signed up to as a result of the 2022 post and comments). I'm enrolled for 2 more subjects to finish off the certificate starting tomorrow. I was planning on 'upgrading' to the diploma for 2023 (and paying for subjects 5-8) … but now that this deal is back I'll probably just enroll in the Antarctic and Climate Science certificate instead.

There is some really great info in the comments to the 2022 deal thread which you should read if you are interested.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Have just the other day submitted my last assignment in diploma of dementia care. The 2 neuro subjects were a bit harder but other than that, pretty easy going for most of the course. Had a few times where i needed extensions due to being ill, family issues etc, and they were always very understanding. If it interests you at all, I definitely recommend giving it a go.

    • +1

      Is the diploma in dementia eligible for the hecs waiver ? Isn’t only the first four units covered and if you want the actual diploma you need to pay for the rest ?

      Was there any oral presentations, or complex projects involved in the course?

  • +2

    I have just completed the Undergraduate Certificate in Sustainable Living, may come back next year to finish the other 4 units for the diploma.

    The course is easy enough and 10 hours per week per unit should be more than enough. Mostly there are online content, video to watch, tutorials to watch (if you never attend them), and assigments and little quizzes to do.

    The content is interesting and i did enjoy my units.

    But it does require time (and i am time poor).

    There will be a bunch of ozbargainers on the same units as you, so be nice.

  • Undergraduate Certificate in Antarctic and Climate Science

    Interesting course. I wonder what the job prospects are like.

  • +1

    About to finish my last subject for the Dip. Sust. Some of it was a slog, but so was some of my bach degree and I got a big debt for that so who am I to argue about free learning? If you have an interest in the subjects, either personal or professional, this can be really useful.

    • Agreed. I think most of my units were okay. Sustainability, Communicating Sustainability were both okay.
      Backyard Diversity was the most fun.
      Design ror Sustainable House made me think about the house i hope to build one day.

      So i think overall it was good.

      • I'm enrolled in backyard biodiversity which starts today. Glad to hear it was fun. The assessments look doable without taking a really long time to do. Was that your expedience?

        The essays for communicating sustainably were deceptively time consuming.

        • Backyard Biodiversity is great and easy assignments. Very peaceful too.
          Assignment 1 - count animals on your backyard, will take the longest, but it is nice to sit outside and watch nature.
          Other assignments may take 1 hour tops (providing you read the material).
          And a bunch of quizzes that will require you to watch videos.

          • @Cookiescream: Thanks - that's really useful intel. I'll stay enrolled.

      • Backyard bio is indeed very easy but definitely helped me consider different things to do with my yard.
        Some subjects certainly are more time consuming, these are generally the ones that start with a 1 in the course code rather than 0 as these are meant for degree students. Energy is one of these, so is humans: earth shapers and while both require more time, they are definitely worth doing if interested.

  • +2

    I enrolled in the Undergraduate Certificate in Applied Design when it’s was free at the beginning of the year. I unenrolled after the first Zoom meeting. Course was a mess. Content being presented was poor quality. Everything was all over the place. Seems like these courses are flying under the radar as a tick and flick while bringing in dollars for UTAS.

  • Which post graduate units are free?

  • I am 50% of the way through a Grad Cert with CSU which is eligible for Commonwealth Supported Place however I've been having to pay ~$1000/subject in fees.. I guess this is post references an extra discount in addition to the Commonwealth Supported Place?

    • +2

      If you think of it like this:

      There are full fees for domestic students
      Then there's a CSP - which is in aggregate less than full fees … and from your perspective you pay a lot less because you only pay ~50% (which you can HECS) and the government pays the other 50%.
      Then there's this - where it's like a CSP but rather than you pay 50% and the government pays 50%, UTAS is giving you a discount on your 50% (to 0%). So you pay nothing directly (although the Commonwealth 50% is indirectly paid for by you through your taxes).

  • I completed the diploma in Sustainable living through UTAS at the end of 2021. For me all 8 units were free and the content for the most part was really good. Some units require a lot of time per week. I found that I could for the most parts do 2 units per semester but even them some took up a lot more time than others ( eg sustainable literacy which is a core unit )

    • You reckon are we able to finish 4 units in a semester given working fulltime?

      • +1

        If you don't have kids and can apply yourself it's doable. Will be hard for a couple of weeks at the end, but other than that fine as long as you don't fall behind.

        • +1

          Thanks. I enjoy studying and cant keep myself from it even 10 years after uni ;)

          • +1

            @Dealor: It might be a bit challenging if all 4 are on the boil at once.
            Your best bet is to try and stagger them a bit - whilst a number of the subjects are taught during the traditional 'core' semester times (Semester 1 and Semester 2), a number of them are taught at different times. Look for subjects with teaching times containing names of seasons or 'early' or 'late' in them. This will mean that you will still get the course done in 7 or 8 months and don't have 4 subjects on the boil at once.
            My experience with the online courses is that the start date on the website is when the online learning portal opens - but the first week or two is just admin and introduction and there's no substantive work to do (even if you wanted to).

      • At one point 3 of mine overlaped and I found hard. If you want to do 4 units will be no different than full time uni.

        I work full time and play a lot of sports, and I found myself doing assignments or readings on every free time, which took the "fun" out of it.

        i am also one of those people who like to keep learning

  • +1

    Thanks for the heads up, I'll have another crack at these again for sure. Just finished the undergradute in applied technology form the last round.

    Keep racking them up.

    • Keep the learning spirit up OzStudy @ UTAS

      • +1

        For sure :) They are proper OzBargain priced courses. Usually retail at ~$10k

        I just applied for the Data and Environmental Management cert. Gonna grab some of that action for sure.

        • +1

          Cool. I plan to take this course too, good job classmate :D

          • +1

            @Dealor: Start with this page. Take the leap. Buy now, think later… :D


            • @illogicalerror: Yep. I just checked and it seems like we might not be able to finish all 4 courses in Semester 1. The KIT102 Introduction to Data Science that looks interesting is offered in Semester 2 only.

            • +1

              @illogicalerror: Thanks. Bought now regret later :)
              I chose both Launceton and Hobart locations. Hopefully 100% online is going to be OK.

        • I was interested in that too but didn't see an online only option. Did you look into that at all?

          • +1

            @dajackal: You just look at each subjects in that course and there is an online study option. Or you can just contact course coordinator to confirm :)

            • @Dealor: Were you able to enrol into the online option for KIT102 - Introduction to Data Science? There's no online option for me :(

          • +1

            @dajackal: Online semester 2 only

            • @illogicalerror: So 2 subjects in semester 1 and 2 in semester 2 or you mean all 4 in semester 2?

              • +1

                @Dealor: KIT102 is compulsory as the other ICT choice is on campus only, and it is only available in semester 2.

                You could do 3 and then 1 over the year, or 2 and then 2… which is what I'll be doing.

        • I picked this one too.
          I couldn't see 'online' in the course location so I picked Launceton/Hobart locations, is this right?
          Is there a different way I was meant to do for online only study?

          • @jaysiddy: That's right. You may get different lectures between the campuses, presented online.
            The whole sign up may seem really intimidating, but don't be scared to just call them on the phone and ask. They are really helpful. I called a bunch of times last time I studied with them. Mostly it was me just stressing over nothing as they make everything as easy as possible.

  • Also, has anyone done the Antarctic and Climate Science certificate? I am curious about that.

    Introduction to Science of Climate change is a unit that overlaps 3 certificates (sustainable Living, Anatartic Studies and Data and Environmental management).

  • Hi, UTS confirmed that the fee waiver no longer applies to the Graduate Certificate in Tourism, Environmental and Cultural Heritage emailing me:

    "Although the fee waiver was in place for this year; unfortunately, it is not available for next year. Please also be noted that our next intake is not until the second semester next year."

  • Is the edu email lifetime? And will it be revoked if I fail to finish all courses?

    • +1

      If you fail to finish you have to pay for the course. They're about $9-10k.

      • Would this apply if you only finished 2/4 courses?

    • +1

      If you withdraw before the census date you won’t have to pay.

  • +1

    I got an offer this morning to start next year Feb 20 for Undergraduate Certificate in Data and Environmental Management.


    • Congrats!

      I have this one on my application: You will be competing with other applicants for an offer.

      Not sure what that means…

      • Which qualification?

        • Undergraduate Certificate in Data and Environmental Management

      • It means you have applied but have not been offered the place yet.

        They take everyone with these online things though, if you pass the sanity test that is.

        • sanity test

          Well that's me out

      • +1

        Yay, I got offer. Let’s do it gang

        • Got mine this morning for both Hobart and Launceston! Which one did you choose?

        • Were you able to enrol into the online option for KIT102 - Introduction to Data Science? There's no online option for me :(

          • @dajackal: There is no option for me as well, it's weird…

    • Got an offer this morning for both Hobart and Launceston! Which one did you choose?

      • Yay, congrats. :)

        I'm doing it online so campus doesn't matter. I did a different online cert with them that finished this year, we had a mixture of lecturers from both campuses.

        • Were you able to enrol into the online option for KIT102 - Introduction to Data Science?

          • @dajackal: Seems like no option for that KIT102 to study online. It's weird that it shows only option in the course but not when you actually enrol

            • @Dealor: It did say "Students need to get permission from the unit coordinator to enrol in the online offering". I'll try giving them a call

              • @dajackal: Oh really. I didnt see that. Will check again. I did send an email and they replied: We’re just letting you know that we are working through the details of your enquiry and we will be back in touch with you as soon as possible.

                • @Dealor: I sent them an email and they fixed up the enrolment for me. All good now :)

                  • @dajackal: Yay, I also received email from they saying they have enrolled me for the course. Spot on!! Let's the journey begin

      • Yep, offer came in at 4AM. A bit surprise that uni staff start that early

        • yea i got my offer at 4am this morning. online. so i'm happy.

          • @lansi23: Were you able to enrol into the online option for KIT102 - Introduction to Data Science? There's no online option for me :(

          • @dajackal: Only if online is available. Not every course has an online options.

          • @dajackal: I could not see any course yet, will try again tonight. Maybe send an email to the admin to sort that out? I think there should not be any limited places for online

  • Can people with a PR get fees waived?

    • Are you eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place? If no, then no.

  • Do you still need to pay the student contribution fee or any other fees? Or completely free?

    • So far no fees whatsoever for me, get student card without a cent

    • I didn't pay a cent the last time I did one of these certs with UTAS.

    • yeah I have outstanding fee of $48.90 per each unit. Not sure if it will be waived before the census date.

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